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Messages - Grundislav

I think that would be considered incest.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Mon 20/01/2014 05:44:34
Thanks, everyone! :cheesy:
Episode 33

Puzzle variety and the usual David Cage bashing.
Episode 32

Dave is back this week along with wife Janet (briefly) to discuss the benefits of beta testing, as well as feedback and criticism from others.
Episode 31

First podcast of 2014! Special guest Dave Gilbert joins us to talk about game design.
Episode 30

Working in teams and the weird stuff it makes you do.
Armageddon: I LOVE There Will Be Blood. It's definitely an influence on AGW.   
Yeah, remember we record these a week before release, so there's a bit of a gap.

Also, we didn't play the drinking game ourselves, those pictures were taken by Anatoly. (boing)
Episode 27. Play along with the drinking game...IF YOU WANT TO DIE.
Hello, Episode 26!

Roberta Williams fans may not enjoy this one so much...
* Grundislav eats Pie Face.
Now hold on just one minute, Ponch.
Quote from: Ponch on Thu 31/10/2013 22:19:15
It gave me the time I needed to sort my feelings and realize that I can still find a way to love the podcast despite Grundy's incredibly limited knowledge of art and culture (ad big bottoms).

Ok, I'll give you art, I'll give you culture, but big bottoms? HOW DARE YOU SIR! MY KNOWLEDGE OF BIG BOTTOMS IS UNPARALLELED!
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