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Messages - Monsieur OUXX

@Babar, @Anian : Yes, I confused "genres" and "genders"!! How silly of me. It's the same word for both in French.
@Anian : Can I trust you when yourself confuse "to apply" and "to imply"? ;) Just kidding.
Alright, so here is a translation I wrote :

Could any native English speaker (but sonicrumpets  ;)) tell me if there are some grammar mistakes, things that don't make sense, or misspellings?


Adult and teenage girls :
Perspectives on sexuality in grammar school

This research offers an analysis on sex education and how it’s implemented in a school environment. It will be lead in grammar schools, from the interviews of teenage girls and adult education workers (teachers, social workers, school nurses, etc.). We’ll focus on how sex education laws are interpreted locally. We’ll study the forms of teenage girls’ sexual expression in a context where there is the influence of tradition and religion, relations between genres, suburbs culture and social housing culture.
Studying the perception of sex education by teenage girls and the teaching methods of professionals will allow having a grasp of the peculiar stakes on prevention around that topic, still subject to taboos. It will help finding out the influences of perspectives both from professionals and young girls on potential pregnancy choices.
We will offer elements to put the study in context, using a psychosociological approach: normative injunctions on procreation, representations of parenthood, perception of children’s’ status in families, and, more generally, in society. The goal is to understand how each young girl and each professional construct and interiorize their own personal image of the “paradigmatic” mother and father.
This work of research, taking in account the evolution of the legal context, should allow evaluating the answers and the adaptation capabilities of teaching institutions regarding contraception, pregnancy, and maternity amongst teenage girls.
Since I can ask anything, I'll ask something.

There's something I can never remember how to say in English : How do you call those government estates that are supposed to have a lower rent. Put bluntly: How do you call the State-owned buildings where "poorer people" live?

I believe it's "something project" or "something yard" ?
Quote from: Tramponline on Thu 08/07/2010 08:24:01
I'm still stuck in this cave...right now...

Dude, you've got an utterly-powerful wifi antenna!
Quote from: Dualnames on Wed 07/07/2010 12:20:41
I pictured you with huge boobs and horny for sex, but that's just me. :D

How's that for a HUGE paintover provocation?  :D :D :D :D :D
Quote from: Gilbet V7000a on Wed 07/07/2010 10:46:51
He probably photoshopped it to remove the beard for job-seeking and the like. This is the unaltered, original version of the photo:

I believe the beard is here to hide something.

Crimson Wizard = Gordon Freeman!
I also pictured you with a beard. the power of profile pictures! Would that mean that Ben304 is not pixellated in real life?
Quote from: Andail on Mon 14/06/2010 22:33:11
it would be swell to see all the trophies in one thread

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