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Messages - Khris

Quote from: SinSin on Sat 03/06/2023 17:02:49Such a shame and so so young, RIP JimReed. is still alive, afaik.
This thread is about the creator of the Larry Vales games
So you added a single, empty function and now the action label simply disappears? No idea what's going on there, it should always show the verb at least.

Or do you have code in there?
By "became unclickable", do you mean the game no longer reacts to the click immediately?

By default, clicking with the "Use" verb on an item makes the action line change to "Use item_name with" and you're now supposed to click a second item/hotspot.

Also, with the Tumbleweed template you're supposed to put the same function in all item events, then check for the verb inside the function. Best check the example code in the template. It's in the Global Script, starting at line 180.
My condolences to the people who knew him :(

If anybody wants to play Larry Vales I and II, you need Dosbox and this:
Here's an optimized version:

Code: JavaScript
window.addEventListener("load", function() {
  .forEach(a => a.href = a.href.replace(/%20/g, "+"));
You need to use %s to insert a string value into text, it looks like you've accidentally used %d or %f.
Please always show your code when asking about coding.
Here's a GreaseMonkey script that will fix this:

Code: JavaScript
// ==UserScript==
// @name     AGS profile link fix
// @version  1
// @grant    none
// @match*
// ==/UserScript==

window.addEventListener("load", function () {
  document.querySelectorAll(".poster h4 a, .postby a, .moderators a").forEach(a => {
    a.href = a.href.replace(/%20/g, "+");

(In case you don't want to use GreaseMonkey, simply replace the spaces in the username with + symbols)
Without the idle mechanic you could do this:

Code: ags
int idleFrames;

  // inside on_mouse_click
  idleFrames = 0;

  // inside repeatedly_execute
  if (idleFrames >= GetGameSpeed() * 10) ... // 10 seconds idling

This works because during a blocking interaction like examining something, rep_ex doesn't run, so the timer will correctly start to run again as soon as the game returns to idling.
ChatGPT can't find any errors because
player.LoseInventory = iEmptyBottle;
is a valid assignment in theory, IF player.LoseInventory were a property like .ActiveInventory for instance. As the verb in the name itself suggests, it's a method (or function in general) though.
AGS has no array methods/functions that I know of.
It looks like the other game's creator already used a modified font where the pixels for the = character were changed to those of an ä.

Is it possible the other user contacted the game's creator and had them update the game with a modified font? Because I don't see how else you would get a = in the translation source to display as ä in game.

If the wfn files from the game are inside the game's .exe or data file as-is, you could use a hex editor to change the font's pixels, but that's a long shot I guess.
I looked at the AGS 3.4 version of the 9verb template and it looks like the function was renamed :)
Glad it works!
I'd answer the question like this:

can a game dev with little coding knowledge make a professional quality game?
-no, unless quality refers only to story, art, etc.

can a game dev make a professional quality game with AGS?
-definitely yes
Afaik you need to make your buttons run something like this:

Code: ags
  // button handler for Spanish
  lang = eLangES; // update global variable
You can use a global variable:

Code: ags
// top of global script
string translation;

  // inside handling the change:
  translation = Game.TranslationFilename;

  // inside on_event / eEventRestoreGame
  if (translation != null) Game.ChangeTranslation(translation);
The error message is telling you exactly what the problem is: you saved when your game had 7 GUIs, and you've now added a new one. That means you can non longer restore older savegames.

To test if your game can properly load a savegame, you need to create a fresh savegame first, then restore this new savegame.
In General Settings -> Dialog -> Speech style, pick "Sierra-style with background".
This puts the default text box behind the speech text next to the portrait.

If you want it to look different or customize it further, please tell us exactly how you want it to look, ideally with a screenshot from an existing game or something like that.
Add the repeatedly execute event to the room, then put something like this inside the function:

Code: ags
  if (cStatue.Frame == 5) SetTimer(1, 20);
  if (IsTimerExpired(1)) player.SayBackground("Did that statue just blinks his eyes?");
The module isn't optimized for tons of chats/messages and can get pretty slow I guess; it does have a CleanUp() function though that should be called on chats that are no longer needed.
Thanks, I found the issue I hope and I've updated the file. I've also fixed an issue with using a semi-transparent background sprite.
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