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Messages - Igor Hardy

Hi Daniel,

You've just given me...

Quote from: BlankCanvasDJ on Fri 11/03/2011 03:13:33
a snake in a shoe store.

...a wonderful idea for the title of my next game.  ;D
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sat 19/02/2011 03:34:50
Happy Birhday, Frodo Bagginses!

And belated happiness to Darth!
New interview with The Ivy on gamesauce:

It's called "Game Designer Erin Robinson on Free Games and Indie Life".
Quote from: theo on Sat 22/01/2011 23:00:37
I can't even select 1280x960 in the general settings pane of my game. Can you? What am I doing wrong, lol?

You can multiply the resolution of your game by 2, 3, or 4 times in the winsetup file's settings.
Quote from: theo on Sat 22/01/2011 22:14:29
So another question then: Many players have widescreen monitors, many don't. Is there a common solution to this issue when building AGS games? I'd like to be certain my assets aren't being squashed and stretched at random.

I'm troubled with that fact too - even the modern re-scaling low resolutions to full screen with proper aspect ratio technology sucks - it all goes blurry. :(

I guess, the only solution for not distorting the image without the user being able to temper with the settings is playing in windowed mode.

Speaking of which, I have my own related question... Most people have at least 1280x960 resolution capability in their monitors by now, right? So I can pretty safely spread Snakes with the default setting of windowed, 1280x960?
Quote from: Ben304 on Sat 22/01/2011 14:30:22
I did mention puzzle bots!  8)

Sorry Ben, my eyes must have been distracted by some passing Airwave.
Besides TGP Steam also has Puzzle Bots.

I remember reading somewhere that the reason behind the fact so many games are outright rejected is because negotiating with Steam is such a lengthy, complicated (and apparently boring) process that even Steam itself is not keen on it. If you're a small indie, you need to dazzle them with important awards, or past financial successes, to get them invest their time in talking with you.
Quote from: Mods on Wed 19/01/2011 00:30:17
Nice one Ascovel, but wouldn't it be great to finally see an AGS game there too? :)

Yeah, or even have the AGS games dominate the adventure game category in shops.

So far there was only Downfall's release in Russia.
Quote from: Mods on Tue 18/01/2011 16:15:22
After a dismal period it seems now is a great time to get a point and click on the shelves. The closest I've seen is Gilbert Goodmate (though not AGS) but that seems to be the only independent adventure I've seen on a shelf, and that was 8 years ago.

It's not so bad with indies in retail - the recent Machinarium and Jolly Rover almost instantly got themselves retail versions. Darkfall and Barrow Hill seem quite successful in retail too (probably in UK in particular). Then there's Scratches, Darkstar is supposedly coming soon, and perhaps some important title I forgot.
AGS games roam the Top 10 Freeware Adventure Games of 2010 on!

By The Numbers
Eternally Us
The Journey Down
Snakes of Avalon
I found this cool Czech website devoted to freeware games:

They are actively reviewing a lot of recent AGS games, e.g. Aidas Strange Christmas, Warning: Fragile!, The Journey Down, rein, Johnny The Toublemaker, Death, Hard Space, Johnny Rockett...

Also, Pc Gamer UK seems to feature a new AGS game on its Cover DisK in almost every issue now :)
Thanks, anian. The title still remains a mystery, but oh well.

I have no idea what language this gaming magazine is in, or what's it title (can anyone enlighten me?), but it seems they have put The Journey Down and Snakes of Avalon on their latest DVD.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 03/11/2010 15:56:21
Happy Birthday to Ben!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sat 23/10/2010 11:29:33
Happy Birthday, Xenogia!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 15/10/2010 12:38:05
Happy Birthday, cat!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Tue 07/09/2010 22:06:09
Happy Birthday, Mr Limping Fish!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 20/08/2010 15:04:48
Happy Birthday, Sebastian!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 18/08/2010 12:13:08
Happy Birthday, Mash! And don't forget finishing The Hatmaker’s Tale for us!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Tue 27/07/2010 17:53:07
Happy Birthday, Calin!
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