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Messages - Ghostlady

It kept highlighting one of the other games so when I hit continue it would open one of them.  That menu is what I couldn't get past so I created a new game to get past the menu.

Ok, The game is up and running. Yahoo.  There was tons of dialog I had to convert from SaySpecialCharacter to Character.Say.  So now what I am seeing is my dialog text is no longer in the dialog gui but splayed across the top of the screen.
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Thu 27/07/2023 01:50:54
Quote from: Ghostlady on Thu 27/07/2023 01:35:50I did try that but it wouldn't let me past that menu screen. 

Why not, what had happened?
Nothing, I couldn't get past that menu window.  It just sat there not letting me move.

Quote from: Ghostlady on Thu 27/07/2023 01:35:50Maybe you can help me with some of this conversion stuff.

There's something weird about this, the macro name does not work in the contemporary versions of AGS if it starts with underscore.
Changing the name to "THE_NUMBER_OF_OBJECTS_YOU_HAVE" makes that work.

That worked.  :smiley:
I did try that but it wouldn't let me past that menu screen. 
Maybe you can help me with some of this conversion stuff.

// room script file

// total number of objects (including object number 0 which isn't used)

// called when the puzzle is solved:
function on_puzzle_solved() {
  SetGlobalInt(10,  GetGlobalInt(10) + 1);
  SetGlobalInt(30,  GetGlobalInt(30) + 1);
    gGui7.Visible = true;
    string herscore;
    StrFormat(herscore,"Puzzles: %d",GetGlobalInt(10)); 
  ScoreHer.TextColor = cWoman.SpeechColor;
    gGui7.Visible = false;
  gGui3.Visible = true;
  cWoman.ChangeRoom (3);

int button_pressed=0, ob=-1;
int correct = 0;

#sectionstart room_a  // DO NOT EDIT OR REMOVE THIS LINE
function room_a() {
  // script for Room: Repeatedly execute
  if (IsButtonDown(LEFT)) {
    if (button_pressed==0) {
      button_pressed = 1;
      ob = GetObjectAt(mouse.x, mouse.y);
      if (ob!=-1) {
          int width  = GetGameParameter(GP_SPRITEWIDTH, GetObjectGraphic(ob), 0, 0);
          int height = GetGameParameter(GP_SPRITEHEIGHT, GetObjectGraphic(ob), 0, 0);
          //MoveObjectDirect(ob, mouse.x-width/2, mouse.y+height/2, 7);
          //while (IsObjectMoving(ob)) Wait(1);
  } else {
    if (ob!=-1) {
      SetObjectBaseline(ob, 0);   
      int i = 1; correct = 1;
      while (i < _THE_NUMBER_OF_OBJECTS_YOU_HAVE_) {
        int width  = GetGameParameter(GP_SPRITEWIDTH, GetObjectGraphic(i), 0, 0);
        int height = GetGameParameter(GP_SPRITEHEIGHT, GetObjectGraphic(i), 0, 0);
        correct=correct*(GetHotspotAt(GetObjectX(i)+width/2, GetObjectY(i)-height/2)==i);
        //Display("object number %d (correct=%d)", i, correct); //debug
      if (correct == 1) {
        on_puzzle_solved(); //call an event function

This doesn't work anymore, getting an error - room5.asc(50): Error (line 50): undefined symbol '_THE_NUMBER_OF_OBJECTS_YOU_HAVE_'
Ok, I got it figured out.  When I went into the latest version, 3.6.0, I had to create a new game to get past the opening menu.  Once I was in the new game I went to file and then did an "open" which let me navigate to the folder where I have the old game and it pulled in in!
I downloaded both of these versions of AGS and they do not recognize the game in AGS.  It should be finding Oakhaven.

Ok I'll try that and let you know.  Thank you for all the help.
Version 3.6
Yes I did select backup files.
Let's take 2.70 out of the picture.  I pulled the game into the new version of AGS.  It started as an import.  It failed due to access reasons as above.  I had to get out of the import without it finishing.  I've tried numerous times to run it again and I get the same error.  I did not have the project open in multiple places.  For curiosity sake, I tried creating a "new" game and it got created and saved with no problem to the exact same documents folder that the import is having problems with. 
Here is the error.
I can open the game with AGS 2.70 but when I try to save I get a write error. I never used to get this but have changed OS a couple of times since the game was created.  How do I get past this?  I think the import will work if I get past this also.
I still have the original folder with everything in it including the compiled folder. The ac2game.dta file is available.  The new AGS recognized this game and pulled it up in the list to "Continue an Existing Game" and "Continue a Recently Edited Game".  Continue an existing game will put me into the new AGS folder (do I need to copy all the files to there?) and the other will ask for an import but I am getting errors that it doesn't have access.  I don't know how to add an image with the errors.
It is a compiled game created with AGS 2.70
Hello, I created a game in 2006. Is there a way to import those files into the current AGS version? I'm thinking of doing a redo of this game.
There are five sounds that come with this module:  pickupsound, dropsound, snapsound, completesound and lockedsound.  They are in .ogg format.  When I converted them to .mp3's, not all the sounds played and some of them would use the same sound file.  For example, for the puzzle piece pickup, it would play the pickupsound and for the puzzle piece drop, it would also play the pickupsound.  When I went back to the .ogg format, all the sounds played correctly.  I am using the .ogg files, but thought I report the problem.
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