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Messages - Nahuel

Hey there! As far as I know save games are not included in the same directory of the compiled game. Not because you're able to load a game means the save game file is included where you have the game files. The only thing to distribute the game is to remove the flag Debug before building it.

Windows: user\Saved Games\Game Name
Mac: Library/Application Support/Game Name
Just tested both links games AND itch directly no issues on my side.

Tested the link from AGS Games - OK
Tested the link directly from itch - OK
I run it locally and it generates a {GameName}.tar.gz but strangely when running with @Honza there was no tar file generated at all with a "successful" execution summary.

I did it manually it was a very simple change, just +x the permissions to the main executable and data/ags32 and data/ags64

Normally it will generate the tar under the same linux compiled folder (apparently)
Congratulations @RootBound on your release! Major achievement! 👏👏 🎉🎉

As I always say: I fully recommend this game it's really nice to play with awesome artwork, music and puzzles that will challenge you every level!
Excellent game to play!
It looks awesome it plays awesome it's funny and makes you think a lot and puts you pressure when using timer (highly recommended as it's a very exciting experience and makes you think faster and harder, super challenging !) super fun to play and I think you'll enjoy it very much!
Would it resolve this issue just by changing permissions to those 3 files to be executable? Would that do the trick?

I was posting it before getting the edited post.
What I can see there's no permissions for execution.

I would suspect just doing a simple chmod +x ags64 would resolve the issue. But I don't know why those are not unix executable like files :

The strange thing also is that, the main "executable" (I suspect) has no permissions to be executed

So then wouldn't be possible to achieve also directly on the view under the Design>Sound then ?

Quote from: Gal Shemesh on Sat 12/08/2023 12:44:03Thanks @Nahuel! That will work. Though this route will require me to make this bool for all frames I want to play audio in when calling to reset the bool, making the code too cumbersome.

Any idea of a way to check whether a specific sound file is actually playing, and to combine this with the frame check to make it play only once, just like checking if the bool is false?

No worries Gal yes you can, but you need to change the approach, you need an AudioChannel

Code: ags
AudioChannel *audio_channel;

function whatever()
  audio_channel = aClip.Play();

  if ( audio_channel != null && aClip.IsPlaying )
    // Do stuff
I would recommend having a boolean to run it one-time-only.

Quote from: Gal Shemesh on Sat 12/08/2023 11:51:03
Code: ags

bool soundedOnce;
function room_RepExec()
  // Reset the state after 1 Frame of the sound
  if ( oEgyptRun1.Frame == 127 || oEgyptRun1.Frame == 150 ) soundedOnce = false;
  if (oEgyptRun1.Frame == 126 && !soundedOnce)
    aGUNSHOT1.Play(eAudioPriorityNormal, eOnce); // first gun shot
    soundedOnce = true;
  else if (oEgyptRun1.Frame == 149 && !soundedOnce)
    aGUNSHOT2.Play(eAudioPriorityNormal, eOnce); // second gun shot
    soundedOnce = true;

With that the only time will sound is with soundedOnce = false;
It would be possible then to create a function for fade in and out adding custom behaviour for something like player.ChangeToRoom(int room_id, int x, int y, ...) with optional x and y. And add a GUI and can be use in conjunction with Tween Module to fade out and fade in but adding on game_start SetScreenTransition(eTransitionInstant)

I've just recently saw something around twitter from @CaptainD @Postmodern Adventures and @Kini Games conversation on twitter status Kini and CaptainD's statustalking about this module

MODULE: Hint Highlighting or github

For the 'H' key you just need to add that on

Which key is bound to overlay displaying. Used only when USE_CUSTOM_HANDLING is set to false.

Maybe it helps.
Hey. Isn't this for the AudioPriority optional arg?

Code: ags
enum AudioPriority {
  eAudioPriorityVeryLow = 1,
  eAudioPriorityLow = 25,
  eAudioPriorityNormal = 50,
  eAudioPriorityHigh = 75,
  eAudioPriorityVeryHigh = 100
I will check with a colleague of my work if he would like to contribute a portrait for thinking and talking.

I will get back with yes or no.  :) 
Are you 100% sure that when you do the action needed, the code is being hit?

I would suggest to add a breakpoint on that line.
Secondly if that line is hit and no sound; Are you sure that the file was correctly imported and it contains the actual sound and it's not empty?

Which AGS version are you working with? Which template?

I'm currently working on some POCs and I'm actually even using Tween Module (awesome) module for FadeOut

Code: ags
    AudioChannel *humming;
    humming = aHumming.Play(eAudioPriorityNormal, eRepeat);

    // [more code]
    humming.TweenFadeOut(1.5, eEaseLinearTween);

EDIT: This works just fine using VerbCoins

AGS Editor .NET (Build
v3.6.0, May 2023

Code: ags
function iCup_Look()
Actually, the name of the file (ScriptName) should be used there. Did you import the audio/sfx file?

Depending on the type, you can import music, ambient or sound.

On your code you need to (normally it adds a.... at the beginning of the file name) so:

Code: ags

and you can give the priority depending on your need.

Hope it helps  :)

EDIT: added image.
Quote from: MIGGO on Mon 24/07/2023 18:28:16Hello @Nahuel! I'm sorry for replying so late. I have absolutely been sleeping on this thread.

As for your problem,
Have you gone shopping yet?

Hey no problem at all  :)
As per you comment:

Yes, but I don't see anything that can be linked  :(

EDIT: Just tried something...
buying LOCKET. To be honest didn't realise that item was something because I cannot "inspect" or "look at"
Quote from: Snarky on Fri 21/07/2023 21:44:18Now can you make it fade?

Tried fading with a timer (not perfect but meh) also the gif is skipping a few frames but...... here's the result:

I will try also tinting and adding a timer for the background when released also...
EDIT: Created an ugly attempt  :undecided:

EDIT 2: adding fade back:

EDIT 3: I'm thinking using

example from the doc

Code: ags
static float TweenEasing.GetAmount(float elapsed, float duration, TweenEasingType easingType)

// ....

float elapsed = 0;
float duration = 100.0;
while (elapsed < duration) {
    gIconbar.Transparency = FloatToInt(TweenEasing.GetAmount(elapsed, duration, eEaseInSineTween), eRoundNearest);
    elapsed += 1.0;
You are totally right @Snarky I was passing the Luminance up to 100


Code: ags
SetAmbientTint(190, 190, 190, 100, 80);

I don't know how to fade it properly I will maybe use a timer and a counter for that. I was trying to get the Tween module to achieve fade, but I need to do it for each object and character unfortunately. There's no TweenAmbientTint equivalent.

I will try a few stuff but surely I will have a few questions.

@Crimson Wizard it worked!

Code: ags
DynamicSprite *RoomBefore;

function room_AfterFadeIn()
  RoomBefore = DynamicSprite.CreateFromBackground();
  RoomBefore.Tint(190, 190, 190, 100, 100);
  DrawingSurface *ds = Room.GetDrawingSurfaceForBackground();
  ds.DrawImage(0, 0, RoomBefore.Graphic);
  SetAmbientTint(190, 190, 190, 100, 100);

I'm only testing the room_AfterFadeIn without going back yet but mainly it's working  :-D

EDIT: Forgot SetAmbientTint
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