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Messages - Joseph DiPerla

Looking for this and just cant find it anywhere, but does anyone have a copy of AGS 3.0.0 hanging around so that I upgrade a template? Thanks.

EDIT: OK got it. Thanks Stupot! And thanks AGA for hosting it :P
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Sun 17/03/2013 18:39:45
Well, I am doing a preliminary convert to Allegro 5 now. I think I forgot to mention this on forums... I told this to Janet Gilbert and JJS & BigMC via emails.

You rock!
I personally feel now, after months of thinking about it, that AGS should move on from Allegro 4. However, that doesn't mean move away from Allegro all together. But I am open to other libraries as well. The big thing for me is portability. Pretty much all these libraries support Mac, Windows and Linux. Great. But I also own/have owned portable devices such as the PSP and Android (No longer have the psp though as I sold it) and my brother has an IPhone and IPad. We do most of our gaming on these devices rather than on our pc's. So to me, its a big deal to have those ports. It seems as if, even though its possible to port, SDL and SFML do not have official ports to those systems. No biggie I Suppose. With extra hard work, it can be done. But it makes things challenging. Here are my observations:

Latest updates:
SDL was last updated in January 2012
SFML was last updated in April 2012
Allegro was last updated in January 2013.

SDL will function officially with Windows/Win CE, MacOS, BSD, Linux, Solaris, Irix and QNX along with unofficial ports to OS that people generally do not use anymore.
Allegro officially supports Windows, Mac, Linux, IOS, Android. Older Versions support PSP, QNX, BeOS, etc... To me, you can probably easily port version 5 to those OS as well.
SFML officially supports Windows, Linux and Mac with a promise to support more in the future.

Ease of use:
SFML - Have not messed around with it, so I couldn't tell you.
Allegro - To me, as a sort of novice C++, Allegro is complicated to me.
SDL - Even to me, this is fairly easy to implement.

AGS already uses Allegro. So I would think that moving from 4 to 5 would be a somewhat smooth transition. On the other hand, since SDL is easier to understand, you would have also have more of the developers understanding how to use it and improve the engine. But again, I don't think it would be that much harder with Allegro being as the developers seem to be doing very well with it.

Mixing with other libraries:
Pretty much all of them support mixing with OpenGL or DX. However, my understanding is that Allegro is far more modular than SDL or SFML, allowing you to really integrate seemlessly with other libraries. So for instance, if you wanted to use OpenGL ES for portable versions of AGS, or if you wanted to include 3D capabilities with Ogre3D, Allegro can do that easily and without any mixed interference.

SDL seems to have diminished as a community and from what I hear, support from the development team is non-existent. I haven't really checked what its like with Allegro, but it might be the same, it might night. SFML Seems to be somewhat still active on the forums though.

Speed of updates:
In order for AGS to continue to have timely updates, it should stay with what is familiar. If AGS was to move on to SDL or SFML, it would probably require a whole new rewrite of much of the engine, thus probably taking a year or longer to achieve.

Here is a good overview of these libraries that can really tell us which is better for AGS:

For me personally, I would move to Allegro 5. However, I am not a team member and I do not understand the source code all that much to begin with anyway. But from all the things I understand, Allegro 5 is the way to go. The other option would be to go the same direction of the AGS Scripting language and just have the team just create their own multimedia layer for AGS.
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine iOS port
Sat 14/07/2012 07:28:55
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Fri 29/06/2012 22:24:36
This is a problem the engine would run sooner or later, since it wasn't made with having portability in mind.

Unfortunately my only suggestion is rather for the future versions of the engine - to implement totally virtual controls that could be rebound from game setup, for example.

Much how c++ has a way to check which OS its executing an app from, can AGS do the same? Perhaps a script function that checks which platform its running under, and if its running under a mobile OS, functionality can be customized to work with that platform right from within the game. For older games that did not do this, maybe the engine for ports such as Android and IOS can have a default custom keyboard that implements shift/CTRL/ PG up or dwn, Home, End, F1-F12 keys, etc...?
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine iOS port
Sat 26/05/2012 00:44:09
OK last link. (BTW, I hope I am not breaking rules by posting in a new post rather than editing the prior ones. I just feel that then this thread would not be recognized as being updated).

