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Topics - Cassiebsg

The long August longing

Story and Graphics:    Gertrud Bondesson
Scripting:            Sandra T. Almeida
Beta testing:          Nahuel Peillat

After a little century, our hero wakes up and hopes to see her friends soon. But first she needs to send the invitation out and make sure her servant has the castle tip top.

Very short game created for MAGS August 2023 with the theme "Distance/Separation".

Game res.: 1024x640 (16:10)
AGS version:
Playtime: 5 to 10 minutes

Game page entry:
Direct download link:
Hi all.

I could use 1 or 2 persons, that have like 5-10 minutes to play test our current MAGS entry for this month. It's a short game so I don't expect it to take too long to be tested.
And if you can spellcheck it that would be "cherry on top". :) There's not much dialog either, but it's bound to be full of typos and grammar mistakes. I can provide a translation file if you like.

Just PM me, if you can do this. Thanks

Thanks :)
I've noticed that the popup window that used to show up and tell me I had a new PM, no longer shows up. I have checked the profile, and the option is checked. And I have (both http and https) allowed in Firefox popup settings.

Is it being sent from another domain?
Is it a java script from a  domain I have blocked?
Is it broken?
Something else (like my browser)?
If this turns out to be an advanced question, please move it to the appropriate forum.

Is there anyway to play a video inside AGS as non-blocking?

Reason I ask, is because I need to have a video playing with muted audio, so I can use the game's music (can be changed by the player at anytime!).

I want the video running in the background non-blocking, so that I can add characters/narrator speech+text talking on the foreground. You could say "add it to the video", but again, the player can change the music at will in game, and I want the music to change, so sound in video needs to play muted.

I could import the frames into the project... but the intro video has currently 900 frames, and I have at least 2 more in mind. I'm afraid that it might become too heavy?
Another way would be to render the sprites and create the animations with views and the Tween module, which is probably what I'll end up doing if the non-blocking video doesn't work.

@CW or other code wizards: Assuming the video can't be played non-blocking atm, would it be possible/easy to make it possible to add "eNoBlock" to the video play options? Just wondering. (roll)

EDIT: I just found out this can be done using the AGS Theora Plugin. :-D

EDIT 2: SOLVED: Post #2 on this thread
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