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Messages - Ian Aloser

> Examine door
> Examine pictures
> Look
> Well, if it's fancy where we're heading, put on the top hat and dance through the doorway Fred Astaire style to get a laugh from our sister.
Of course
I played it again today
I got it when
Grandad was at the left curtain looking towards the screen. You have to look first !
It's strange...
Today i got it at the first click, and
it was NOT the updated version ..
I found this super hard
After clicking a hundred times and repeatedly getting the message ,, The bed is well made" or so, I started to believe that I had to get something sheet-like elsewhere, so I used the knife on all books in the library and
on all paintings until I finally succeeded in the bedroom.
They are about at the left side of the
window, I never got the message that they exist, probably missed something.
Good luck, You will find them.
I played it to the end, great job, well done. I used a playthrough of the ATARI version :-)
Never would have found the xxx magazines, they were at a different spot in the bedroom
I played it to the end, great job, well done. I used a playthrough of the ATARI version :-)
Never would have found the xxx magazines, they were at a different spot in the bedroom
Sorry, wrong thread...
> Listen at the the other door to see if there's any noise coming from it then open it and take a peek at at what's on the other side.
> Walk down the stairs and explore the rooms there
> Examine the hat
> Try looking behind the mirror if it's not screwed to the wall. If it is, use the multi tool to unscrew it
> Open the other door and look what's behind it
> Examine hat/cylinder
>Examine and search drawers and the small bowl or ashtray on top.
>Discuss directions and bearings with Shoshana...what door is likely the right way?
>Carefully check this weird hat /Cylinder
( Looks like the owner is a magician ,
at the worst, there's a rabbit or a pigeon inside )
> Walk straight in, your sister behind you, and shine your headlamp around to take in the full room, especially any further exits.
> Reminisce about the crime I committed back then
Hints & Tips / Re: Highland Spirit
Sat 10/12/2022 17:57:35
Look at the spoilers in this thread!
OR :
Look at the display case in the library
>Ask her if she brought any rubber gloves so we don't end up leaving our fingerprints allover the place. After all we wouldn't want to go back to prison
> Turn on the headlamp, slightly open the door (without leaving fingerprints) and shine some light in the room to see what's inside before entering.
Hints & Tips / Re: Highland Spirit
Fri 09/12/2022 09:14:37
I am not 100% sure, but
Did you look at all plaques of the diorama in the library?
That should solve your problem
Hints & Tips / Re: Highland Spirit
Mon 05/12/2022 19:44:52
Here's what you do
Slight nudge
Your knife is dull, you'll need to sharpen it
Super brutal Spoiler
There's an item in Aladdin's cave you can sharpen your knife with
Hints & Tips / Re: Highland Spirit
Sun 04/12/2022 18:44:15
Hey Creamy,
here's what you have to do:
First Spoiler
Did you already find the metal detector?
It's behind a painting in Aladin's cave
Second Spoiler
The toilet in Stuart Arms play an important role
Dry the book you found outside the library
by using it on the dryer in this room
And: Take a look at the poster above the sink, use tracing kit on it
That should solve your problem
And : Did you look at all plaques at the diorama in the library?

EDIT: I think the first spoiler should solve your problem, looks like you completed all the rest
"Super weird"...I bet cutting the power has let loose some "collectibles" already!
Or the corpses in the freezer slowly defrosting...
I guess we've seen too many horror movies :-)
I just finished this lovely game, great atmosphere, nice puzzles, nice graphics,
simply very well done !
Thanks so much for this great piece of entertainment !!!
> Examine door and lock
> Check contents of sister's toolbox
> Pick lock if it looks safe
Yes, brilliant game !
Unfortunately, the Save/Restore Function doesn't work.
I played it for a while and before I left, I thought
it might be a good idea to save the game, so I pressed the
"S" button. Since no save game dialogue appeared, i thought
that there was only one save possible.
But when I restarted the game and chose the option "Load",
there was such a dialogue, but it was empty.
Once it's fixed, I will definetely play it over again, it's really worth it.

On the graveyard,the Hotspot for the bottom right gravestone reads "Hotspot 8".
Hints & Tips / Re: Nine Hours To Dawn
Thu 01/12/2022 12:28:41
You can search the hints&tips forum
Maybe this helps

Edit: Oh no !!!!!
We already are in the hints thread, sorry,
my mistake
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