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Messages - Cassiebsg

Finished playing. :)

The Distant Door (by Durinde)
Nice little game, and with voice acting as sherry on top. :) Plus check on having 2 endings!
Strong story, and ending 1 just felt so wrong, that even when I replayed it to get ending 1, I wished I could have changed my mind half way through the task.

Maybe if you decided to release a polished version, you can allow the player to exit the building and go to to the Hospital anyway, even though she said she couldn't? On that note, one could also blow Matt and leave the package by the door and end up on ending 1 (or ending 3 - you've been a total douchbag by saying yes and then not doing it).

One thing that annoyed me was the displays. Maybe next time consider using CW's TypedText module, and get the narrator's text on the lower black end of the screen. :) I think it would fit the game. ;)

Great job anyway!
Yes, I meant bottom-center, not middle-center. Otherwise all that I wrote afterwards makes no sense... ;D
Post edited above.

As for how to change the sprite, you can right-click the sprite in question and choose edit sprite. This will open the sprite on your chosen image editor (you need to set it up in the AGS editor settings), cut the top, and close the image editor. Repeat for any other sprite you may need to do this.
Alternatively you can export the sprites to a folder, and then edit them from there, and reimport after they're nicely cut. It's also possible yo cut them at import (never used this feature myself). There's an auto-cut empty areas of the sprite as well, but I think that one will cut all empty around the sprite, which may screw bottom and center position (probably only good for non-animating sprites).
You can use pre-made art. Don't let art stop you, if that is the only hurdle. :)
Uhm. I really like the topic. And I'm still itching to make a game. But to be fair, I really have no time this month... :/
But there's like a million ideas running through my mind, and no talk solves the biggest problem when I make a game... so... put me in for a maybe... but no likely.
Just a side note, cutting the top of a sprite won't affect your character at all, as characters are always calculated and positioned according to the center middle bottom-center of the sprite. Meaning the character won't jump "all over the place", as long as you don't cut any of the bottom, you can even reduce the sides, but then remember to cut equal amounts of each side, so that the center remains exactly the same.

And if you worried, just keep a backup of the original sprites, and if something does go wrong, just reload the old sprites.
Seems the easiest way to solve your problem, or just use a dummy. I like keeping things simple. :) Then again, you can view it as: learning new coding skills.

Edit: See bellow.
The long August longing

Story and Graphics:    Gertrud Bondesson
Scripting:            Sandra T. Almeida
Beta testing:          Nahuel Peillat

After a little century, our hero wakes up and hopes to see her friends soon. But first she needs to send the invitation out and make sure her servant has the castle tip top.

Very short game created for MAGS August 2023 with the theme "Distance/Separation".

Game res.: 1024x640 (16:10)
AGS version:
Playtime: 5 to 10 minutes

Game page entry:
Direct download link:
Happy to hear that you could forgive my 53 second posting delay. I shouldn't have typed the last line.  (laugh)
Uhm, I just posted my game twice. :( Anyone can block/delete the latest entry?

The reason I did, was that after posting I got this error msg:
QuoteThe file (/var/www/ is not writable.

Game added! Redirecting in three seconds.

And then I reloaded the page...which resulted in a posting double.

Now that I´m here, how do I find the forum thread number? The url doesn't show it anymore.
The long August longing

Story and Graphics:    Gertrud Bondesson
Scripting:            Sandra T. Almeida
Beta testing:          Nahuel Peillat

After a little century, our hero wakes up and hopes to see her friends soon. But first she needs to send the invitation out and make sure her servant has the castle tip top.

Very short game created for MAGS August 2023 with the theme "Distance/Separation".

Game res.: 1024x640 (16:10)
AGS version:

Game page entry:
Direct download link:

Edit: Updated. :)
I'll update this post in a while, I need to create the screenshots, type a description and create an entry on the games page.
@Snarky, have you tried using the rubber chicken on the lockbox?
Yes, specially if they're on your nose.  (laugh)
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Wed 30/08/2023 19:17:32
Just go there early, like 7AM then you don't need to walk in the midday sun...  (laugh)
First thing to think of is: How many verbs do you need?

Walk - unless it's Sierra Template, you don't need a verb for this one. Just clicking anywhere on the screen will make you character walk there (if the spot isn't a character, object or hotspot).

Then you have Look and 2 hands. Do the 2 hands  do anything different? Meaning, if I try to punch or write with the left hand, my action will fail, but if I use the right one it'll succeed? If they do the same, then you really only have 2 verbs, and I would recommend using the BASS template. Otherwise, you do need a more complex UI, to accommodate the extra verb. Remember that the more verbs the more complex it'll be to code it, so don't them just for the sake of it, but because you need them. :)

Can't talk about the Thimbleweed Park, as I've never used it, and seems rather complex (to me) way of setting up the actions...

If you want something simple to start your first game, then try the single click or the BASS template (2 mouse buttons), they rather easy to figure out. If you really need more verbs, then the Verbcoin, Sierra, Lucas Arts or Tumbleweed templates are the ones you should start with.
LOL :)
I see that 2 people liked my last post... hope it's because they liked that the game is progressing, and not that I "almost died"... :D

Anyway, looking for a beta tester or 2 (and spellchecker would be great too). Game is now playable but it's short, and it "only" has one minor crash inconvenience at the end of the credits... I'll see if I can fix it when I get home.

I posted about needing help here:

Just PM if you can/wish to help out. :)
Hi all.

I could use 1 or 2 persons, that have like 5-10 minutes to play test our current MAGS entry for this month. It's a short game so I don't expect it to take too long to be tested.
And if you can spellcheck it that would be "cherry on top". :) There's not much dialog either, but it's bound to be full of typos and grammar mistakes. I can provide a translation file if you like.

Just PM me, if you can do this. Thanks

Thanks :)
We started it... atm you have one puzzle (that consists in pick up 1 item...) very very challenging... :D

PS - And I was cutting the grass and think I aspired inhaled a tiny bit of grass when I empty the machine... Now it's stuck in my esophagus... :(
General Discussion / Re: RIP Slasher
Mon 21/08/2023 21:28:14
Maybe worth asking the son about it?
I've noticed that the popup window that used to show up and tell me I had a new PM, no longer shows up. I have checked the profile, and the option is checked. And I have (both http and https) allowed in Firefox popup settings.

Is it being sent from another domain?
Is it a java script from a  domain I have blocked?
Is it broken?
Something else (like my browser)?
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Sun 20/08/2023 14:26:17
There's noise to the pics? :O
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Sat 19/08/2023 01:28:29
I always have the same doubts, except I rarely fail these... I think.
I just go with "if I can identify it as X, then click on it!" even if it's like just a few pixels on that square.
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