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Messages - MiteWiseacreLives!

LOL, that's quiet the post, Fitz! Where did your game get featured, was this at a show or like on a forum? Fish sounds like a tool, and not the loveable Blue-Cup variety.. too bad people making free games on their own free time are robbing him of glory  :~( Magenta eats flash games for brunch! (because I assume she likes to sleep in...)
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sun 22/11/2015 11:47:12
That aside, another smashing episode with some thought-provoking discussions :) Always fun to hear from Dave.
Agreed, Dave is great...
But still waiting patiently for the Icey interview  :P
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Fri 13/11/2015 06:06:58
Ironman: Family Reunion
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Thu 05/11/2015 04:42:27
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Tue 27/10/2015 02:56:35
Beautiful Girls?
I kinda hate that I agree with you, David. I want lots of challenging puzzles and interesting uses of inventory, but I have that same problem with time! I can only spend so much time on a game, I start cheating if I'm stuck for ten minutes, then I feel shame :-[
I think the answer might lie in medium difficulty puzzles and crap loads of interactivity, things to look at and interact with (also a pleasant distraction when stuck).
Good podcast, I still love the batmobile (hate it when they turn it into a tank) and I think the Arkham games are kinda just glorious button mashers.
It might be that your LCD screens are made for digital input only and the SNES was an analog output I am pretty certain. Try an older TV.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 07/08/2015 07:31:30
Does this mean I can't make games with AGS anymore because I am too old for silly dreams?!
I know! Gribbler is the key!! If neither of us acknowledge the birthday, the birthday won't exist!

Quote from: Gribbler on Thu 06/08/2015 17:38:11
Yay! Happy Birthdays MiteWiseacreLives and... oh, wait. :)
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Thu 25/06/2015 15:42:11
Fantastic Mr Fox
The Rumpus Room / Re: The bump topic!
Mon 22/06/2015 22:14:29
It's about time someone
Quote from: Ponch on Mon 22/06/2015 01:29:23
Quote from: MiteWiseacreLives! on Sun 21/06/2015 18:54:04
Let me definitively settle the debate on the background of Crankosaurus Prime:
One day Ponch, myself, Dr. Wookey and Mandle were sitting in a Texas saloon discussing the development of the game.. it became clear that Crankosaurus needed an underlying theme. Crank's similarities to a bitter crocodile-like game developer is entirely intended, he pursues the Blue Crystals begrudgingly just as a developer makes a game for a paycheck pushing and shoving obstacles rather than creating a clever puzzle-solution. The team unanimously decided Charles Cecil's grumpy ways would be the entire message of the game, we wore large cowboy hats and shot our six shooters into the saloon ceiling.
At last the truth comes out! Finally. I was so tired of living a lie. :=
Isn't it just great how the Blue Cup Tools podcast not only brings us entertainment but healing as well.

Quote from: Grundislav on Mon 22/06/2015 00:07:07
Paying people off to agree with you is a new low, Ben.
Well, everyone but Grundislav  (wrong)
Interesting episode  :)
I find the little choices in games fun.. even if it makes only immediate small results it's entertaining.

Let me definitively settle the debate on the background of Crankosaurus Prime:
One day Ponch, myself, Dr. Wookey and Mandle were sitting in a Texas saloon discussing the development of the game.. it became clear that Crankosaurus needed an underlying theme. Crank's similarities to a bitter crocodile-like game developer is entirely intended, he pursues the Blue Crystals begrudgingly just as a developer makes a game for a paycheck pushing and shoving obstacles rather than creating a clever puzzle-solution. The team unanimously decided Charles Cecil's grumpy ways would be the entire message of the game, we wore large cowboy hats and shot our six shooters into the saloon ceiling.
    Sorry Grundislav (nod).
Episode 75 was phenominal, by the way.  :-D  :-* :-D
I think my heart is broken... Going to have to cry in the shower for a bit before I can work on my game  :~(
I wonder though how you feel about the hard puzzle/easy puzzle/hard puzzle/medium puzzle flow relates to pacing, should you devote a lot of planning time to this (then build the story around that)?
I want to try some "slice"!
Sounds so tasty  ;-D  or it could be something painful  ??? (Is Grandmother violent at all?)
The bro-mance continues...
Just got Ep 68 to finally play through, it kept stalling on me last week.
Loom sequel  8-0  :-D
Then I got the rest of the story  :~(
Maybe I should go eat a bowl of ice-cream while I finish sobbing....
I believe that would be Formal Wear that you hope to wear.
But.. this is a music expo awards ceremony, full of artists I would presume, therefor wear whatever you want many others will do so as well.
You will look just non-conformist enough not to be a jack-ass, IMHO.
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Tue 06/01/2015 16:04:50
Your totally right, just watched this with my son the other day... Should've got here sooner  :P
Oh My :-[ 8-0  Much higher 'cuss-count' than normal! Look out kids (wrong) , Thanks for another Podcast!
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