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Messages - Gilbert

The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Fri 18/11/2011 09:54:12
Tasty Corpses
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Mon 14/11/2011 07:52:46
Quote from: ddq on Mon 14/11/2011 02:54:34
Hint: it's not an oboe.
Was it a dart-gun? :=

Sorry for the OT-lame joke but I couldn't resist.
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 09/11/2011 05:27:07
Hmmm. 'Caution' is printed on the orb. Is it a booooomb?
Continuing with my random guess that I'm sure it is not correct, Batman Returns.
This essentially is why the floppy version of KQ5 was much better than the enhanced CD version. ;D
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Fri 04/11/2011 16:08:55

(Probably wrong, as I never watched any version of Shinning yet. Just a wild guess because of Ko-ri-door!)
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 26/10/2011 06:43:09
Maybe it's Robocop then. :D

For some reasons I found the man in the middle looked a bit like Tommy Lee Jones, but I don't think that he was in such an old movie. After all, googling(or better say, IMDBing) pictures suggested that this should not be him as he didn't look like this when he's young. In other words, as always, I HAVE NO IDEA.
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Mon 24/10/2011 14:28:11
I knew it's not it, but just wanted to jump in for a random post:

Any old Godzilla movie with Kinggidora in it?
Heh This looks like a post in the "Guess a movie" thread but without pictures, but anyway, no, I don't know about this movie.
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Fri 09/09/2011 09:27:25
007: Shopping in France at the turn of teh Century
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sun 04/09/2011 05:49:33
I'm not quite sure whether there is a universal rule, but I think you may start here.
As long as the dream wasn't wet I am okay. :=
Possibly this is something whose cause will remain mystery forever that nobody here is able to help.
That feature is actually quite stupid.
M$ possibly never expected how many mails one can ever keep.
After few years the mail folders in my office computer had more than 10K messages, and that computer was already low on resources (<100MB free space most of the time).
The problem was, I shut down the computer when I left the office, and OE occasionally forced this to happen, which took forever. I didn't want to wait for it to end (which was actually impossible, coupling with the low on space problem the process would just crash at some point) and the system was so horribly stalled that clicking 'cancel' took a looooong time to take effect.

My system has been upgraded recently and I have to use Outlook instead now (with the mail folders imported). Hopefully it won't happen again.

Quote from: Mods on Tue 26/04/2011 20:04:00
Basically, using 2.72, what is "Compress Sprite File" ?
Exactly what it says. It compresses the sprite data to save some space (by default the sprite data are not compressed). However, because of performance reasons, it only uses the RLE method (just consider it (one of) the cheapest and simplest compression method), so the effectiveness depends heavily on the nature of the graphics and in general it's weaker than methods such as the LZ and Huffman variants.
1 - My spr is 160mb. To what size will this option roughly compress it to?
As stated, it depends heavily on the nature of the graphics. If there are a lot of FLAT coloured areas (or large fully transparent areas) in your sprites RLE would normally does its work quite well, but if the sprites are more "complicated", like photorealistic ones, have rapid variations on colours and/or heavy in gradients, etc. the save in space can be negligible. (In other words, try it and see if it really helps.)
2 - The help file says game "speed" can be compromised, anyone care to eloborate? Will my cutscene times change, what changes exactly?
In fact, because of the retarded nature of the RLE scheme, CPU load used in decompression is almost non-existing, so unless you have a very crippled system it shouldn't affect much of the games' speed. In fact, as sprite compression reduces file sizes, it may even help in improving performance if the actual bottleneck of a certain system comes from disk accesses.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 01/04/2011 02:55:53
I wouldn't imagine what would have fuelled the candle...

Anyway, herpi bargzedei to Dave, Ali and the reappearing strazer. :=
That day in the office must be so extraordinary ordinary. :=
I think this is highly possible, as Google search alone can crawl inside pdf files. To make it a little bit safer, maybe said email portion could be made by using a bitmap picture instead of text (provided you have control over the pdf creation process).
Yes. There is a mac native engine in development. However, it's for a very old version (V2.71), so if you really want to make a game that runs in a mac you need to make it with that version of AGS. Also, pay attention of what features are missing and what glitches there are in that version and have this in mind when developing the game.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sun 05/09/2010 11:26:34
Quote from: Bulbapuck on Sat 04/09/2010 12:43:02
Happy birthday to Gilbet and Crimson Wizard :)

Hehe Thanks!
I'll say it's okay, so just start it here when you're having the next round.
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