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Messages - Monsieur OUXX

Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Mon 28/12/2015 01:17:07
Engine status: there is a Mac port by Wadjet Eye that can play games made with AGS 3.2.1 and lower. It is practically possible to update it to more contemporary version of engine, but it will take some work. Last time I heard about this, Janet Gilbert from WE wanted to hire programmer again to do this; also Nick Sonneveld mentioned plans to help them, but I do not personally track the progress in that area at the moment.
Alos Janet's post has been converted to a Wiki article, with added screenshots and some on-screen stuff clarified :
(PS: I apologize if I'm confusing MacOS and iOS; I'm not sure if it's the same realm or not)
Editor Development / Re: AGS Build Server
Mon 07/09/2015 10:33:09
OK! Thanks
Editor Development / Re: AGS Build Server
Mon 07/09/2015 09:11:05
So let this be clear : this is only for the people who are working on the active branches, right? For example, if one of them works on Windows, then once his code works, he can then just push it to the main branch and get his code compiled for every platform without having to worry about all the dependencies for the other OS's. Am I correct?
Sixty nine! Anyway you look at it! Sixty nine!
what is "ags_shell" ? I find almost no reference to it in the forum. Is it a plugin that allows to run OS commands, such as "mkdir", etc.?
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Sun 28/12/2014 14:35:30
Quote from: Peder Johnsen+ on Sat 27/12/2014 14:39:42
the markitup code disappears when you go to preview the post
For the record: I have the same issue. I suppose everyone does.
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Tue 14/10/2014 05:57:54
Some things that should be fixed:

- The everlasting Bug tracker permissions bug : I cannot see the bugs in the bug tracker. According to CW, it's because I'm a member of several groups in the AGS forum (AGSA and others), and there is a bug.

- The hypertext button not taking in account the highlighted text: in any forum, when you highlight a text, then click on the "hypertext link" button, the website uses that text as the capion, and only asks you for the url. not the AGS forum: it asks you for both url and caption, then inserts the whole hypertext link immediately before the text that was highlighted. 99% of times you end up typing the text twice and having to manually delete the highlighted text afterwards.

- The formatting buttons deselecting the highlighted text. Try this: highlight some text, then click on "bold" or "italic". The tags get properly inserted, but then the text gets deselected. That's utterly annoying when you want to apply several formatting tags in a row (e.g.: url after color, color after bold). Each time, you have to re-select the text. That's not the usual behaviour on most sites.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Fri 31/01/2014 08:41:56

(PS: for the record, my little game's soluton was : Quest for Glory IV. The guy is in some sort of organic maze, and doors are actually giant sphincters that he "forces open". It sounds really weird in serious Sierra games like that).

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Wed 29/01/2014 10:16:39
Ok this is not part of the official game thread, and my rddle is only textual -- but I thought it was worth posting it in a thread of connoisseurs. I just post it alongside the official "name the game" discussion.

In what (epic and serious) game does the narrator say this, using the litteral meaning of the word "sphincter"?
"You force the sphincter open with your (...) and pass through"
Quote from: Mods on Tue 22/10/2013 15:14:18
^ Try a PM to subspark
I'll try, thanks!
- Does anyone still have that font (below) in any format (WFN, TTF, SCI...)?
- Does anyone still have the very old Scumm template where it used to be included?

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Tue 20/08/2013 23:49:02
That brutal avenger kills baddies in what appears to be a Super 5! At least he has a good taste.

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Tue 20/08/2013 09:52:41
It's definitely Police Quest 3.
Cool! :)
You should add "BASS" in the thread title, to optimize later researches.
Quote from: Snarky on Sat 29/06/2013 16:35:46
What I'd do is ...

Thanks a lot Snarky!!!
Quote from: Anian on Sat 29/06/2013 11:56:27
Monsieur, are you talking about Anti-alias settings?

No. :) Your post actually answers questions I asked a few weeks ago (just a little bit earlier in that very same thread).

I'll try to test with the alpha channel and the threshold setting, to see if it's possible.
In Google I've found a handful of people talking about the magic wand having a setting allowing to choose between "similar colors", "similar luminosity", and why not "similar transparency" but I can't find that setting, so I don't know if it exists in my Photoshop (CS3) or even if it's a fantasy.
Photoshop: how to have only 100% opaque and 100% transparent pixels?

I'm looking for a process to do that as quickly as possible on as many layers as possible :
- I created an animation in Photoshop
- each frame is made of several layers
- each layer contains mostly 100% opaque pixels, surrounded by 100% transparent pixels BUT at the border there are some pixels that aren't 100% opaque. I want to make them 100% opaque or 100% transparent (and, only if possible , based on a threshold: less than 50% opaque becomes 0% opaque, more than 50% opaque becomes 100% opaque)

I don't know what's the best way to do that.
What would be amazing: if it were possible to do it at once for all visible layers (using the "merged" color of a pixel rather than the individual color of that pixel in each layer). But that would be asking too much... ;)

Where's that recent thread about drawing and animation tools?

Hi all,

Very recently (one month ago at most?) there was a discussion that digressed into all the cool tools to draw in low-res and to animate.
The big advantage is that it was pointing to very modern and recent tools (unlike the sticky thread in the Critics Lounge subforum, that is very very old).

The thing is, I can't find that thread. Was it in Critics Lounge? Somewhere else? I promised myself I wouldn't lose it, but I did.
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