

Klytos AGSer

  • I can help with AGS tutoring
  • I can help with publishing
  • I can help with scripting
  • I can help with story design
Offline Show posts Show stats
70 (0.009 per day)
Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia
Date registered:
Thu 11/12/2003 14:07:53
Local Time:
Mon 13/01/2025 20:23:17
Last active:
Fri 22/07/2022 09:53:24
I Can Help With:
I can help with AGS tutoring AGS Tutoring
I can help with publishing Publishing
Co-Founder of Infamous Quests
I can help with scripting Scripting
Scripted Kings Quest 3 Remake, Space Quest 2 Remake, and Quest for Infamy.
I can help with story design Story Design
Experience in writing and plot development
I've worked on the following games:
Order of the Thorne : The King's Challenge Nominated for Best Voice Work at the AGS Awards in 2016 
Executive Producer and Director
Quest for Infamy Nominated for Best Animation at the AGS Awards in 2014 Nominated for Best Background Art at the AGS Awards in 2014 Winner of Best Character at the AGS Awards in 2014 Nominated for Best Character Art at the AGS Awards in 2014 Nominated for Best Game Created with AGS 2014 at the AGS Awards in 2014 Winner of Best Gameplay at the AGS Awards in 2014 Winner of Best Music & Sound at the AGS Awards in 2014 Nominated for Best Programming at the AGS Awards in 2014 Winner of Best Puzzles at the AGS Awards in 2014 Nominated for Best Voice Work at the AGS Awards in 2014 Nominated for Best Writing at the AGS Awards in 2014 
Co-Writer, Director and Producer
Space Quest II VGA Nominated for Best Animation at the AGS Awards in 2012 Nominated for Best Background Art at the AGS Awards in 2012 Nominated for Best Character Art at the AGS Awards in 2012 Nominated for Best Dialogue Writing at the AGS Awards in 2012 Nominated for Best Game Created with AGS for 2012 at the AGS Awards in 2012 Nominated for Best Gameplay at the AGS Awards in 2012 Nominated for Best Music at the AGS Awards in 2012 Nominated for Best Voice Work at the AGS Awards in 2012 
Co-Designer and Programming
King's Quest III Nominated for Best Background Art at the AGS Awards in 2006 Winner of Best Documentation at the AGS Awards in 2006 Nominated for Best Use of Sound at the AGS Awards in 2006 
Programming, Executive Producer
Hero of Infamous Kingdoms 
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