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Messages - Khris

Got a dumb question for you guys (about graphics adapters and chance):

I bought a GTX 970 in 2015 and it has been a great investment ever since. However since mid-August or so I experienced intermittent BSODs, sometimes a minute after turning on the PC, sometimes during playing a recent AAA 3D game. Windows always came back with BCCode 116, which definitely points to the graphics card.
I also got extreme jerkiness occasionally in 3D heavy games, or one could see big black bars during the desktop refreshing.

Anyways, it was probably dying, so I ordered a 1660 Super on Monday. It came yesterday. And since Monday, my 970 has been working perfectly fine. No crashes, no jerkiness, no black bars, just doing a perfectly fine job. I did move my PC right before that, so maybe it wasn't 100% inside the PCI slot...? I dunno.

Do I

a) just replace my current one, because it didn't get magically fixed and will still die soon
b) keep the new one but don't replace the old one yet, forgoing my chance to return the 1660?
c) return the 1660 so I get back my â,¬225 and hope for the best?
d) all of the above?

Has somebody experienced something similar?
What's the visibility setting of the GUI you're using? If it's set to "pause game when shown", that could be the cause.
One thing that might cause issues:
ints that aren't initialized to any value start out being 0, and your code skips creating  task[3]  which means  task[3].parent  is 0, i.e. the ID of the first quest.
Code: ags
  int struct_id = quest[list_id].ID;

seems unnecessary, list_id should already be the struct_id you're looking for.

Your points 1-4 look exactly right, that's how I'd do it, here's the basic idea:
Code: ags
  int quest_id = quest[active_quest[questList.SelectedIndex]].ID;

  // TODO: clear subTasks 

  for (int i = 0; i < tasks_count; i++) {
    if (task[i].questID == quest_id) subTasks.AddItem(task[i].desc);
You need to create an array of struct instances:

Code: ags
// header
import Quest quest[60];

// main script
Quest quest[60]; // quest[0], quest[1], ..., quest[59]
export quest;

(import and export lines are only required if you want to access your quest array from other scripts, like room scripts)

Now you can call  quest[0].Create(...);

On to SelectedIndex: the quest array stores quest data, now you need an active_quest array:
(this array allows a) an arbitrary order of active quests b) doesn't have holes, if quests 1 and 3 are active but 2 isn't)
Code: ags
int active_quest[60]; // create 60 integer slots
int active_quests = 0;  // stores amount of active quests and also first free slot

// adding quest #3 as first active quest:
active_quest[active_quests] = 3;

// OnSelectionChanged
  qDesc.Text = quest[active_quest[questList.SelectedIndex]].desc;

The way this works:  questList.SelectedIndex  is 0, so  active_quest[questList.SelectedIndex]  is 3
and  quest[active_quest[questList.SelectedIndex]] is therefore  quest[3]

Listbox doesn't support sprites; you need to either draw the GUI yourself or use buttons to display images
For react-native there's Expo:
Looks like AudioClip.ID is a very recent addition; it's in the 3.5.0 manual but not the online one.
weird, that check looks perfectly fine and should prevent null pointer errors

I'm reading that manual part as the 3rd sound not being played, since there's no free channel and no occupied channel with a lower or equal priority.

.PlayingClip returns an AudioClip*, so from a purely technical standpoint you cannot assign that to a String property. What you can do is something like
Code: ags
  else {
    AudioClip* ac = System.AudioChannels[i].PlayingClip;
    gAudioDebugUI.Controls[i+8].Text = String.Format("ID: %d, type: %d", ac.ID, ac.Type);

Maybe AudioClips will get a description in the editor we can access using .Name in the future?
That call will still open the system's default browser, so not really what you need.
Also, this is about accessing an https server from AGS so pretty sure it falls under AGS technical questions.
You can use  ShellExecute("", "", "");  instead, but that's beside the point.
Let me do some curl tests.

(Also, maybe a mod can split off the https messages and move them to the technical forum?)
Not sure, but you can use curl instead.

And here's the plugin: ags_shell
I don't think so, but no clue. Maybe the request appears in a log somewhere?
You can also write a small exe that'll make the request and call it from AGS via ags_shell.
Or use an http server that in turn makes the https request. ifttt?
Curios that works, because it should be

Code: txt
GET /stats-startup.html HTTP/1.1

You're using  SockAddr.CreateIP(host, 80);, and the server is probably removing protocol and host while parsing the request.

Anyway, the socket plugin has no built-in support for https, all it does is open connections. You would have to implement the entire ssl protocol yourself.
General Discussion / Re: Free Steam keys!
Sun 17/05/2020 22:00:45
GTA V is free in the Epic store.
Small bug report:

import InventoryItem*ItemGiven; in GlobalScript.asc should probably be removed, and the documentation PDF about using the Give verb should use  Verbs.GetItemGiven()  instead of  ItemGiven.

Details in this thread:
Probably a bit annoying at this point, but...
Quote from: Khris on Sun 26/01/2020 10:06:14
Just a friendly reminder that this still isn't fixed :)

Quote from: Khris on Wed 04/12/2019 13:41:43
Looks like the forum just lost the default setting of  ags for   [code]  tags.
General Discussion / Re: Free Steam keys!
Fri 17/04/2020 01:20:20
Just Cause 4 is free in the Epic Store.
General Discussion / Re: Free Steam keys!
Thu 16/04/2020 00:31:21
Assassin's Creed 2 is free on Uplay till April 17.
General Discussion / Re: Free Steam keys!
Fri 03/04/2020 14:58:32
Not exactly a key, but Elder Scrolls Online is Free to play till April 6th (on Steam).
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