This link is a tutorial that shows you how to convert an Iphone app to a webos app in ten minutes using phone gap. I am not sure if this would work with the way you have the iphone port set up or not. But thought I would post it anyway:
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine iOS port
Thu 24/05/2012 01:30:22
JJS, I know you said you wouldn't work on any more ports, and I am sure you have some more work to do with the IOS port, but I do have a request. Its for my brother and a few others actually. Its for a WebOS port. And I know how they feel because I used to have a Palm Pre and it was awesome. I let it go because I hate what HP is doing to it (Dropping it). But it will be licensable to other companies, so it will rise again, I am sure. It is actually my favorite mobile OS right next to Android Ice Cream Sandwhich. Anyway, I want to request a port to WebOS if its possible.

From what I hear, programming for WebOS is similar to Android (Haven't really tried it). A few sites to check out are

Apparently, they have a very simple solution for porting Android Apps to IOS and WebOS (So I hear). Plus, WebOS has a windows emulator that one can use to test the apps out as well as a RAD IDE on the web(Browser based) that one can use to design GUI's. So, its a possibility to port. You think you would be able to check it out after you are done with the IOS port? My brother would be very grateful since he owns an HP Touchpad. :)
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine iOS port
Mon 21/05/2012 01:02:25
I do not own anything with IOS, but you rock regardless!
Engine Development / Re: AGS engine iOS port
Mon 14/05/2012 01:03:41
Wow. I do not own an iPhone, but I am still psyched that you got a port over to it though. AMAZING. OK honestly, what else are you going to try to port AGS to next JJS? You seem to be incredible at this. I would suggest a Dingoo A320. But thats just me. :)
Based on some discussion here:

Title: "The AGS Films and TV Competition"

Held: Every three months, the competition itself will last three months.

Minimum Entry rules: Must be either a first person or third person adventure game. It must contain a minimum of 5 rooms, 2 puzzles and 2 characters.

Rules: Each Game entered must be original and not already released in any form. It cannot be a remake. However, prior artwork from other games can be used. The game must be made using any version of AGS. The Game may have any type of graphics, GUI, options, etc... that is typically found in a point and click adventure. Each entry can consist of a team of 1 or higher, but no more than 5.

Thread Administrator:  I will host the competition myself. The winner(s) (Whether one individual or a team) must collectively host and decide what the next show/film and its features will be. A thread administrator can participate only on a team project, not on his own project and cannot be the project leader either. The same goes with the current host. However, if the current host consists of more than one member, they must then wait until the current period of the competition is over.

Type of Competition: Each competition will have a winner and will be decided by a poll vote from the members of the AGS Community. The vote will last only a week and begins immediately after the deadline. If there is only one entry, then they automatically are the winners for that period of the competition. If there are no entries, then the competition will be extended one more month. If there is still no entry, the competition is scrapped and the current host must pick a new show or movie to base the competition on. If three periods of a competition in a row have no participation, then the competition will be scrapped all-together.

Description of the competition:

The AGS TV and Film competition is a competition where one or more members get together to develop a game based on either a TV Show or Movie decided upon the current competitions host or winner. The game can be based on any current or older tv show or film with the exception of reality tv shows. Crossovers are allowed. Comic book themes are also allowed as long as that particular comic story has been made into a movie or tv show. Cameo's of characters are also allowed. This allows the community to create games based on their favorite films or tv shows that would have otherwise never developed into a film. Each period of the competition can have certain rules that apply to it, such as how the ending will be or what items must be used, which characters must be used or excused etc... The rules completely lies with the host of the competition.

If we have any takers, please vote and agree to this competition.

I am looking for a c++ pathfinding library that is supported on atleast windows, mac and linux. Is there any out there that can work just by loading an image as a mask and making that be a pathfinding area? Basically the way any other engine works, just as a c++ library.
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