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Messages - Gilbert

As the PP has been gone for months and seems that at least some people are interested, so if you want to start a new round, I have no objection.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Thu 04/09/2008 01:42:14
Hehe Thanks LimpingFlash!

You know, people pretend to forget their birthdays when they get old.
That doesn't apply to robots. :=
These are non-frequent activities that are always welcome whenever the last round had been ended long enough already.

I'll recommend having only one of them at a time though, so the other activity may start afterwards.

The last Release Something was about a year ago, while the last Artitude was 2 years ago.

So, maybe we can have an Artitude first.

Those who are interested may discuss about it here and see if anyone is willing to provide a topic and be the host. I'll wait for 1 week, so if there isn't any comment on it, I may host this myself at 21st, as I hosted the last round already.
Okay, Terran has just replied that he may be a bit too busy to host the next round of Photoshop Phriday, so anyone who's interested in hosting a new one may PM me, I may let the first one who comes up with a reasonable topic to start it.
Alright, as Terran won by default in the last round of Photoshop Friday, I had sent him a PM, asking him whether he would like to start a new one.

As he's not very active at the moment, I'll wait a few days for his reply. If he doesn't reply or gives up on it I'll see who is interested to host it to keep it moving.
Why? You have clothes on!
Since there're A LOT of text about BMAGS (both here and that other thread in AGS gen), I don't have time (and I don't wanna) to read them all, but from what I guess (correct me if I am wrong), it's just MAGS for "beginners", with more time and possibly lower expected standard for the games.

If that's the case I'm not convinced to let this proceed.

Like people had mentioned, we don't really need one extra competition that's so similar to MAGS. Furthermore, whether there will be a reasonable number of competitors is questionable. Afterall, MAGS is open to everyone, so there's no restriction on whether beginners can enter or not. Even if a "beginner" submits a subpar entry to it which won't win, no one is losing anything, as all activities here are mainly for fun and practice, if you win you don't get concrete rewards like money or prizes, if you lose you lose nothing.

In my opinion, if this is solely for beginners, it shouldn't even be a competition (in case, 1. games may not be of good enough quality to be ranked, or 2. some of the "beginner" participaters make amazing entries which makes the other entries immposible to compete). However, in that case, I think "beginners" can also hijack the hour games thread a bit (I think most people won't care much about whether you use an hour or a year to make a short game) and post their games there.

Just my opinion, unless someone can kindly summarise what you want to do in three lines of words I don't think I'll look deeper into this idea.
Either way may be possible. But if you don't get an approval after some time, consider the idea scraped.
The one in the middle, obviously.
Since I don't see a gLevelup.Visible = false; line in your script that may be the problem, unless it's put in some other place. Remember you need to really tell the engine to hide it.
Quote from: Stupot on Wed 22/08/2007 10:43:11
I don't think the mods read this thread anymore.
I do, whenever there're new posts.
Actually I'm aware of the recent "bring back writing contest" or "bring in a new writing activity" business. Lo_res_man did send me a pm about this pointing me to the recent discussion thread. I had replied but so far he doesn't reply yet.

Someone should just cheekily start a writing contest/activity without permission.
I would do it, but, errr, I left the cat in the washing machine...
Don't do this unless you're authorised to do so, we don't want people to start new activities whenever they come up with random new ideas.
There was, but as far as I remember, according to Andail, part 2 was too buggy so it was removed, he doesn't yet make an update to it. Maybe Andail can add info to this.
Quote from: radiowaves on Wed 11/04/2007 19:25:00
Fifth. Mods, admins, gods, authorities, where are you?

At least I'm here, just didn't think we have good enough reasons to start any new activities at the moment,
No, I don't think its a good idea. It looks like a request for material thing more than a member activity, and it's too broad as there's no fixed target format of creation (so as a competition in some rounds it would clash with well operated Sprite Jam, Tune contest, etc., for non-competing general creation activity we have occasional Artitude already) which should be kept away here. You can start that in your own site though.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Mon 20/11/2006 11:42:26
I think people are more happy making their own games than making a game with restrictive rules which process spans a whole year.
Well it sounds a bit just like the AGS Team Challenge activities, which never work properly.
I disagree also, I don't think writting activity should be made that frequently. If it's just short paragraphs like hiakus or poems (well poem competition was proven a failure here, one strong problem was that it's obviously a no no for those who're not fluent in the English language; while not everyone has artistic skill, the graphics and music etc. activities are different stories, as they can still attract attrendances from all over the world) it may be okay, but not when it's some short story (even if it's short story).

Moreover, if writting competitions are held too often it's more like school homeworks, which can reduce the interest of people and may even be a cause of th activities' deaths.
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