

InCreator AGSer

  • I can help with AGS tutoring
  • I can help with animation
  • I can help with backgrounds
  • I can help with play testing
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Personal text:
Useless since 2003
Tallinn, Estonia, Europe
Date registered:
Tue 18/03/2003 22:22:34
Local Time:
Sun 22/12/2024 05:28:32
Last active:
Wed 21/09/2022 17:35:55
I Can Help With:
I can help with AGS tutoring AGS Tutoring
Glad to help.
I can help with animation Animation
But no walkcycles!
I can help with backgrounds Backgrounds
As long as you don't ask me to draw them from scratch!
I can help with play testing Play Testing
Bugfree game? I'll get stuck in 2 minutes.
I've worked on the following games:
The Lost Prince Of Lorden - Part 1 
Web Hosting
Blackwell Deception Winner of Best Dialogue Writing at the AGS Awards in 2011 Nominated for Best Game Created with AGS for 2011 at the AGS Awards in 2011 Nominated for Best Gameplay at the AGS Awards in 2011 Nominated for Best Music at the AGS Awards in 2011 Winner of Best Voice Work at the AGS Awards in 2011 
Background art
Clip goes to town 
Santa's Sidekick 
The Hamlet 
Background Art, Character Art and Anima
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