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Messages - MiteWiseacreLives!

The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 03/12/2014 06:44:37
Four English Men, Not Sure How to Make Their Own Tea
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Thu 27/11/2014 15:13:06
Princess Arminadumpster
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Tue 18/11/2014 15:15:47
Ok I found it, when you search for exactly adventure game studio it's like the fifteenth result after a bunch of completely different forums?! But thanks I see now...
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Tue 18/11/2014 08:36:38
Quote from: Peder Johnsen+ on Tue 18/11/2014 01:30:50
As far as I know it was not dropped and should be working...
What is the forum listed as? Ags, adventure game studio and big blue cup get me nothing. The obnoxious Tapatalk banner hangs at the top of the page when I am in the forum using the normal browser, arrrg!
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Mon 17/11/2014 07:22:13
Ok so we're supposed to discuss Tapatalk here... Did we drop this? I've installed Tapatalk but can't seem to find Ags in their list of forums. Also I mostly just wanted to make navigating a little easier on my IPhone, this is the correct application right?
I think most of all the dental health message really hit home...
I'm gonna go floss now.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Mon 16/12/2013 03:03:30
How dare you slam G. Lucas! I enjoyed the creation of Darth Vader.... :(
Wow, that must be an amazing Batman series.. either that columnist is a terrifically funny guy or that set of Batman is completely horrific!  (wrong)
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Mon 23/09/2013 23:56:48
Its a little confusing posting the screen shots. it seems as if you can list three separated by a semicolon?? maybe.. but it doesn't seem to work, seemed to be happening to others as well. Is there a way to list multiple shots or was it only ever made for one?
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 18/09/2013 06:31:24
Hard Times 2: This is Not a Banana in Charles Bronson's Pocket
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Mon 09/09/2013 08:37:09
Hamlet II: The Banditos and the King.
The common cold?
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 07/08/2013 06:31:39
The manly'est man to ever be manned! I recognise Chuck Norris' back head anywhere!!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 07/08/2013 06:28:28
Quote from: Adeel S. Ahmed on Tue 06/08/2013 14:23:41
Happy Birthday MiteWiseacreLives! :smiley: How are you and your son? How's Crankosaurus Prime doing?
I'm getting oldish, he's still young... Thanks for asking about Crankosaurus :) working away at refining it and completing the last chapter, a version 2.0 of sorts.
Hi! I'm fairly new here. Joined the forums last summer when I started to create an adventure game with my son. Still working on that game, and learning as I go. Has been fun and the community has been great! I've been attempting to make games since I was a kid with my brother on our old 386pc, my username comes from the hero of an unfinished game from that time (want to revive it someday when my skills are more honed).
Recently I entered the June MAGS contest. Wow, now that was a learning experience! Came up with all these ideas and unconventional game play, what a mistake! But I got it done, unpolished but done, would like to make it more enjoyable after voting is closed. I think it's fairly fun for a first release, give it a shot (prepare to click around a bit to figure out how it works, attack lots.)

Thanks for reading, back to some more AGS tinkering for me...
Yah Anian.. your probably right , maybe my harddrive is failing ??
Just in case anyone is concerned about *my* problem >:(
After like the sixth time Artgem crashed while saving, I found I could take a screen shot and paste at least a bunch of my work into paint (including a nicely bordered "Windows has encountered a serious error" box). Saved me much frustration, for reference although no one uses Artgem...
You guys know of any way to restore to a previous save on a file?  Twice now I've gone a long ways into the same background and while saving the program crashed and destroyed the file. ARRRGGG!
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Thu 30/05/2013 16:33:30
Running Man!
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