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Messages - ManicMatt

The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Thu 21/06/2018 13:30:50
These companies want you to use the self service, so they can hire less people, which is exactly what has happened. I guess having more tills is useful for breakdowns and Christmas time when they hire temps, but I absolutely refuse to use self service, and in the case of some shops I've been in where NO tills were open, I made the on hand staff member scan everything through, and if they start trying to teach me how to use it I'd tell them not to bother.
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 20/06/2018 15:01:53
im wondering if "a dramazitation" is actually part of some visual gags, so im gonna go with..

I'm gonna git you sucka

because I remember it has titles like "yet another ghetto" or something. I'm probably completely wrong.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 20/06/2018 09:04:48
    Short memories haha.

    I did think that was a weird entry, more like we were trying to work out the letters rather than actually recognising the image.

    Right, Mandle get a handle on this, post a picture already! :P
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Tue 19/06/2018 19:17:41
Well, they certainly thought it was well known, so I disagree, but I don't make the rules!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Mon 18/06/2018 20:30:14
In their defence, there's no actual clear rules for these games, but yes I agree it should be a game/film/tv show that's been released, otherwise we open the floodgates to cancelled games, films still being shot and so on. Also, please tell me that isn't a game you're promoting for!

(Author of pleughburgh, crikey, that was one of the first AGS games I played!)
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Fri 15/06/2018 11:21:08
It is my understanding that if someone was called a golliwog, they are referring to the dolls, which is unacceptable. The dolls themselves are considered to be racist by most people these days, and I only ever see them in places like Cornwall in small shops. They haven't changed the name because the dolls are generally considered taboo in the first place. So the word in itself as far as I'm aware isn't racist, hence why I have been typing it, it's the name of those dolls.

I haven't heard the word in any other context, in my experience, so I would be confused by someone saying "Oh my golliwogs", and take it to be as random as saying "oh my Rice Crispies!"
The Rumpus Room / Re: What's on TV?
Sun 10/06/2018 18:57:55
Tom n Jerry?

Because it looks like a cartoon drawing when they do extra details. I think I can make out a russian logo of the hammer and sickle but that doesn't really help me personally.
The Rumpus Room / Re: What's on TV?
Wed 06/06/2018 17:02:47
*Sings the Trapdoor theme tune*

The Goodies with Bill Oddie in it, right? Never seen it I'm afraid.
The Rumpus Room / Re: What's on TV?
Tue 05/06/2018 16:13:47
The Rumpus Room / Re: What's on TV?
Thu 31/05/2018 21:34:25
Yeah I just thought that too, that must be David Suchet.
I wasn't entirely sure on that one. Any more sounds better if it was in a film, heh.
I stand corrected! We're all getting lessons today! Although I swear the Internet has decreased my English skills in general..
Yeah, just two things really.

"I were" should be "I was". "You were my friend" is correct, it's a bit much to explain, if you wish to learn more about their uses, try googling "i was or were", that might come up with it.

The other thing isn't so bad, and I'm not entirely sure if its wrong, or just doesn't sound natural.

"But I can't let you kill more civilians"

Sounds better as

"But I can't let you kill any more civilians"

in American English, I think it's one word "anymore".
The Rumpus Room / Re: What's on TV?
Wed 30/05/2018 20:21:20
Er.. Rosie and Jim???
Heh, that's pretty accurate for video games. Did you want english corrections for the comic strip or shall I keep quiet?
Heh, clever drawing.
I cannot see his picture, but I "do not have permission" to access the link either. :undecided:
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Mon 28/05/2018 21:10:13
Event Horizon?
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Mon 28/05/2018 19:27:28
Quote from: Snarky on Mon 28/05/2018 18:18:52
Why would a regular duck on a regular set be bluescreened anyway? (wtf)

Ha, because a man transmogrifies.. er, changes into different animals, so I thought I'd give away that the duck was a special effect, as there were shots of the animal actually there.
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Mon 28/05/2018 18:02:10
Correct! Your go!

I rediscovered this film a couple of years ago and bought the dvd. It was a treat to remember bits of it from when I was a kid!
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