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Messages - Monsieur OUXX

The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Thu 18/08/2011 21:32:49
It looks like a spoof of that scene in Gremlins :)
Seriously, the fact that you choose to write comic-style puts you in a situation OUTSIDE of regular grammar rules. Therefore you may capitalize or not. Your rules.

And maybe in 100 years some linguists will trace back the origins of some very formal capitalization rules from your game :-D
Quote from: WHAM on Wed 02/03/2011 17:06:13
I've been reading peugeot forums and (...) it seems that it may start to leak some oil. We've been having -30C temperatures for weeks.

HEY! We build our cars to carry around loads of cheese! Not to go out in Siberia! You crazy abominable dude!
Quote from: Dataflashsabot on Sat 12/03/2011 17:46:14
If a sentence of speech begins with an ellipsis, is it correct to capitalise its first letter?
Quote"...maybe not."
Quote"...Maybe not."

I couldn't tell for sure in English, but if it's the same as in French, then in theory, you're not supposed to start a sentence with "...". This is some incorrect syntax inherited from the comic books. Having said that, let's accept this form and let's pretend that we don't see the suspension dots. Then it's your regular sentence : "Maybe not." (then again this can be tolerated only in a dialog, as all sentences are supposed to contain a verb, except for a few exceptions).

Since it's a sentence, then yes, you start it with a capital letter.
Quote from: Atelier on Tue 08/02/2011 18:28:17
Why does the moon shrink when you look at it through a camera?

This is only a hypothesis:
When you watch it with your real eyes, you have a certain angle of vision. That is, you can see the moon and stuff on its right and on its left. However your brain has atendency to igonre that side information.
But the camera takes everything that's within the angle and projects it "as is" onto the picture. Once you see the scene 2D, your brain doesn't filter anything out, and the moon appears as a tiny element part of a wider scene.

Long things shoirt: I don't think it has mainly a geometric cause, I'd say it's more of an information processing illusion caused by your eye/brain.

Then again, I might be wrong, I got this answer from the top of my head.
Quote from: Dualnames on Fri 14/01/2011 14:11:18
This one

Oh, OK.
First one = an answer for some dude
Second one = Thanks for answering my own question
Third one = A new question

I have a tendency to post several times when it's about unrelated things. Moderators have often blamed me for that bad habit. I'm taking some pills to fight it ;)
Quote from: Dualnames on Fri 14/01/2011 10:16:15
That was the most awesome avatar! Apparently you've never seen RedDwarf.

Well because of him I googled it some time ago. But it doesn't make it less freaky :-)

Quote from: Dualnames on Fri 14/01/2011 10:16:15
you're acting strangely a lot lately. Posting like a total maniac

Just to clarify: My very last post was just to say "Thanks" (because I believe it's not cool to ask for something and then omit to aknowledge the answer that was kindly given).
Also, the reason why I asked what happened to MrFlibble was not just to comment on his Avatar, I had something to tell him.

I must admit, though, that my posting has changed a bit. Since it seems weird to you (and many others, according to the response I've been having lately), then here is a non-exhaustive list of reasons :
- I've been living in Ireland for 3 years and I still can't get used to the English-speaking way of interacting (passive-agressive rather than bursting anger like we Latin poeple do when we disagree). That reflects in my posts, as I've started perceiving it in written interactions (in the past, I had no clue, so I was more happy-go-lucky).
- Sadly, even though I master the English grammar, I still don't master my written tone, therefore I've got this skill to immediately offend everybody about anything on forums. That's depressing, believe me.
- That Gobliins post was indeed out of the blue, I was exhilerated by the tune
- I'm excited by the progress of the Dune Revival project
- I'm frustrated by the total stagnation of the AGSH project, and the fact that it will become completely useless the day the community will start refactoring the Engine if ti becomes open-source (the clock is ticking!)
- I'm bored in my job.

I'm in no way starting a conversation about my private life - But like any sane person, I feel like I have to explain when someone openly tells me "hey, you act like a weirdo". I'm in no way offended, but rather grateful that you tell me.

PS: What triple-post?
Quote from: cat on Thu 13/01/2011 16:20:18
Did you mean MrFlibble?;u=2068

Yeah that's him. I misspelled his name.
I also mispelt "misspelled"
I also misspelt "mispelt"

On a totally unrelated note:  I'm glad he changed his avatar, the old one (with the weird guy holding a puppet) was weirding me out. :-)
Has Mr Fibble disappeared?
If I'm not mistaken there used to be an AGS user under the name "MrFibble"? Where has he gone, I can't seem to find any posts by that guy.
Quote from: Stupot on Wed 12/01/2011 16:02:00
I know if you have a Freewebs website you can also add a forum to it.
Perhaps you could create a Freewebs account, and even if you don't care about using it to make a website you could just use it to set up a forum and then link to it from your own website.

It turns out Sourceforge have 2 differentForums service, the regular crappy one, and the phpBB one. I've nabled the lattest and it's faster and cooler.

Quote from: Butcher on Wed 12/01/2011 15:27:29
I have a question as well

When I post a link from my site ( on facebook I get to pick a picture from it. The selection includes only secondary pictures and avatars that are in the left and right columns but not the main pic which is the comic

I'm using comicpress, which is a wordpress related software for comic sites

I've looked at a lot of forums and suggestions and none of them seem to work. Has any of you had that problem or have any idea how to fix it?

