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Messages - Ian Aloser

Ok , all in
>Ask her excitedly what kind of safe it is, a bit more calmly what riches she expects to find, and business-like what alarm systems this place is supposed to have
Quote from the Prologue:
You've got something important to do. Something only you can do. Something you've done before, of course, so surely it won't be a big deal.
Just a job. A Mission.
....I'm really having a hard time deciding what to do
Same with me...
I think it's time to find out more about the mission

>Tell my sister about the mission
> Base my decision on what is best for fulfilling our mission
I guess you're right !
> Ask her what this place is and why she is trying to break into it
> Carefully inspect entrance door *
> Tell my sister what I did so far (including the mess:-) )

I am so stupid ! I followed the game on my smartphone
and the pics were so dark, i could hardly recognize anything.
Then I downloaded them and increased the brightness just to discover
that this is some kind of watchtower....
Hints & Tips / Re: The Will
Tue 08/11/2022 13:36:36
Read the answers above!
They contain enough information to complete this game !
>Signal back with the signal you and Shoshana use. Then turn off headlight and approach.
>Carefully check the coloured tiles
>Carefully check the blinking device
Hints & Tips / Re: The Will
Tue 08/11/2022 08:09:28
Here's what you have to do :
PULL the bottom drawer in the basement,
then carefully check its contents
There's more in it than broken glasses
> Turn off your car's headlights and engine and enter the area behind the gate
> Clean up the mess
> Carefully approach the tall structure
Come on Folks !!
We've been pussyfooting around that wimpy gate while our sister might be in danger !
Where did all your adventurer's spirit go ?
@cat : Good idea

> Take tire iron
> Clean up the mess
Come on guys ! This game deserves more participants
>Carefully open the the trash bag and hope it does not contain anything bad.
>Take tire iron
WOW! NICE! A weapon and a pry bar !
>Check my driver's license for holder's name
> Pick the lock of the trunk (or just "pop the trunk", since we're in the car now)
>Check ground for footprints or other signs of where Shoshana went.
> Look inside your sister's glove compartment.
> Try to pick the lock of the door
I expand this to
> Pick the locks of the door and the trunk using my multi-tool
> Check my driver's license for holder's name
> inspect sister's car. Try opening the doors and popping the trunk.

> call sister's name

> Carefully approach tall structure after turning off my car's engine and lights

My best wishes for a speedy recovery !
>Use my high-end multi-purpose tool to convert my headlamp into night vision goggles
> Turn lights back on, then exit car and inspect surroundings
> Look for footprints or other clues in the muddy grass on either side of the road
> Turn off my car's lights
> Search red car's trunk and interior (if accessible)
>Say [sister's name], it's [my name].
+1 for this, too
> Recap what the mission is about
+1 for this one, too
How could we complete the mission if
we don't know what it is all about?
>Get the pen from the glovebox
>Pull the car over, get out, and quickly check the trunk for anything interesting and/or useful looking
>Visual inspection of the surrounding area.
>Approach and inspect the other car.
> Check If I'm already at the meeting point
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