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Messages - Crimson Wizard

* The function exists in script but calling it causes "function is undefined" error.
1) if you are calling from another script, make sure function is correctly declared as import in it's script header
2) make sure function declared/defined above your call in script or placed in a higher script module, move function up if necessary.

* I change settings in Default Setup pane in editor, but in game nothing changes.
Solution: Default Setup affects only default configuration. If you ran winsetup at least once and saved, there's already personal configuration written in your user documents, which overrides defaults. Change the setting by running winsetup as well, or delete user config to reset to defaults.
* How to not have to repeat same command with all the parameters / same chunk of code all the time?
solution: make a custom script function

* How to have Display and still have animations at background?
solution: use GUI and Wait function.
Modules, Plugins & Tools / Re: AGS ThemeEditor
Thu 31/10/2019 20:10:01
Quote from: fancasopedia on Thu 31/10/2019 17:34:18
I checked my Preferences but did not find anything about themes? Is it for 3.5.0 ?

Yes, this is for 3.5.0, that's the first version that supports custom themes.

AGS 3.5.0 have different versions of some 3rd party libs, I think, including the audio library. Maybe that's relevant, or some other changes.

I will try looking as well, although tbh I never used this plugin before.
Does it play sounds through its own means or Editor API?
Modules, Plugins & Tools / Re: AGS ThemeEditor
Wed 25/09/2019 15:27:35
Quote from: fancasopedia on Wed 25/09/2019 08:07:16
Guys, is it for AGS Dark Theme?

This is a tool that lets you configure your own custom theme. If you only want to use existing theme, then simply download the theme itself and install it through editor's Preferences.

Quote from: fancasopedia on Wed 25/09/2019 08:07:16
How can I install this? Can you write to steps?

Follow the download link in the first post that sais "compiled app" (
Download the one with the highest version number.
Create a folder and unpack a zip.
Run ThemeApp.exe.
Quote from: StickGrinder on Wed 14/08/2019 18:23:42
But of course I don't think anybody will put off by this template to be 4:3! It was just to help newcomers like me hit the ground running.

To be fair, this template is not 4:3, 320x200 is actually 16:10.

Of course it may be worth to stress out (in the manual or template's documentation) that user does not have to stick to template's resolution or aspect ratio; a well made template is resolution independent (and I believe this one is).

PS. With the upcoming AGS 3.5.0 release it's even possible to change game resolution while keeping all original demo assets, because it now allows to have rooms smaller than game res and, for example, center them on wider game screen.
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Mon 05/08/2019 18:53:33
My latest game only has about 22Mb... so would it build as 30Mb or force me to add stuff to it?  8-0

I mean, that's the engine's executable size, not counting actual game stuff.
I tried making 2D game in Godot 3.1.1 recently (simple platformer), and I find it much more user friendly in terms of making and program a 2D scene, because unlike Unity (afaik) Godot actually has a dedicated 2D mode with entity types which do not have to be adjusted for 2D.

For example, in Unity 3D, due its strictly 3D nature, UI is entirely different thing with its own coordinate measurements and element placement rules.
On contrary, in Godot all the 2D entities are simply placed on 2D layers called "Canvas Layer", which have same coordinate and placement method. Hence, if you define a 320x200 layer for world and 320x200 layer for UI, then you can be sure that button at 10,10 will be exactly at 10,10 above world. There's also no distinction between where you may put UI and "world" objects, so you may have characters on UI layers and GUI on world layer if you like.

Actually, except for few caveats, Godot 3.0 scene structure looks like something I wished AGS were.

PS. Ah, right, so, one thing I did not like about Godot was that it's minimum executable size for Windows is around 30 MB. Compare to 2.5 MB of acwin.exe...
That probably does not matter if you're making 2 GB adventure game, but still "triggers my OCD".
Quote from: bx83 on Sun 28/07/2019 09:33:49
Will this slow it down, have the old compiler etc. and basically be like using 3.4.1?

It simply enables old script commands. They are hidden but still there.
It's much easier to enable old functions in General Settings: set "Script compatibility level" to 3.4.1
Quote from: Dennis Plöger on Sat 20/07/2019 16:16:54
As 3.4.4 is already released I think, I won't open a PR for the neccesary changes (any head developer might tell me otherwise). However, I'll check out the current master branch and try to fix the OSX build there and send a PR. And after that, I'll try to fix the ios-branch.

It's perfectly valid to update 3.4.4 branch, we may release an update.

Please don't use "master" branch for now, we were currently developing in "ags3", and there's also "release-3.5.0" branch for current beta release.
master branch in turn contains an experimental change to the engine which became controversial and it's still under question (while people are discussing future plans and goals).
I was finally able to connect to file server and uploaded AGS 3.4.3 P1.

There's a small issue, we now do not distribute "no-MP3" version. So i removed "latest_version_noMP3" entry from "versions.xml", but the main page still displays the link (although it leads nowhere).
Hello, I'd like to report a bug.

Preferably performed in larger rooms for convenience:
* Have room 1 and room2;
* In room 2 script cutscene where player's character is walking non-blocking in After Fade-in event
Code: ags

while (player.Moving) Wait(1);

* Run the game, and when in room 1 start running with double-click;
* Immediately press Ctrl+X and change to room 2.

The player character will continue running during cutscene in another room.

Thinking about it, maybe it's enough to just run a cutscene in the same room. Guess the mistake is that character keeps running even when another Walk is called by a script command, even though it may not be required.
Modules, Plugins & Tools / Re: AGS ThemeEditor
Sun 24/03/2019 10:47:11
If my understanding is correct, this is for AGS 3.5.0 themes, right?
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Wed 23/01/2019 21:12:31
First of all, I never noticed when this feature appeared, but I'd like to give my big thanks to whoever implemented autocomplete in the game search :)

Now, this is not really a "bug" report, but I was wondering if it's possible to make this autocomplete a little bit different from surrounding text, like draw it on darker background?
Recruitment / Re: Offer Your Services!
Fri 04/01/2019 12:44:48
EDIT: not available at the moment.
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