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Messages - MrColossal


R Kelly is a mad genious.

This might be a little old but I didn't know about it at all because I have no TV. But watch it, this link is to the first 5, you can see the rest on youtube...

There are 12 at the moment from a total of 35.

It's just... Something everyone should experience.

Any spoof you may have seen on South Park or whatever making fun of this, don't even bother, there is no way one can spoof something this amazing and come close to being as good.

Bah, screw laserfart, skip right to Wastelander and Magic Haus then go to: this is the East Coasts version and watch Jesus Christ Supercop and Running from Johnny Law


Hooray for me!
hehe is it listed as 6 Days an Assassin or 6 Days Assassin?

He was going to send me a copy but I guess he forgot!
I think that's the issue that my games are in!

the disc editor sent me an email asking if he could use 6da but I convinced him to also add Automation, Woo!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Tue 13/09/2005 04:04:53
Lorena and I share 2 things in common, we both have our birthday on the same day.

And we're both dating Farlander.
JetXL, I have it and it's absolutely horrible...

If you haven't played it you can't compare it to 7 Days A Skeptic, also if you haven't played it you really don't want too.
Quote from: Petteri on Thu 02/12/2004 18:17:51
This one goes for community oldies. I know the game never got finished, but anyone remember the name for the project that was being worked on by Captain Mostly, m0ds, Yahtzee and Abstauber, I think. The website for the game was still up couple of years ago. Just thought I'd ask, every now and then I suddenly remember some old projects and want to find out about them.

While we are at the subject, does anyone still remember an old AGS game called 'House Quest'? I remember it was one of the first AGS games I played, but the game has seemed to disappear mysteriously... also, do you remember who made that game?

First game: Vestibule

Second Game: House Quest was made by Mr Anonymusssssssssss and his "company" was MerpawWare Games
I have these backgrounds I made for an unrealized Insta-Game 2

you can have them though they are only 2

Iceplanet Images
made by Eric Feurstein
General Discussion / Re:Sex and Dating.
Thu 22/04/2004 04:00:24
General Discussion / Re:Sex and Dating.
Wed 21/04/2004 19:34:51
holy shit!! You too Even?!

We gotta compare notes at the next DG-Con
General Discussion / Re:Sex and Dating.
Sun 18/04/2004 18:34:18
but you have no idea how "blind" his beliefs are. You just know that he's Christian... He could have debated his beliefs for years and years before coming to a conclusion, he could be the world's leading scholar in Christianity and you don't know. It seems like you're blindly following your own beliefs by just lumping him together with someone else you met.

now about your edit, not that I see any reason for it. What did I do that was so bad? What did I say? So you can express your opinion... and Peter can express his... and you can diss him over his opinions and everyone isn't uptight, everyone's all loosey goosey... And then big bag old Eric comes in and says "Hey, cut him some slack" and OH SHIT!! OH NO!! CENSOR CENSOR!! DANGER WILL ROBINSON!! LOOK OUT!!

Get over yourself, I didn't tell you to stop posting and I didn't say anything negative about you, I just asked a simple question... Boo hoo
General Discussion / Re:Sex and Dating.
Sun 18/04/2004 18:09:45
does it really matter to you what Peter believes in? As I said before it's just his opinion and he doesn't impress it on anyone else so what's the harm?

He's chosen how to live his life and you've chosen yours, isn't that good enough?
General Discussion / Re:Sex and Dating.
Fri 16/04/2004 08:28:08
"So, don't scare people with the "WHAT IF THE GIRL BECOMES PREGNANT?" routine."

unless i missed a sentence somewhere it seems like Peter has said many times "these are my personal views and i don't judge anyone by them, you can do what you want."

so he isn't trying to scare or convert anyone

he's just rockin' along to his own thing and letting everyone else rock on to theirs

which is the only way to rock

edit: crap sorry! there's another way to rock that i forgot about, you can "Rock out with your cock out." phew! that would have been embarrassing
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