

Khris AGSer

  • Twitter - khrismuc
  • I can help with scripting
  • I can help with translating
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Lifetime Achievement Award Winner Lifetime Achievement Award Winner 2011

12,252 (1.643 per day)
Munich, Germany
Date registered:
Mon 19/07/2004 22:29:35
Local Time:
Sat 21/12/2024 15:25:55
Last active:
Sat 18/11/2023 10:31:27
I Can Help With:
I can help with scripting Scripting
experienced scripter
I can help with translating Translating
esp. english to german
I've worked on the following games:
The Secrets of Jesus 
Scripting Help
Bustin' the Bastille 
Dynamic Sprite Rotation module
All Gone Soon 2 
AltKeyboardMovement module
You rock, Topus! 
AltKeyboardMovement module
The Decorcist Nominated for Best Programming at the AGS Awards in 2015 
Scripting Help.
Floaty Rog' Nominated for Best Non Adventure Game Created with AGS at the AGS Awards in 2014 
Deep Hope 
Scripting help
[Into the series] Shogin Crystal Legends B2 
The Lost Prince Of Lorden - Part 1 
Scripting Help.
Maniac Mansion Mania Episode 40 - Trapped in the cellar v.3.1 
English Translation
N.orth E.ast W.est S.outh 
scripting help
Background Blitz Collection Screensaver 
Randomizer help
Featherweight Nominated for Best Background Art at the AGS Awards in 2009 Nominated for Best Puzzles at the AGS Awards in 2009 
Scripting help
Diamonds in the Rough 
Additional scripting
Bernard's Room 
story, puzzles, scripting, additional graphics
Maniac Mansion Mania Episode 2 - Commotion 
story & puzzles
Fail at Floaty Rog' now!       
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