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Messages - Gilbert

I've never played the desktop adventures, nor do I know how they're like, but judging from what you had mentioned, they're top view with tiled backgrounds like the console RPGs right?
In that case, I think most engines capable of making such kind of RPGs should do it (like RPG Maker, or Verge, etc.).

That doesn't mean you can't make it with AGS with some effort though...
Sorry can't resist.
What's the problem with empty files? Just type in the filename of GUI to save and save it.
Did you click the "Export GUIs" button in the GUI screen of teh editor?
You can make a tile engine with rawdraw yourself.
Quote from: Moebius 5.18 on Mon 31/05/2004 06:44:17
Keep in mind that global ints, like just any other int variable, will only store numbers in the range of -32768 to 32767. There are also GlobalStrings. Look 'em up. :)

Terran, in AGS only short variables are of 2 bytes, an int variable occupy 4 bytes, so the range should be -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
Scummbuddy, judging from what he wrote, I think he knew about that already, what he wanted to know was how to refer to variables which are accessible by BOTH text scripting and from Interaction responses.

In fact, I think the interactions can not access GlobalInts currently, instead, you need to use the Graphical Variables (see text script function GetGraphicalVariable(), unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a SetGraphicalVariable(), so you cannot change their values in text scripts at the moment, correct me if I'm wrong)
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