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Messages - JanetC

Quote from: Mehrdad on Thu 09/03/2017 15:15:16
Isn't any manual step by step for compile to Mac OS ? I haven't knowledge for use from Github .

Much appreciate for any help

It works in much the same way as the iOS version, described here:

(That is a little outdated now but it should provide a starting point.)

Note that Nick changed the way that projects work so now you add a new scheme to the existing project, rather than copying and renaming a project.
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Sat 11/02/2017 19:26:45
From user interface side:
- how the watched variables are displayed? Should there be a pane with list of those, or floating hints.

Whichever is easiest to code :) XCode includes both.
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Tue 10/01/2017 23:06:48
UPDATE: I just remembered that compiled script stores names of imported and exported variables for some reason. That's a good start, but not enough for general case.

Just that would be a big help, because usually the problem variables for me are imported/exported variables (I use them a lot.)
Quote from: Radiant on Wed 08/02/2017 21:56:56
Quote from: JanetC on Wed 08/02/2017 18:08:34
Anyone who wants to build for Mac, check out the port Nick Sonneveld did for Wadjet Eye!

Thank you, I have found the git branch but I'm wondering if a compiled executable is on the web somewhere.

No, you have to compile it yourself! Sorry!
Anyone who wants to build for Mac, check out the port Nick Sonneveld did for Wadjet Eye!

Branch: osx-nick
Quote from: sonneveld on Thu 09/06/2016 02:39:22
Quote from: JanetC on Fri 03/06/2016 18:00:59
I've really let this go (busy on other stuff), but we at Wadjet Eye are interested in releasing our games on OSX. Our old port by Edward Rudd of Humble Bundle isn't up to commercial standards anymore. It would be fantastic if OSX compatibility was part of the standard project. If anyone knows of any OSX developers who would be interested in working on this project, let us know. Otherwise I might try and muddle through (but I'm not experienced on Mac.)

I'm keen to look at this again.. Just need to find time/energy.


Nick found the time/energy :)

Anyone who wants to build on Mac can check out our OSX port at
Most debuggers allow you to hover over a variable while stepping through the code in order to inspect the contents of the variable. This would make my life so much easier!
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine iOS port
Wed 12/10/2016 15:52:43
Quote from: 8BitAirwaves on Sat 08/10/2016 18:40:40
Send me a PM with your email address and I'll send you an unsigned IPA of AGS 3.3.0. It works with most games on every device I've tried (iPhone 6+, iPad Pro etc- not sure about iPhone 7). It doesn't seem to work however with large games such as Primordia, Shardlight and Kathy Rain- the prior two I can confirm do work on Android. Also I don't want to violate any rules here or disrespect Janet and Dave so let me know if this is a no-no! Finally and as always please use a Purchased copy of the game to support our wonderful community:)

AGS is open source as is our (Wadjet Eye's) version of it, so you can do anything you like!
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine iOS port
Fri 16/09/2016 14:56:06
Quote from: Koekie on Fri 02/09/2016 16:26:58
Quote from: tsode on Tue 02/12/2014 15:48:45
Quote from: portdr on Wed 19/11/2014 20:53:58
i've got a working build of AGS 3.3.0 using patches written by JanetC and JJS if anyone needs it. not sure if people are looking for the ipa or the xcode project though. let me know.

portdr Can you send me the Compiled IPA too please?

Thank you in advance! ;)

Hi portdr,

Would you still be able to provide for a pre compiled IPA version? I would much appreciate that.
I've tried the IPA from different sources and it is not working on my iPad ios9.

If you can't provide for it, is there someone who has experience running the port on ios9?
If so please explain how to get the iOS port to work on my ios9 device?

Many thanks for any response,

I'm not sure that anyone will be able to get my version of the port running without expertise in compiling with XCode and a paid developer account. The older version of the port by JJS might have worked because all it required was a jailbroken device, but that older port probably doesn't even run anymore on modern devices.
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine iOS port
Fri 03/06/2016 18:03:27
Quote from: 8BitAirwaves on Tue 29/09/2015 17:44:06
If anyone is further pursuing a commercial version of JJS' amazing port, I'd be interested as a financial backer... I'd love to see this in a neat download with an easy game import coded in from our Archives... Send an email to if you're interested in putting this together, I just don't ha e the technical skills to do it myself!!

