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Messages - Dave Gilbert

Speaking of dress up, I was in the Coney Island "Mermaid Parade" last Saturday.  It's supposed to be a "summer-themed" event, but it was pouring down rain and absolutely freezing. Ours was a swing dancing float, and we all dressed up in vintage shirts and/or bathing suits.  Here are two shots of me and my partner Laura boogying in the rain:

There are some more pics of me in the parade at, if anyone is interested seeing more pics of my butt than can possibly be healthy.  
Someone just sent me this pic of myself being an unrepentant glutton:

Never did manage to finish that sundae...
Guess i might as share another one.  :)

This is me and two co-workers at a karaoke bar during a business trip to china last summer  (I'm the short guy on the left).  Somehow we had drunk enough to let ourselves be convinced to get up and sing "Copa Cabana."  

Also, I was at the office late one dark rainy night and took this picture from the window.  This is Times Square in New York City, and if I had taken this an hour earlier you could have seen a bunch of police cars redirecting traffic during an anti-war rally.


Me at a trade show in Vegas.

And Gilbert - your audience looks riveted by your masterful oratory powers.  Is that guy in the front drinking beer?

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