

Daniël Brooks AGSer

  • I can help with animation
  • I can help with backgrounds
  • I can help with characters
  • I can help with making music
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44 (0.006 per day)
Date registered:
Thu 11/03/2004 09:28:43
Local Time:
Sun 22/12/2024 09:19:39
Last active:
Wed 11/04/2007 12:05:56
I Can Help With:
I can help with animation Animation
I'm quite good at animation.
I can help with backgrounds Backgrounds
My mom says I draw well :)
I can help with characters Characters
This I do quite well, actually...
I can help with making music Music
I aint just whistelin' dixie, govna'!
I've worked on the following games:
Chick Chaser 
beta testing
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