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Messages - Danvzare

Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Thu 18/05/2023 00:34:08Trying to remember things that are asked about often enough...
Something that I think I've seen a few times, is people wanting to combine items both ways without having to duplicate the code. Like using the scissors on the paper, and the paper on the scissors.

Also I remember when I first started with AGS, I really struggled with implementing doors. Yes, I know it sounds stupid. But at the time I couldn't wrap my head around an object that could be open or closed, you can switch it between both states, only go through it when it's open, and the door's state has to be consistent if there are multiple way to enter the same room. It's obvious to me now, but it wasn't at the time.
How on earth did I not notice that the date for the ceremony was announced two days ago?  ???
Sometimes I can be as blind as a bat.  (laugh)

I can't wait to attend.
I know ScummVM isn't perfect, but in what way is DREAMM better than ScummVM?

The FAQ pretty much just boasts that it should in theory be more "accurate", which is something I don't understand why you'd want with these particular games. I mean these aren't exactly the types of games where you'd see people complaining about not getting frame perfect recreations of every little detail compared to the originals. So why have accuracy when you can have enhanced?
Also why wouldn't you use just use DosBox if you wanted accuracy that badly?

Although I suppose it'd be nice to play some of those later 32-bit games by LucasArts, the games that would never be supported by either DosBox or ScummVM.

Sorry if I came across as hostile. I'm just legitimately curious as to what the highlights of this thing are, because I thought it looked a bit redundant and I wanted to know why that isn't the case.
Regardless though, more ways to play great games is always welcomed.
I'm not a lawyer, so please take everything I say with a pinch of salt.

Personally, I've never heard of someone's voice being protected by law. Their likenesses, yes, definitely. But not their voices. If I had to make any guesses, the only laws you'd be breaking is the copyright law on the soundclips used to train the AI. If they're recordings you personally own, then theoretically there should be no legal repercussions. After all, they're your recordings and you can "edit" them however you like. So as long as it isn't stipulated anywhere that you'll owe royalties for their use, it should be fine.
Although please keep in mind that this is only because this is all new technology, and the law hasn't quite caught up yet.

Now from a moral perspective, I think it's safe to say most people won't be happy if you use an AI generated version of their voice without their permission. Especially if you end up profiting from it. And if it's your friend, I suspect that would be a good way to end a friendship. Then again, all of my friends would gladly voice act for free if I asked them, so I could be wrong on that.  ???

On a related note, as someone who added AI voice acting to one of my games (it's the Reality-On-The-Norm game I made), I can safely say that using an AI for all of the lines takes roughly the same amount of time (if not slightly longer) as recording them all yourself. The only difference is, instead of getting a sore throat, you end up being bored out of your mind. Make of that what you will.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Tue 02/05/2023 14:03:46
Quote from: Volcan on Mon 01/05/2023 22:01:19Phantasmagoria of Flower View
That is correct. Your turn.  :-D
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Mon 01/05/2023 19:12:07
Quote from: Gilbert on Mon 01/05/2023 05:47:52Looks like a Touho game, but I'm not familiar with the series to name which game it is.
You're on the right track, but you're going to have to give me the specific entry. Either the number or the subtitle.

(And don't worry, I know most of the entries look similar, so I've made sure to choose a game where even someone who has never played it, can differentiate it from the other games in the series.)

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 26/04/2023 15:17:31
Alright, hopefully this one isn't too difficult.

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Tue 25/04/2023 16:03:28
I looked up "EGA Isometric game" on Google, and I think I might have stumbled upon it.
Is it Street Fighting Man?
Quote from: WanderingWizard on Tue 04/04/2023 02:49:13I don't understand why it has become such a problem where artists think it infringes on their intellectual property, because there is not a professional artist in the world that doesn't use reference images.
I don't mind explaining why, if you don't mind a severe oversimplification.

It's the same reason why people get mad if you trace over an image while changing it completely, but don't mind when you copy an image almost perfectly when eyeballing it.

I've seen people copy images via reference, almost perfectly. And everyone's been happy about it.
I've also seen someone trace an image of a teddy wielding guns, but he changed the teddy to Stewie from Family Guy, and that person got nothing but hate for it.

As soon as you can understand that logic, you'll understand why people have a problem with AI art (or at least how I understand it).  (nod)

But that's neither here nor there. I really enjoyed reading your unique perspective on it.
Thanks for sharing.  :-D
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Mon 03/04/2023 17:32:26
It grinds my gears when someone touches the screen when pointing to something on it.
AGS Engine & Editor Releases / Re: AGS 3.6.0
Sat 01/04/2023 11:33:42
Yay!  :-D

Thanks everyone who's brought us this. It really is appreciated.  (nod)
Critics' Lounge / Re: Dude Where's my Keys?
Thu 30/03/2023 17:36:34
It looks good. I especially like how that kitchen looks.
Will you be able to open all of those cabinets?

Since this is in the Critics' Lounge, I assume you want some criticism. In which case, the walls look a little bland being entirely grey for every room. I know you're using the EGA palette, but even Maniac Mansion had more going on with the walls. With things such as wallpaper peeling off as well as a bit of illumination, and let's not forget wallpaper patterns.

But that's just a minor complaint. Overall it looks really good. Definitely top notch in my opinion.

