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Messages - Nacho

But how the hell did you want us to know that the goal of the competition is to guess the way the host has thought of solluting the problem, if you don't tell us? Do you think we have a crystal ball or something?

You post links to your hard drive... I guess you expect that somehow we penetrate into it and look the screenies.
You want us to read a book you haven't typed. I guess you expect somehow we teleport into your home and read the manuscrit.
And now you want us to read your mind... I think you are not in the correct forum. You should go to
Quote from: neelhound on Wed 25/10/2006 14:54:02
The acid art

A destructive acid-force has come to town.People have to make an animation on a way to destroy it.

Sounds like "Animation competition" to me, but with a random and silly topic.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy birthday scotch!
Thu 24/08/2006 19:46:47
Yes, happy birthday, man! You are a great artist and a great pal. Not a good rower, though...
Hello... This is a pic of me at total effort... Ahhh! July, time of the Tour of France!

P.S. I finally beat the guy. 40" at the top.
Thanks Mordalles...
Ok... I had an idea, I don't know if it is good, but as this post has specifically created for posting ideas, I don't think this could bother anybody...


The idea is to make a competition involving all the processes involving the act of making a background, divided into:

-Sketch. A topic is provided an all the competitors make a sketch, a pencil sketch or a two-bit file. The best one wins, and OVER the BASE of WINNER sketch we advance to step 2. The host of the competition decides the restrictions, and who has made the best sketch. The winner hosts the next step.In the same thread all the non-winners entries are deleted and we go into step 2. The winner does not have the opportunity to enter in this activity till the next round. One week of time to complete it all.

-Step 2. Coloring. Now this activity is based in coloring, having special care in choosing the appropiate pallete to roughly colour the sketch. There's no need at all to put effort in detailing effects, shading, dithering or something... We want a "colour test" in a Yathzee's style... See "The Shivah" in GiP as a good example of what I mean. The author of the sketch where people is working decides the winner and the restrictions but it is a pallete making activity, it should be sensible to use a limited colours for this... maybe 50? Dunno. The winner hosts the next step. One week to work, submit the entries, and decide the winner.


Coutesy of dr. Scary.  :)

-Step 3. Final step: Now it's the time to shoot all the artillery! With the coloured sketch and the winner pallete, do everything you want to make the better BG, even expanding the tones of the colour to reach 256, and adding tons of objects. The winner is decided by votation, one week for making and submitting the entries and one of voting. The winner of this last step hosts the next activity.

So, we have a good example of how to make a BG... I think it could be instructive, and not too messy, because the non winner entries should be deleted, and at the end we could only see 3 entries, showing 3 stepts to make a good BG.

Totally agree with the explanation of the correct translations.

So... I am son of Helm and Yufster, who were took to the seventies by Eric Feurstein?!?


And now, with the only desire to annoy the old school feminists who understand feminism as loss of feminity, and to make Helm's day... My mom again, foxier than ever! (Hope this explains why I have problems with islamists, see? We even make "fiestas" where we slaughter them... Spanish folklore!)

She is, I heritaged her ears.

EDIT: Eric, do you mean "What about if she is not my mom?" or "What about if she is not good at bed?"

Because I am discussing the meaning with Helm at msn and if it's answer "b" I goofed the joke...

New edit: The nowadays! I'll try to fing photos of mom without sunglasses. Added also La_Lore's mom photo, who is hot also.
Impressed by the vission of Helm's dad, I decided to post my parents. Hope everyone follows the example and post pics of his DNA donants.

This is mom, with a t-shirt that obviously was too small for her.

And this is dad. Dunno why he is so happy.

If this has success I'll post the pics of them, nowadays, to see how the time affects people. Fortunatelly, not a lot to dad and mom...

My best friend at the Uni has just married, and I want to express my joy here posting a pic of the event. Congratulations, Inma, my friend, and David, his husband and my mate.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 24/08/2005 23:07:39

(sorry for the pokes... we luv you...)  ;)
Here are some isometric objects I've done... I think Iso is a great oportunity because of the high possibilities of "standarize" it all... It could work as Instagame ("AGS ISOgames Objects database?)

If you want to help me with the database, input more objects (Sorry Damien, didn't notice your paintings in first term, our paintings are not standarized).

The basic rules I've followed are: Guybrush Threepwood's sprite in MI 1 as the human reference for the size of the objects. Lines in the outer angle brighter than the shape of the object, inner angles darker. Light comes from upper left...

And sorry if moderators think that this ISO objects database should go in other thread, webspace, whatever... I'm in his hands to link this project whatever they want.

EDIT: The first AID tent is from!
Your English is going worse, Blazej...  ;D
Nah... there are some resemblances more evident...

Boydly, the Dwarf...
Actually, if we use the "implosion" filter, sharpen the image a little and play a little with the contrast we get something like... shit... I don't remember that!!?!?


I am upset because Andail told the previous pics were ugly...  :'( I post a pic of me looking handsome...

Notice the spoonie... It was our pet in the wedding of my best friend... We adopted it... I still have it...  ;D

General Discussion / Re:Sex and Dating.
Mon 19/04/2004 08:02:30
Quote from: Minimi on Sat 17/04/2004 18:22:10

Would you masterbate when Jesus would be in the same room as you? That you say to Jesus : "Yo, wait a moment, I need to masterbate, but after that I will continue worshipping you!". That sounds pretty odd to me!

Good Lord! I wouldn't make poo poo neither when some other person is in the bathroom and I DON'T think that it can be considered sin!  ???
General Discussion / Re:Sex and Dating.
Fri 16/04/2004 23:37:12
It is just me or didn't God punished Onan for masterbating? Maybe it's just my edition...
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