The image chosen by Facebook to generate the thumbnail depends on  some algorithm they have, and can't be changed. To my knowledge, there is no workaround, but I might be wrong. You can click the option "do not show thumbnail". There won't be a thumbnail, but at least your post won#t be polluted with some random picture.
Anybody knows a good Forums hoster?

The requirements are :
- The forum won't disappear for no reason in 2 years
- It's free
- There aren't "too much" ads
- It's not "too" slow (SourceForge is awafully slow!!!)
- It has all the fancy stuff (BBCodes)

I'd understand if that kind of free service didn't exist around, but considering there are free website hosting, free files uploading, free pictures hosting, etc... I guess there would be free forums.
Quote from: Saren on Thu 06/01/2011 16:40:43
Oh and another one: When I import character images into AGS for sprites, how do make sure the white background that I drew them on doesn't appear in the game? I once downloaded some characters in a package just to see what they looked like and they were on pink backgrounds?

You'd better post that in the beginners forum.
The transprent color by default in AGS is pink (that is : red=100%, green=0%, blue=100%)
I think you can pick another one at the time you import the picture, there is an option to use the color of the upper-left-hand-corner.
Quote from: theo on Wed 05/01/2011 21:24:06
Anyone know if there are any plans on pushing the mac runtime to AGS 3.2 compatibility?
The thread seemed somewhat dead sadly.

If I'm not mistaken, the old MacOS port of AGS 2.7x is from the time when MacOS was MacOS 9, that is a completely different OS from nowadays.
Now that Apple has changed technology and that MacOS X is a UNIX in disguise, you'd actually need someone to continue the Linux port (and extend it to MacOS X support).
Then again, I might be wrong.

I'm pretty sure all that will be made much easier if/when Chris Jones releases the source of the Engine, which seems to be pretty imminent.
Quote from: theo on Wed 05/01/2011 21:24:06
A good thing to know about alpha channels is that there are two common different types of them.
- There are those traditionally used in oldschool games that are simply transparency on/off. This is what you get in a .gif or a 8 bit .png.
- More commonly nowadays however is a fancier transparency that uses 256 depths of transparency, thus making it possible to have nice smooth edges on things, instead of jaggedy on/off pixels. 24 bit png's for an instance, use this.

Quote from: Saren on Wed 05/01/2011 13:47:10
What's an alpha channel?

In a file containing a picture, the colors are usually stored using 3 informations : the Red, the Green and the Blue. (If that part's not clear for you, just tell me)
The corresponding "channel" is a general way to call all information related either to red, or to green, or to blue. In other words, the Blue channel refers to the overall "Blue" component of the entire picture, or specifically to the Blue component of a single pixel.

The Alpha Channel is a 4th channel meant to store something else, something that's not litterally a color.

It's meant to store the transparency.

Instead of having RGB, you'll have RGBA (A = Alpha).


Simple example :
Suppose you want to display a Red pixel. then the RGB values will be : (100%, 0%, 0%)  (all red, no green, no blue)
Suppose you want to make it opaque : RGBA will be : (100%, 0%, 0%, 100%)
Suppose you want to make it half-transparent : RGBA will be : (100%, 0%, 0%, 50%)
Suppose you want to make it completely transparent (invisible): RGBA will be : (100%, 0%, 0%, 00%)
Quote from: Stupot on Tue 04/01/2011 12:24:40
Sorry if this is moot now, but myself and everyone I know just calls them 'council houses' and 'council estates'.
I grew up in them, haha.

Yeah that's it!
I'll correct it. Thanks!
Quote from: Babar on Mon 03/01/2011 12:48:24
Perhaps then 'responses' would be a better word?

Yes, that's it.
again, in French, "reply", "answer" and "response" are the same word. I get the difference but the right word doesn't come spontaneously.

Thanks a lot. I think the translation is correct now. I never thought I'd call upon the AGS community for that kind of stuff! (not that I would have to translate such a text!!!)

Alright, thanks again, Babar and Anian.

Here is a second go :

Notes : About the "answers" thing, I wasn't satisfied with "procedures" or "solutions", because what the author is trying to express, is how the government/senate/etc. "answers", or "replies", to changes in the society. It's not so much about the solutions they choose, but more about how quickly they adapt. Do you get me? I'm ready to accept that "answer" is not the right word but I also know that I'll change the meaning of the sentence if I take "solutions" or "procedures".


Adults and teenage girls :
Perspectives on sexuality in grammar school

This research offers an analysis on sex education and how it’s implemented in a school environment. It will be focused on grammar schools, derived from the interviews of teenage girls and adult education workers (teachers, social workers, school nurses, etc.). We’ll deal with the way sex education laws are interpreted locally, as well as study the forms of sexual expression in teenage girls in a context where there is the influence of tradition and religion, interactions between genders, suburbs culture and social housing culture.
Studying the perception of sex education by teenage girls and the teaching methods of professionals should allow having a grasp of the stakes on prevention around that topic, still subject to taboos. It will help in finding out the influences of perspectives on potential pregnancy choices both from professionals and young girls.
We will offer elements to put the study in context, using a psycho-sociological approach: normative injunctions on procreation, representations of parenthood, perception of children status in families, and, more generally, in society. The goal is to understand how each young girl and each professional construct and interiorize their own personal image of the “paradigmatic” mother and father.
This work of research, taking into account the evolution of the legal context, should allow evaluating the answers and the adaptation capabilities of teaching institutions regarding contraception, pregnancy, and maternity amongst teenage girls.
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