If you're planning on releasing this game, maybe you should make a thread in the AGS Games in Production board. On the otherhand, I'd completely understand if this is all just for practice.  (nod)
Quote from: Khris on Thu 23/03/2023 18:49:11Hi,

there's AGS Demo Quest, which you can find here:

Note that looking at a bunch of code is probably not that useful to a beginner, I'd start with the tutorial in the manual, which can be found here:
Khris is right. Go through the tutorial first.

I remember when I first started, and that tutorial did a brilliant job at teaching me the basics.
After that though, I downloaded a whole bunch of templates and learnt from looking at the code in their basic example rooms (they usually showcased a little bit of everything). So looking at other's code can definitely be a huge help once you've gotten the absolute basics down.  (nod)
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Thu 23/03/2023 10:25:18
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Wed 22/03/2023 21:35:23When an insurance company takes you car as hostage by insuring it when you already told them 3 times you don't want your insurance with them and have already signed up and payed another company... 2 months ago! And then it takes 5 weeks of you being the ping-pong ball, while the two companies bat at you from one side to the other... :/ And make you pay double insurance, cause you don't want to risk the police coming to take your plates or getting a fine from the fiscal gov... :/ Sigh... I *think* it's finally fixed (now waiting from them to return my money, which may take up to 10 days...) Really hope it'll return "on it's own" and that I don't have to waste more hours on the phone to get them to return it.
I've lost count of the number of times I've heard my dad complaining about the same thing.  (nod)
Quote from: Alagolafre on Thu 16/03/2023 19:27:54Hello,

I am absolutely new here, just made an account. I am pants at computer stuff, but I write and do traditional art and have wanted to make a game for a while. Someone in a chat I was in recommended AGS for making a point and click without having to know how to build a game from the ground up coding-wise.

Currently, I am working on designing puzzles and drawing assets for a first person point and click game in the style of the Rusty Lake Games or Sherlock Holmes and the Hound of the Baskervilles. I have most of the story worked out, so now it is just going through and making all the pieces, and then figuring out how to put them together (very nervous for that part, haha). :tongue: I also have a friend who actually knows their way around a piece of software helping me along the way, so hopefully they do not get too tired of the regular questions.

It is nice to meet you all, and I hope to have a demo to post in a few months.
Awesome! Nice to have you on the forums Alagolafre.  :-D

Yep, AGS is pretty easy to learn, so you made a perfect choice of game engine for making a point and click adventure game for the first time.  (nod)
Almost every question you can think of, has probably been asked multiple times on here. So if you run into any issues, it's usually very easy to find a solution. And if you can't find a solution, we're all more than glad to help. So don't hesitate to ask.

I look forward to seeing this demo. Good luck.  ;)
Critics' Lounge / Re: some recent art
Mon 13/03/2023 19:27:26
Very nice.  :-D
Did you trace over the images or did you eyeball it?
To me, it looks like a little bit of both.

Whatever the case, it looks very nice. I especially like your use of differing.
I'm not sure about the use of magenta for the skin colour for The Son of Man. You can usually get a pretty decent colour if you use orange and yellow. But that's just my opinion.

Speaking of The Son of Man. I know it's a famous painting, but every time I see it, I can't help but think that the artist couldn't be bothered to draw a face, so he just drew an apple over it and called it art.  (laugh)
Congratulations to everyone who got nominated.  :-D

Like CrashPL said, a very solid lineup.  (nod)
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Thu 09/03/2023 18:13:43
Quote from: milkanannan on Thu 09/03/2023 12:14:35David Wolfe and his pseudo nonsense grinds my gears. He's just posted a video on Twitter alleging a patient cured their cancerous tumour in minutes through positive thinking.  :sealed:
Imagine a world where to be healthy you had to be happy.

As soon as you got a little upset, it'd be a downward spiral into an early grave.  (laugh)
Quote from: Mouth for war on Sun 05/03/2023 13:25:26Well danvzare....seeing your game I guess you really know all the others. Thanks for the suggestions :-)
Are you insulting Deus Ex and my taste in games?  ???

Because if so, have you played it? Do you legitimately hate the game? If so, please tell me why?
I can list everything wrong with the game from the graphics, the difficulty, to the broken stealth mechanics, so I'd understand why someone would hate it (even though I believe the pros far outweigh the cons). But I'd love to hear what your reasons are.

If you haven't played it, then you really REALLY need to play it.  (nod)

It's not my favourite game of all time. That'd probably go to something like Dwarf Fortress or Timesplitters Future Perfect. But it is what I would consider one of the best games of all time.
Quote from: Mouth for war on Sat 04/03/2023 20:11:10Yeah...So! I recently finished Days gone and that is the best damn game I've ever played. It had everything that I like in a game and after that I went on to play Red Dead 2, another fabulous game...but...Now, everything else just feels like crap. I fired up Witcher 3 because it's supposed to be such a great game but I get bored immediately. I guess I'm kind of sick of that most rpg's must be fantasy/medieval. Are there any games you can suggest? (I hate first person games unfortunately otherwise I'm sure there'd be quite a few games to play) :D
Wow, really? Only Days Gone and Red Dead Redemption?
I envy you if that's where you've set the bar for quality.  (wrong)

I played Deus Ex (the original) when I was a kid, and that game set the bar for me when it comes down to quality. It took me over a decade to realize that Deus Ex was the exception and not the rule. So for the longest time, I just thought every First Person Shooter I was buying was utterly terrible.  (laugh)
(And if you think I'm being silly, I would like to add that most AAA games can't be bothered to put in functioning mirrors.)
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