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Messages - Ishmael

SSH, you got it all wrong.

(And yes, I was too lazy to fix certain detail.)

I haven't posted this yet, though it's a bit old picture...

Or, I might have, I'm not sure. At any rate:

This is the most recent pic of me, which for some reason does not want to hotlink, but clicking that should work...
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Thu 19/05/2005 09:42:14
Just about everybody did, so it doesn't really matter...
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Thu 19/05/2005 09:35:34
Quote from: Mr. Hyde on Thu 19/05/2005 09:32:51
1. They don't like me at all.
2. They won't care either way.


I guess it's just my typical luck...
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 18/05/2005 21:35:10

Stand for "Happy birthday... er.. Moderator who all noobs should Phear; terranricH!" ;)

A new one of me, taken about in the middle of the night... and with the most excellent camera, as you probably can see from the light level.
Quote from: Scummbuddy on Sat 09/04/2005 12:58:10
well, of course he meant RPG, but it would still hold true for anyone attempting an AGS...Ã,  ;)

Indeed :)
I was testing out our new digital camera, and as you can see from the level of blurryness in the following illustration, yours truly doesn't quite yet master it...

Quote from: TerranRich on Fri 08/04/2005 14:39:48
You really need to learn scripting before you even attempt to make an AGS.

Erhm... you gots a little typo there Mr. Rich, methinks... :=
The idea is that the shopkeeper characters have the items they can sell. Clicking the items on the inventory in the trade GUI runs the buying or selling action, whichever is in question. I have separate, invisible characters for the shopkeepers etc. which I move to the exact same coordinates and room as the player, and before opening the sell or buy GUI I change the player character to that character. When the trade is done, and the GUI is closed, I just return the player character to the original one. It's quite simple and works well, apart from that you can't see the stuff in the players inventory then. Atleast not in 2.62, haven't tried the 2.7 betas...
I've been thinking up a shop usinv GUIs, but I hit a wall with AGS handling two diffrent size inventory windows poorly... Better wait a bit and see then again.
There is one downside to this finnish site where (earlier only) IRC users can post their pictures... I've gotten too lazy to upload any more detailed (larger res) pictures :/ Anyway, here's a new one where I play the main role:

What a funny expression I got there...
Oh noes, it's me again... (and it is a frigging large picture)

I would have dressed up for halloween if there would have been a party for me to go to...
Yet another weird pic of me... go here: tis teh large

If you need to tweak the coordinates, check NewRoomEx...
It seems that everybody want's to make an rpg, but no-one actually has done yet, or if someone has, they are not that experienced or motivated to write a tutorial about it. I've been coincidering making a comical, short, first person rpg, but I'd have to be really bored to write a tutorial baut it, because I'm not a tutorial writing type person.
For a realtime battlesystem:

All you need is a randomizer for the enemy attack, the scripts for the player attack (like, attack when space is pressed etc), and make sure the actions are not blocking...
if (game.score) > ...and so on...
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