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Messages - Khris

You can have optional int parameters by adding a default value to the import line:

Code: ags
import void Talk(this Character*, String charsays, int param = 0);

// inside function:
  charsays = String.Format(charsays, param);   // put optional parameter into string

Not sure how helpful this is since it only works with ints.

As for adding voice speech code handling, afaik there's no way to play an external sound file; the only alternative I can see is setting up an array of structs which contains pointers to imported speech clips and use the character's ID and the speech number extracted from charsays to play the relevant one.
Sounds like a huge hassle though.

Implementing a custom Say function that allows access to all native methods -similar to the custom dialog options rendering- would be a great addition to future versions of AGS.
It's not that much more complicated, I just created the coordinate functions separately to show the math involved.
Code: ags
int t;
float r;

float fx(int tp) {
  float ft = IntToFloat(tp);
  return ft/5.0 + Maths.Sin(Maths.DegreesToRadians(ft))*r;

float fy(int tp) {
  float ft = IntToFloat(tp);
  return 100.0 + Maths.Cos(Maths.DegreesToRadians(ft))*r;

bool first = true;
int old_x, old_y;

function room_RepExec()
  DrawingSurface* ds = Room.GetDrawingSurfaceForBackground();
  ds.DrawingColor = 16;
  r = 50.0 - IntToFloat(t)/50.0;
  int x = FloatToInt(fx(t), eRoundNearest);
  int y = FloatToInt(fy(t), eRoundNearest);
  if (first) {
    first = false;
    ds.DrawPixel(x, y);
  else ds.DrawLine(old_x, old_y, x, y);
  t += 3;
  old_x = x;
  old_y = y;

Very nice, great work!
What you can do is find the exact same HDD model and replace the entire circuit board. I did that twice already and it worked fine both times. It's just a few screws and a flat cable, should take a few minutes tops.
They have them on ebay starting at ~35 Euros.
Sure, it's 2012, but you are using a 9verb-GUI, don't you? ;)
AGS has a variety of filters; you can scale the game window up to 4x. Compile the game (F7), open the Compiled dir in the game dir and run winsetup.exe. There you can choose the filter. This setting will also be used when you run the game from within AGSEdit (F5).

In general, the choice of resolution is subject to your graphic abilities and the style you're aiming for, not an arbitrary high resolution you happen to have your desktop set to.

If you must use the 9verb GUI as a beginner, familiarize yourself with AGS's general workings first by following the tutorial in the manual. Then read through the PDF that comes with the template in order to learn about the special funtions and slightly different workflow.
Sure, you can reposition the interface, just change the GUIs' Top properties in the editor.
However, every game I know of that used this interface had it at the bottom, so I'd go the "only use the top two thirds of the backgrounds" route.

Btw, are you sure that 1024x768 is the right choice for you? And what do you mean by "right click UI"?
Just get the iso as torrent; since you paid for the license, getting the CD is just a formality and shouldn't be illegal. Here's one: link
Then get the Windows 7 USB tool to create a bootable thumbdrive so you don't have to burn it.
Sorry, but I did consider the possibility that you're looking for a specific recommendation, if YOU will read MY post again.
Also, sometimes people just ask really dumb questions. If you think that a belittling answers is never ok, let's agree to disagree.

I use Notepad++ myself and I absolutely love it. That and Firefox, Firebug and F5 are really all I need.
[lmgtfy]free wysiwyg html editor[/lmgtfy]

Or are you looking for a specific recommendation?
View from the ISS at night
The Rumpus Room / Re: The bump topic!
Thu 21/06/2012 21:51:34

The new Futurama season is here! FYI.

You can have 299 state-saving rooms per game.

There are several ways to overcome this limit though. As you mentioned, rooms that are basically just scenery are best for non-saving ones. They can still have random events and the like.
Just to clarify, non-saving means that room variables' values are lost, and the state of objects, hotspots, regions and walkable areas. So if a room only has an NPC's shop (and no locked doors or the like), it's fine to use room 300 and above. Even if it did though, you could use global variables to store the state and re-init the room in its before fadein event.
The other solution is to get a hazmat suit and a fake Geiger counter and scare the crap out of him :)
If you're bold, just call the DMV and pretend you're a cop. Just give them some random name and badge number; chances are they won't check it.
The other thing is, what are you going to do after you find out his name and address? I get why you're curious, but knowing his name isn't going to help you that much I guess.
Snarky, that doesn't sound like qwerty, what weird keyboard layout ryou using?

Edit: Are you still living in the 20th century or what? The alphabet, pfttt ... :=
All modern browsers check the spelling inside text areas while you type.
In addition, the forum software auto-corrects some common abbreviations like "u" instead of you, or "r" instead of are.

u r
Open the room in 2.72. Directly below the buttons it should say: [✓] Play music on room load [6  ]
That's the reference you're looking for.
Afaik, this shortcut has been removed as of 3.0, so you can't undo it in your current project. You have to uncheck it, save the room, then re-import it in your 3.x project.
The Rumpus Room / Re: The bump topic!
Tue 06/03/2012 23:02:22

A bear without fur:

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