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Messages - Khris

Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Mon 27/08/2018 16:46:27
Looks like the Google Maps API key has expired; the profile page map is showing "for development purposes only".
I'd get a custom mouse where the hardware buttons are switched. Or just open one up and do it yourself.
Wouldn't it be possible to fake the eSpeechTextOnly setting and set the volume of Channel #0 to the lowest value, i.e. mute it?
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Thu 05/04/2018 08:08:09
When people have programming issues and post "every time I do X, it does Y". DUH.
What about Signal?
The Rumpus Room / Re: The bump topic!
Wed 21/03/2018 08:43:33
Seems like a good thread to use to post this:

Valley Forged: How One Man Made the Indie Video Game Sensation Stardew Valley

QuoteThe funny thing is that Eric never wanted to make video games, at least not professionally. He liked computers, dabbled in basic programming, but it was never a career ambition. “As a kid, I remember I made this little Choose Your Own Adventure,” he says. “Then I was in a band when I was 18 or 19. It was this experimental electronic-pop duo called 17 Colorful Feathers. One of the ideas I had was, when we released our album online, I would include a video game with it. I crafted this dumb little game like The Curse of Monkey Island. It was called The 17CF Game, or something like that.”

“It's pretty embarrassing now,” he says, laughing. “I'll send you a link.”

I'll give you three guesses which engine he used ;)
General Discussion / Re: Free Steam keys!
Wed 20/12/2017 13:05:08
If you install the client, you can play both StarCraft and StarCraft II for free, afaik.
Looks like I killed this thread, might as well revive it:

Right, you have to assign them inside a function.

Code: ags
// In AGS 3.2 you do it this way:
//   Audioclip *openDoorSound = aDoorsound;
AudioClip*  openDoorSound,

// called by the engine if it exists, at the very start of the game
void game_start() {
  openDoorSound = aTuerAuf;
  closeDoorSound = aTuerzu;
  unlockDoorSound = aTuerAuf;
Just to be really clear: a door that connects two rooms and is visible in both needs to use the same ID in both room scripts.
If you lock door 7 in room 2, then circle back through the entire mansion to room 3 and look at the same "physical" door from the other side, it has to be set up as door 7 in room 3, too, so the status of being open or locked is retained.

Think of the doors as global objects - each with its unique ID - that can be accessed from multiple rooms. Exactly like Characters.
1. open the main guiscript, check lines 48 - 52

2. double check your any_click_on_door functions; this definitely sounds like user error (i.e. wrong parameters)
Are you saying you're using GoToCharacter() as described in the docs, but it has no effect?
Hi Vincent,

I've already thought about adding emoticons; right now the text is created using DrawStringWrapped() but I wanted to implement links, so I'd have to pick apart and reassemble the bubble text anyway. It's more work than writing the entire current module though, so maybe at some point.

Dragging the scroll bar using the mouse it much more easy to implement; I might also add that, yes. Dragging and dropping the button however is pretty easy and unrelated to the module. Just look up code for dragging GUI buttons or objects and implement it in your game.

As for opening a file selection window, not possible. You can populate a listbox with filtered content of your game folder, but you cannot browse the hard drive. You can select and load an image file in the same folder as the game though.
Quote from: Monsieur OUXX on Fri 10/03/2017 10:21:36
Quote from: Khris on Thu 09/03/2017 23:02:31
I referred several people and activated Camera Uploads on my phone. I currently have a free Dropbox with 8,75GB of space.
I understood none of the 3 parts of this sentence.  ;-D What is "referring people". What is "camera upload". How on earth do you have 4 times the 2GB limit? Off to google!
1. I told them about Dropbox, entered their email addresses on the Dropbox website -> they get sent a link -> they use the link to sign up -> I get 500MB.
2. I downloaded the Dropbox App and turned on the feature -> +3GB
3. 2 + 3 + 7 * 0.5 + 0.25 = 8.75 (250 MB for completing "Getting Started" on the website)
I referred several people and activated Camera Uploads on my phone. I currently have a free Dropbox with 8,75GB of space.
There are several options:

- use the LW BASS template instead. If you absolutely want a 9-verb game, read on.

- let the room scroll. The default height of the GUI is 57 pixels (the action bar GUI is at a Y coordinate of 143), so if you simply add 57 blank rows of pixels to your background, increasing it to 320x257, the room will scroll vertically. The character is auto-centered, so results may vary, and you might want to use custom scrolling instead.

- make the action bar background transparent (if it isn't already) and sacrifice some of your art.

- hide the GUI, and show it if the player moves the mouse to the bottom of the screen. Experienced players will use the shortcut keys for the verbs anyway. This is actually what I would do: slide the action bar and verb GUI down so the verb GUI fully disappears and the action bar is at the bottom. If the mouse moves over the action bar, slide them back up.

- increase the game's resolution. Newest AGS versions allow completely custom resolutions, so you could in fact create a 320x257 game and move the action and verb GUIs down accordingly. You'd have to again add 57 blank pixels to your 320x257 room backgrounds.
This is not recommended if you want players to play your game full-screen, but with a 320 game you probably don't want that anyway. I personally rarely use a factor greater than 4 and play all 320 games windowed.
People have survived falling out of airplanes, so it is entirely in the realm of plausibility.

To use the module, put a button on a GUI, then create a new chat instance:
Code: ags
  globalHandleInt = Chat.Create(btnChat, eFontWestwood [, bgSprite, width, height]);

bgSprite is a sprite slot for the background, it gets auto-tiled if it's smaller than the button. You can also state width and height, in that case the button is resized to those dimensions.

Optionally add sound:
Code: ags
  Chat.SetSound(globalHandleInt, aBlip);

Pass null to disable sound.

To add a message, just call:
Code: ags
  Chat.Add(globalHandleInt, "The message", "sender" [, hour, minute]);

If you put an asterisk at the start of the sender, like "*Alice", the message appears on the right. You can optionally state a timestamp, or omit for user's local time.

Adding a message makes the chat scroll down automatically. You can also scroll using the mousewheel, while hovering over the chat.

The chat is automatically drawn and scrolled if the GUI and button are visible.

It's also possible to prepare multiple messages, just call Chat.Prepare() instead. Show them one by one using Chat.Advance(globalHandleInt); or all at once using Chat.ShowAllPrepared(globalHandleInt);.
(Calling .Add() will simply call .Prepare(), then .Advance(), so make sure you have advanced over all prepared messages before using .Add(), or you will get unexpected results ;) )

It is recommended to call Chat.CleanUp() upon quitting the game, this will delete all the DynamicSprites, avoiding a warnings log in the game folder.

Given that most people will probably want to customize the look of the chat, I've moved the function that draws a message to the very top of the module script.
It gets passed all relevant parameters:
Code: ags
DynamicSprite *CustomMessage(int chatWidth, Alignment align, String author, int hour, int minute, String text, FontType font) 

and must return a new DynamicSprite containing the message.

Preview of default look:
My example room script:
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Thu 16/02/2017 19:17:16
Thanks, still doesn't work though.
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