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Messages - Cassiebsg

I can't see the image so I can't see the problem, so I'll just give a general reply instead.

Use a background empty image, no text on the button.

Edit: LOL, you must have edited your post while I was typing. :D
Damn, just got an idea... but only 1 day left. :/
Although I've made a game in 24 hours before, it won't do this time cause I have to go to work tomorrow, and have a headache today.

Maybe I'll use the "demo" idea into a future theme MAGS entry instead... it'll though still be a "demo". ;D
Boa viajem e boas ferias ;)
Espero que tenham sorte com o tempo.

So... we're getting closer to the "Make my game" button in AGS editor be a reality instead of a joke! :D
General Discussion / Re: Welcome back!
Tue 21/02/2023 16:05:41
Was getting worried, but at least it wasn't the entire domain. :)

Glad it's back, thanks bunch for fixing it.
Okay, lets approach this by steps.

1) Open the top GUI (gIconbar), select the inventory button and delete it.

2) You need to put your code, _after_ the function show_inventory_window(). When placed in Global Script.

3) You probably need to import the function to use it in the dialogues (I'm pretty sure about it actually, which is why AGS can't find it). So... in order to do this open GlobalScript Header, and type in the following:

Code: ags
import function show_inventory_window();

4) Now you can call the function in your dialogue:
Code: ags

5) Hope this helps. :)

PS - Remember to adapt the close GUI code to what you want.
You can call anything from dialogues, no problem.
In dialogue you can add any AGS code, all you need to do is ident with at least a space the line(s) of code.

But you'll need to change the template defaults on how the inventory is called and accessed.

For that you need to provide us more info, like which template (if any) are you using on your game.

Also how do you want to "see" your inventory? Will the new robot tell/list what he's carrying, will you want a GUI to open that will show/display the inventory window? Do you want the robot to show one item at a time?

If it's a GUI, then create your GUI first, test it, then just link to be opened when you talk to your robot. Close the dialog, and reopen the robot dialogue when you close the GUI.
Congrats RootBound! :)
AGS Games in Production / Re: Zid Journey
Tue 24/01/2023 17:45:43
Awesome! Thanks for the zip file, grabbed! :D
Now I just need to find some time to play it. :)
Let me just add, that you don't need to use the AGS timer, you can create your own or use one of the modules made by others.

Also, like Snarky did, you can always check if the character is animating, and only do something if he's not.
You can replace the "translation" to be the default language, and that will replace the game text with the new "fixed" text.

Backup your game before trying this... :)

Better yet, start a new game, add a few lines, create a new translation, change only one of the lines, then import the file, and make it default... that way you know how it's suppose to work.

And of course, always backup you game before trying with your game. ;)
Code: ags
else {

Quoteand you certainly don't need to set it every game loop; that is presumably why it wouldn't play,

I'll translate this into "regular human" (as in, not a coder) language: The else here is in fact running. The reason why you can't see it animate is because it's being played "40 frames a second" (the default for a loop)... meaning that in a 1/40 of a second it resets (and thus you never get to see more than the 1st sprite).
So next time you put something in rep_exec_always, ask yourself "do I really really need this to run 40 times in a second?" If the answer is no, then there's probably another solution. ;)
Ah, but you know who  Future Vintage Gaming is... (no, not me... :) )
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sun 15/01/2023 01:00:52
Red riding hood?
Can you post the entire code in that function?
Maybe you changing it back in another function, or before the function ends?

Are you sure that you have the correct sprites assigned to the view?
I know, stupid question, but happened to me once that my character wasn't changing it's view, and after a long time trying to debug it, I found out that it was changing, there was just a wrong sprite in the view, and it was (by "luck") showing that exact sprite.

Another test you can do, is select another view that is completely different (any view, even if you transform Isaac into a blue cup - just make sure all loops are there and have at least 1 sprite.

Also, are you sure you are are looking at Isaac and not another character that looks exactly like him? (seen that happen as well)

(and now I can't stop thinking about The Love Boat...)  :-[  (laugh)
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 11/01/2023 20:56:31
Naked gun?
Open your room, create a new object. Place it somewhere (even outside of the room).

Now you have an object you can use. you can call it oDummy as an exemple. and let's say it's object[2]....

Now, you just use it as regular object, cause that's what it is.

In room you'll just use oDummy.Animate... while in Global you can refer to it as object[2].Animate...

You assign the new sprite as in the manual example:

Code: ags
object[2].Graphic = 100;


Code: ags
oDummy.Graphic = 100;

will change the object 2 (oDummy)'s image to the image stored in the sprite manager's slot 100

You can also use dynamic sprite/overlay to assign the sprite, check the manual on how to do that.

There's really not much more than that, really.
If you need to change the name of the object at runtime, create a custom property for it, and then use Object[2].GetTextProperty to access and use it.
You will need to code how to handle this for the mouse over or any other place you need to refer to the name of this object.
Objects can't be created at run time, but you can create as many "dummy" objects as you need, and change it's sprite at runtime. No problem there.

I can't remember if it's possible to change the name of the object at runtime (the one used to refer to it in game - as in mouse over) but if not, you can create a custom property to hold the name and refer to it. Meaning that you can then also change the "name of the object" at runtime via the custom property.
Really, next time don't use superglue on that hat!  (laugh)
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Sun 08/01/2023 21:22:07
Wait, if they bid and won, shouldn't they be bound to pay for it? You clearly marked it as "collect and where it's located". It's to the buyer to figure it out how to get his "new stuff", not your problem.
Seems to me like the problem is ebay it self.
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