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Messages - Khris

Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Mon 13/02/2017 15:32:40
Just a very minor issue: the forum profile page doesn't allow avatar image URLs starting with https.
I guess the URL doesn't pass some outdated RegEx test?
SetActionButton() is the inital setup.
Keyboard shortcuts are implemented using a loop at the end of GlobalScript/on_key_press, this loop calls SetAction().

You can either exit on_key_press before the loop, or exit SetAction() at the start. I suggest the latter because it will completely disable the entire mechanism.
No. Creating an RPG with AGS is not recommended for beginners. Most tutorials are outdated, and you'll need a solid grasp of advanced scripting stuff.
Stupot, I'm pretty sure that by "box", Wyz is referring to the SNES itself (you even called it SNES-Box yourself). I also think the SNES is the problem.

If a TV has RCA sockets, it should expect an analog signal, not something else, and thus be able to display at least something resembling an image.
But you can try a SCART adapter, if the TV still has a SCART input.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sat 16/08/2014 19:17:44
Thanks guys, much appreciated!
I feel really bad because I never remember to congratulate people :-[
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Mon 02/06/2014 08:22:43
Nice find, that's the problem.
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Mon 02/06/2014 01:51:21
Everything was fine a few hours ago, and suddenly every text is centered when I look at threads!
I checked the page with Firebug and I can't find any text-alignment rule. ???

I'd love to know what's causing this.
I know you're just translating this, but there's a problem with the first puzzle: since it's about finding the cross sum, the result is always 20, no matter how the digits are arranged... ;)
The obvious problem is that you're using IE. We have almost gotten rid of IE8 by now, using a newer version of the world's worst browser is not gonna help.

As for your problem, not just the stylesheet but also the images are broken. Can you see them like this:

If you can, it looks like something is messing with your http requests directly.

Try to isolate the issue by testing it in another browser. If it works in Chrome or Firefox, consider the problem solved and don't look back.
I found the problem and updated the module. Just redownload it.
What happened was the player's frame got reset to 0 constantly whenever the module detected that the character had stopped moving.

Note that the delay parameter is supposed to be seconds, not loops!
I guess the easiest way would be to go the media server route.
If the computer is a PC with at least Windows Vista, it should already be set up as media server. You just have to add the media files to the Windows Media Player library.
If it's a Mac, you can download a media server (I recommend Plex) and again add media folders to its library.

Now all you need on the iPad is a media player that can play media server content. Here's one:

The protocol is called UPnP/DLNA, so any server/client that uses that will work.
The difference in speed isn't going to matter much; just try the 2GB stick you already have.
It should work absolutely fine, the only downside is that the Advent's stick is slower (533MHz instead of 667MHz), which will bring down the overall speed to its level. It's probably barely noticeable though, and an increase by 1GB should more than compensate for a slight loss of speed.
(As far as hardware compatibility, the only thing that matters is that both are of the same type, in this case DDR2.)
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Sun 29/12/2013 16:08:20
Yup, very nice, thanks!
AGS comes with a 9verb GUI.
Just start a new game and select it.
Asher was put on "Indefinite hiatus" in October :(
I'm surprised that the two modules work together at all... :-\

As for the idle view, afaik AGS continually plays it as soon as the delay ends. If you want the character to play an idle animation once, then stop for several seconds, then play it again, you have to use another way.
My module uses the built-in idle view functionality.

As for HandleMovement(); that's pretty much the entire module. If you comment that out, you might as well not use it.
Could you post the line you're actually using to set the idle view?
Note that delay is supposed to be game frames, not seconds. A value of 40 means that the idle view will start after one second.
When I played around with ogv, I was using this:
I see, thanks for clarifying :)
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