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Topics - KyriakosCH

The Rumpus Room / Merry Christmas ^^
Sat 24/12/2022 04:20:02
May we all have fun  (nod)

For a game with so much style - and interesting symbols, for example an iron helmet that has the eyes covered with hands, or The Turned Throne - I was personally let down by the story-change they made in the closing dlc. The video is about that change:

I think the story was better before, and it may have been too hasty to leave behind before the next game. Without spoiling things, it's not a good idea to reduce the main antagonist, and that's even if you aim to make them a nested figure in your next game in some way; I think that in this type of setting you do require a respectable main antagonist and not one which is reduced to just another target.
Then again, Blasphemous is an action game, mechanics-wise; for that it is the norm to reduce the archenemy to another target of the heroes. But to me it went against the atmosphere built in the previous versions.
Hey :)
Listen, I will be immediately noting that up to now I never used any function in AGS - by which I mean nothing that wasn't composed of the basic elements used without formatting them explicitly as a "function".
But I had a game idea, and it would require answering correctly some stuff which (ultimately; it won't be phrased as such) are graphs of functions-related. Intersecting point(s) of two graphs is one of them.
And because a) I am not familiar with the AGS function-writing system, and b) it would really suck if I didn't at least ask for something specific, let's ask how you would write a function for the following:

Check if the numerical input (corresponds to coordinates x,y) is correct for the point where f(x)=ax^2+c and f(x)=b(ax)+d intersect (if needed, the constants can be removed, and I don't mind a single-digit limitation on the (integer anyway) coefficients either; nor do I care for larger exponents than 2)
General Discussion / Will Musk ruin Twitter?
Sat 12/11/2022 18:45:01
I think he will. He is really the last person who should have been allowed to buy Twitter - so you can also thank (apart from Musk's ridiculous recklessness) the greedy Twitter previous owners who couldn't resist selling.

In general I avoid them, because the plots in most of them just aren't realistic and so wouldn't play out that way irl. A good example of that would be, imo, Columbo.

(that's Johnny Cash, by the way)

While Falk is a very sympathetic character, the plots in Columbo tend to be resting on convenient errors and are rather forced. That's certainly not only a trait of Columbo, which at least has redeeming elements (tone, entertainment value), for example it is much worse in that Mentalist tv series where (in my impression) really everything is artificial.

I found that some of Agatha Christie's works are a little more serious and believable, though even in her case (despite the higher level when compared to tv writers) convenience and forced action/mistakes also exist. It's just that those coexist with good ideas for diversions/misleading of the police, which might actually work, so are more authentic in that sense.

Anyway, enough with the intro :) If you have any suggestions for good detective shows, I am interested to read!
The Rumpus Room / The funny pics thread? :)
Fri 07/10/2016 13:23:02

Just a thread for posting funny pics.
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