Hello I was wondering.. I want to make a all 2D game but I want it to be like Persona 3 and 4.. The reason I use Persona 3 and 4 as a example is because it has a unique feature that works quite well.. It has this system called the "Social Link System" Basically it adds slice of life and dating sim elements to the game.. So for example once you level up a social link up to level 10 you could start dating the characters and dialog changes and you could also take them on dates and they will do things for you that they couldn't do before.. You could also date multiple people.. I want this system but a bit more advance where you could marry and have kids and such.. Also there is a calendar system in the game where it goes a whole year. Also each day you do something in the morning afternoon, daytime, evening, and night. So for example say if you go to school that will take up your morning. Then comes afternoon its lunch time you could choose a friend to hang out with and have lunch with them, evening you could rank up social links or move on into the dungeons and progress in the story, then at night you work or you could study, or level up your social links.. Then basically after those events the day changes to the next.. So say if that day was April 11th it will now be April 12th and etc.. So I was wondering if you could do something like that? I want people to be able to interact with everything and every character so the world will seem lively. Also fusions.. Because its really cool how you could make stronger Personas through fusions so is that possible as well?
Dungeon Example:
Here is a example of the calendar system, social link, and fusion:
Better Social Link example:
Better example of fusions:
So basically I kind of want to make a game like this but all 2D with a nice anime style.. So would this all be possible? Sorry for the long message.. I'm new and its my first post.
Dungeon Example:
Here is a example of the calendar system, social link, and fusion:
Better Social Link example:
Better example of fusions:
So basically I kind of want to make a game like this but all 2D with a nice anime style.. So would this all be possible? Sorry for the long message.. I'm new and its my first post.