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Messages - Creamy

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Thu 02/05/2013 17:50:55
No, it's "the scoop", I recognize the guy :)

A recent one, for a change :

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 17/04/2013 22:03:09
Yes ! It came out the same year as the first Broken Sword in France.

Your turn, Gribbler.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 17/04/2013 21:05:14
It's not the coach from SotC coming to Illsmouth, even if I can see the similarity.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 17/04/2013 20:30:35
Sorry, here you go :


I think it's little known.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 17/04/2013 18:05:58
Operation Stealth by Delphine Software.

I'm so bad at guessing the movie titles. Here I can finally compete :tongue:
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sat 13/04/2013 11:57:05
Apocalypto ?

Return of the mudslide zombies?
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Thu 21/03/2013 13:02:28
No country for old men?
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