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Messages - Daniel Eakins

Hello all!

I'm a 24-year-old dude who goes by the name Daniel Eakins. I've been lurking on this forum on and off since 2008, but have only started using AGS actively since about a few weeks.

I discovered this engine thanks to the Cirque de Zale article on Wikipedia (which has been deleted since). So that was the first AGS game I played. It was followed by Nelly Cootaloot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy!, which remains to this day my favourite AGS game. I also really liked Cedric and the Revolution and Reactor 9 -- whose ending puzzle is one of the most memorable ever, in my opinion and among the adventure games I played, anyway.

I loved what could be seen of SPHINX too; it's a shame that one was never made.

See you around!
This module is pretty good but the main issue (with Bernie's 8 Direction Movement module too) is that it does not do collision detection for characters, unlike the default KeyboardMovement script.
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