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Messages - Mr Underhill

M'dudes, just a quick request, if at all possible: could you upload these to something streaming like soundcloud? Already twice I've accidentally started an episode from the beginning and mixcloud on mobile will only let me skip 5 secs at a time. Soundcloud is a pretty good place for people to organically discover the podcast,so it would be a win-win. Anyway, thanks for continuing to do these, they're great.
Good stuff, gents! Enjoyed these. It's funny how I agree with Ben that Guybrush is a non-character, but he's still loveable and relatable as all heck (Dominic Armato might have something to do with that in CoMI, though).

I don't remember if this has been discussed on the podcast before or not, but world-building would make for a pretty juicy topic, especially if you take into account decisions like going for a real-world location versus fantasy versus Sci-Fi versus steampunk etc.

Looking forward to the next one!
Aaah, I thought there was a new one already. Waitiiiing :)
Whoops, I had friended Francisco on facebook before listening to the ep. where he says he only friends people he personally knows. Sorry! I guess now I have to meet y'all in person at some point :)

Great episode. I'm just in the middle of designing some hotspot-light backgrounds where the focus is less on exploring and more on dialog, and was just pondering the level of detail that should go into it. I was initially going to keep everything really sparse so as not to distract from the conversations, but Ben highlighted some aspects that I hadn't thought about, so I made a note to at some point consider the opposite. This is what I really enjoy about the podcast - a lot of the time Ben and Francisco say exactly what I think about an issue, but sometimes it will be the flip side that hadn't occured to me. And that's one of the main reasons I love this podcast. That and the constant giggling :)

Looking forward to the next one!
Woah, 5 years, congrats! Monday workout adventure game podcast it is :)
Fun episode, but I really enjoyed the "what have you been playing lately" part, so my vote goes to bringing it back :)

If I may suggest a topic of discussion, I think readability would make for an interesting podcast. And by that I mean stuff from signposting and visually clue-ing the player to actual visual readability, using contrasts, balance of textures and details... Basically what is needed to communicate with the player in a clear and aesthetically pleasing fashion. Just a thought :) Keep them coming, gentlemen!
Been a long time listener to this podcast and I just realized I don't think I ever came on here to thank you guys for it. I think everyone on here can relate to how important it is to have something fun to listen to and get motivated by when working on your game. This podcast is a blast to work to, and it wasn't on just one occasion that I had a game design revelation that made me either take out or put something into Gibbous because of it. Very grateful to you guys for taking the time to do this, I appreciate every single one of them.

I still can't wrap my head around Ben animating walk cycles straightforward though, that sounds crazy and I've gotta try it someday! :)
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