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Messages - EchosofNezhyt

Awesome podcast I'm halfway through, I stopped it though to finally checkout a ben jordan game.
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 04/07/2012 17:42:57
Heroes the movie? :P
Will listen to is soon. @Anian Thanks.

Edit: I like thinking about ideas right before I go to sleep but sometimes I get to tried and fall asleep haha.
I haven't tried the music thing but I do it while I'm drawing.
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sun 01/07/2012 22:35:19
@at previous post
Its the only movie I seen him in I think and hes got a pretty unique look and sweater...

Sec print screening on of my movies and posting.

Should be easy...

The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sun 01/07/2012 22:32:26
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Sun 01/07/2012 21:56:46
Quote from: Aqala on Sun 01/07/2012 21:26:19
I really (really) hate question marks in the answer. Admiral is correct, your turn.
Sorry! I won't do that again :)

Well, I never participated in this, so I'll just post some random weird pic. Don't know if this will be easy or difficult.

The big lebowski when he gets drugged at the guys house.


I found a few threads you did about user interfaces and such. You should really write up some more stuff about AGS/adventure games, I really enjoyed the stuff you wrote and considering your current/past games you obviously know what your doing.
The Rumpus Room / Re: The bump topic!
Thu 28/06/2012 19:18:31
Thanks, Goodjob on the third podcast.

You have a good taste in podcast noises!
Is your podcast the vice city mission complete noise? Its driving me nuts cause I recognise it.
Heh, if that was directed to me. Don't encourage me cause I will haha.
Interview me about why I love fritos so much, Though I may need a 35 to 45min segment to describe them.
Quote from: Ponch on Sat 16/06/2012 07:08:09
Sweet biscuits! Another episode? Why, this is what you might call an ongoing concern.  :shocked:

UPDATE: They read my letter, mockingly. I'm somebody now!  :cheesy:

(Although I was a bit disappointed that you failed to refer to me as "The Iron Man of AGS").

You even got your own podcast ending :O which I learned alot from.

Edit: Also another interesting podcast guys. No complaints.
Also I hate when I mark on the wrong layer.
Yeah I still dislike blender, I like xsi over everything. Next up 3dmax.
Edit: Whoops didn't see this wasn't in there.

What are some of the gameplay factors that make a adventure game good?
Nice find calin. Bookmark'd
Ah, I saw.

Sounds good, Looking forward to the next one.
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Mon 11/06/2012 02:12:13
oh I believe you.

I think I might rather play this game with the way the forums put it.

The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sun 10/06/2012 19:17:46
... haha
Good tips and alot of info.

I really enjoyed it, I'd go with a quieter more subtle music or at least tone down the volume.(Gotta Love the rayman music.)
Good tips on animation and some general info about a few things. You guys complement eachother, so good synergy between you two.
The part about watching your self for doing animations is how I've been doing and haha I always wondered if someone saw me.
Hugo house of horrors and the others were pretty awesome to me when I was a kid. I got stuck in that damn cage in number 3.

Anyways thought it was awesome you should do one a week or two and add in more stuff about whats going on in the community or have like a game pick of the week/month made in ags to play.
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