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Messages - Khris

Looks like it's an issue with the module which might not be compatible with Voice Speech? Anyway, I'd post in the module's thread instead.
Just a friendly reminder that this still isn't fixed :)

Quote from: Khris on Wed 04/12/2019 13:41:43
Looks like the forum just lost the default setting of  ags for   [code]  tags.
Looks like the forum just lost the default setting of  ags for   [code]  tags.
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Fri 15/11/2019 17:21:25
An "accept cookies" box and ad banners are two very different things :P
I don't mind cookie banners since if you click them once, they're gone forever. And uBlock Origin works very well for me; I rarely ever encounter a site where I have to turn it off to see content.
What does grind my gears is that these cookies banners are nothing but theatrics while the actual issues with data collection remain unresolved.
General Discussion / Re: Free Steam keys!
Sat 05/10/2019 15:32:05
It was the current offer for me when I wrote that post but apparently did end very soon after.

And yes, the current free game is Minit.  :)
General Discussion / Re: Free Steam keys!
Thu 03/10/2019 10:00:00
Free on Epic: Everything and Metro 2033 Redux.
General Discussion / Re: Free Steam keys!
Thu 26/09/2019 01:08:18
Freespace 2 is free on GOG:
Thanks Vincent, nice catch! I updated the module and the download link in the first post.
Would it be possible to make "ags" the default property of the "code" BB tag again? This would also benefit old threads.
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Fri 05/04/2019 08:27:55
1. I only buy keyboards that have those
2. you can disable them in the power settings
Open guiscript.ash (header), then add this anywhere in a separate line:

Code: ags
import int lang;

Then open the main guiscript.asc and find
Code: ags
int lang = eLangEN;

It's line 16 for me.
Right below, add this:
Code: ags
export lang;

Finally, in your code, remove "int":

Code: ags
  lang = eLangEN; // change global variable

For further questions best use the template's thread:
In the forum search, when I check "Search in topic subjects only", I always get

Database Error
Please try again. If you come back to this error screen, report the error to an administrator.

Regular search works fine.
I never do it, and I would firmly advise against ever doing it.
General Discussion / Re: Free Steam keys!
Mon 04/02/2019 09:39:58
Kholat is free on Steam right now.

Edit: Axiom Verge will be free on the Epic Games store from Feb 7 to Feb 21.
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Tue 15/01/2019 09:48:44
Seems like a good time to link hbomberguy: Flat Earth: A Measured Response

General Discussion / Re: Free Steam keys!
Sun 06/01/2019 13:38:36
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Tue 11/12/2018 23:21:26
Quote from: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly on Mon 10/12/2018 22:38:35I also forgot to mention along with windows taking ages to scan hd finding nothing when files clearly exists it was asked to find,  other times windows search literally dose not even bother to search.
You might want to try this:
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Fri 09/11/2018 12:06:14
What annoys me way more than it should is how people when asking for computer/programming help keep saying "every time I do X, Y happens", when they simply mean "when I do X, Y happens". The first version sounds like they are surprised that the outcome doesn't change. I'm sure it's just a colloquialism but it sounds absolutely moronic to my ears.
General Discussion / Re: Free Steam keys!
Fri 26/10/2018 12:00:47
Metro 2033 is free for 24 hours:
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