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Messages - Cassiebsg


Yes, I did solved it. :)
I ended up using the Direct3D plugin by AJA:

The Theora plugin has a bug with flipped frames, which is why I dropped it.

There's also this more recent plugin by CW that is based on the Direct3D plugin:

Read documentation for both before you decide on one... or try both. :)
General Discussion / Re: RIP Slasher
Mon 14/08/2023 20:24:34
We colab in a few games where I did graphics for his game... but boy did he annoyed me sometimes by requesting hard to do BGs (making me do more work on a BG that I couldn't see how it would possible look better) and then end up using a grab from an online reference pic in game.... or using an unfinished BG when I specifically told him I wasn't finished, and just wanted some feedback to improve it... or picking a sprite and distorting it to fit his "size" (instead of asking me to rendered it again at a bigger size)... but I'll still miss him and his horde of games.

And I'll start by nominating Deadly consequences to the "10 slasher favorite pack". :) Was the first game I played of his and I really enjoyed and it's puzzles.

Cheers, and continue game making in the great beyond! :)


Keep making games in the after life, Les. We all will want to play them once we get there.
AGS Games in Production / Re: Zid Journey
Wed 09/08/2023 16:09:22
Those are lovely!  ;-D
Thanks for the update.
Looking great.  (nod)
Good luck with production. Any date for release in mind yet? Or too soon to thing about it? :)
Wish i could motivate my son to brainstorm, but he likes the "I don't know." approach.  :(
Blondbraid, if you have an idea I wouldn't mind.  (nod)
Ii still haven't come up with anything, but I'm itching to do something.
To use it without a wait(1), I would just create an int (in Global Variables), and then add to the int, once the "timer" (int) reaches the amount you decide, you change the transparency, reset the int, and start counting again, until the next transparency is reached.

Basically, you create a manual timer.
Not sure if you could use a while loop, or need to put the code in rep_exe_always... Try the while first and see if it works.  ;)

Keep in mind: 1 second = 40 FPS (it's the default of AGS, if you haven't change it).
Forget about the built in fade in and fade out. Write your own, using a GUI, it's easy and it'll solve all your problems. That means you set in the setting the effect to instant, and instead you just turn on the GUI, fade (change transparency from 0% to 100%) the GUI to black, change room instantly, and then fade to normal to the new room. This will keep your cursor behaving normally.

And then instead of using FadeIn() and FadeOut(), you just use MyFadeIn() and MyFadeOut(). (and you can just use a find & replace in script. ;)

And of course, you need to set the wait cursor to the same sprite you normally use (or a special one you might want).
Seems like you solved it yourself :)
But to answer your original question, as far as I know, you can't show the cursor during the built in fade out and fade in.

The solution is of course to code your own fade effect, like you did (GUI or Room, and set fade to instant).
Interesting topic. I'll see if I can get a decent idea for a short game, while I'm still on vacation.

I thought you guys were joking.... just realized it´s both!  8-0 (plus face palm)
Have we had a forum update?
The shortcut to "All Unread Topics" that was along the top aligned with "Unread Posts - Updated Topics" seems to be missing. :(

Also, I seem to find the forum is very slow loading.
I call it "You find it as soon as you give up looking for it (because you no longer need it)." moment. Happens way too often here as well.

I have this special plate for making cake that my parents brought me from Portugal... and for the likes of me, I can't find it anywhere! I know it's somewhere in the house though. I took it once out of the cupboard where it was, cause it was too messy in there, and I was afraid it would break. I found the perfect safe & soft place to put it, where I thought "no way it can break in here"... and now I can't find it. :/ And I feel like I searched "everywhere"...
If you can play the game thru the editor, then AGS is building the game (it just deletes the files again once you done play testing).

Try copying those files to a new folder, and see if you can then play it from that folder.

Oh, I haven't missed it.
Been so long that I thought it had been held already. :/

Be it my luck, but I'll miss it, or be late to it, since I have a party to attend that day.
What Khris said. :)

But since you say it was working before, then it's likely that you added/changed some code that is forcing the sliders back to "default". Check the code where the change is applied, rep_exe_always, ClaimEvent, etc. New modules you might have added as well.

Of course, easier if you can share the game code with Khris.
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Mon 03/04/2023 20:13:44
I've dropped orange juice a long time ago, they all (or most of anyway) taste undrinkable. Buy some oranges and make your own juice, best juice is the freshly squeezed one. ;)
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Wed 22/03/2023 21:35:23
When an insurance company takes you car as hostage by insuring it when you already told them 3 times you don't want your insurance with them and have already signed up and payed another company... 2 months ago! And then it takes 5 weeks of you being the ping-pong ball, while the two companies bat at you from one side to the other... :/ And make you pay double insurance, cause you don't want to risk the police coming to take your plates or getting a fine from the fiscal gov... :/ Sigh... I *think* it's finally fixed (now waiting from them to return my money, which may take up to 10 days...) Really hope it'll return "on it's own" and that I don't have to waste more hours on the phone to get them to return it.
I want to add, as a player, that I hate "losing control" of the mouse. I always play windowed, and if my mouse it locked to the game or a little box inside the game, I panic!
This means I will stop playing, do all I can to release the mouse again, and if I can't... I may just stop playing altogether.

What is wrong with the mouse cursor being over the black parts of the room? As long as nothing happens when you click there, I can't see the problem, really.
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