Wadjet Eye has tried throwing money at people for this project but everyone is a gentleman amateur and doesn't want to accept money :)

Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Thu 02/06/2016 20:30:35
I checked the specs of iOS devices here:
Apparently, newest devices have like 1-2 GB of RAM, but previous versions had much less, like 128-512 MB. I do not know how actively older iPhones are used in general, and not sure whether it will be safe to hardcode default of 100 MB sprite cache for iPhone then. I can enable reading this property from config file though (do not see why not).

I tried setting to to 100mb and it didn't seem to make any difference to the first 5 minutes of Primordia. Ran fine but not any faster or better.
I've really let this go (busy on other stuff), but we at Wadjet Eye are interested in releasing our games on OSX. Our old port by Edward Rudd of Humble Bundle isn't up to commercial standards anymore. It would be fantastic if OSX compatibility was part of the standard project. If anyone knows of any OSX developers who would be interested in working on this project, let us know. Otherwise I might try and muddle through (but I'm not experienced on Mac.)

The issue with the sticking mouse cursor was the worst for us (that's fixed, right?), but we also had issues with the right click not working, which is really important for our games.

We also need some fixes done on some Steam Integration stuff, but that's probably not relevant to the open source project :)
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine iOS port
Thu 02/06/2016 20:09:34
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Thu 02/06/2016 12:54:15
Can anyone tell, whether is would be acceptable to increase default sprite cache size to 100 MB for iOS device? We have a restriction in the iOS port code that limits cache size to 20 MB always (even regardless the config), and I do not know why is that so.

I don't know why either.
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Thu 28/01/2016 15:43:14
Quote from: Mehrdad on Thu 28/01/2016 14:52:55
So Does Janet Gilbert will put here or github source or method of this port ?   
AFAIK she keeps it open source and available for public use in her repository, but I do not really track her progress right now, so it is up to her to explain where you get the latest version and how you use it. I guess the fastest way is to contact her directly for this kind of info.

There is no real progress on Mac at the moment, but the version that StillInThe90s linked to is just fine for most uses.

It will always be open source. We literally *can't* make it closed source as AGS is open source - we'd be breaking the terms of agreement! Besides, we don't want to :)

Anyone know a Mac programmer? We'd like some things fixed :)
What bugs do we currently have on Wadjet Eye's Mac games and installers? I'm making a list for fixing. Have they been fixed in the latest version of the official engine?
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine iOS port
Thu 28/05/2015 16:58:17
I've put a big post in the engine forum below about how I updated 3.3.3 to work on iOS. It serves as a complete guide to releasing an AGS game on iPhone or iPad. I didn't want it to get lost in this biiiiig thread so I made a new thread :-)
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine iOS port
Tue 05/05/2015 21:14:40
Well, I finally got the iOS engine building for 64-bit! Now to test it and hopefully release some games!
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine iOS port
Tue 03/02/2015 20:22:27
Quote from: AGD2 on Tue 03/02/2015 20:08:20
We're also running into this problem. It might be worth looking for someone on ?

I would prefer a personal recommendation so I can be sure the developer is competent and can work with an existing codebase. There's a lot of sleazy iOS developers out there because of the "gold rush" nature of the platform. Trust me, I get spammed by them every day!
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine iOS port
Mon 02/02/2015 19:00:49
Does anyone know a commercial iOS contractor that would be interested in low-level engine stuff?

Without JJS I really don't know how to keep AGS up to date for more recent version of iOS. I have been in contact with JJS but he is too busy to work on the code right now.

Wadjet Eye Games is willing to pay a professional to update the port. We need it to work properly with iOS 8. Currently it crashes a lot and can't be built as 64-bit (which Apple are requiring for uploads to the App store)

Can anyone recommend a contractor to do this? They'd need to be experienced in low-level iOS code.


Engine Development / Re: AGS engine iOS port
Sun 02/02/2014 03:15:32
I've noticed that games forked from my version are reporting to my Crashlytics account. Could you turn off that feature or redirect it to your own Crashlytics account please?

To do this, search the code for Crashlytics and remove those things, remove the Crashlytics framework, and also remove from the "Run Script" phase.
Thanks, CrimsonWizard! That worked.
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