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Messages - Nahuel

I was trying to update my profile and I've noticed when adding ' to the text appearing

I'm a... when adding ' it won't allow you to update the profile, and it will show

This is awesome, this is really awesome, excellent job absolutely awesome!
It is also impossible to send messages to those profiles:


You don't have permission to access this resource.
Apache/2.4.57 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 443

When clicking on profiles that contains [ ] white spaces, the url that is generated is returning a 403 Forbidden. I see there's no longer the index.php?action=profile;u={userId}, it has now the user name /forums/profile/{username} instead and when clicked it's returning a 403

Example of users:
  Username (forbidden)
  Userid (good I had it from an old message sent);u=17716

Quote from: Snarky on Tue 28/03/2023 11:17:58In principle yes, @tilapisha, but the problem with 3.6 is that there isn't a pre-compiled shell application available (because 3.6 isn't yet officially released). Edit: Or rather, the problem is that the 3.6 bundle available is older than many games built with 3.6, so they will not work with it. I ended up building it myself from source according to the instructions here. This solution does require you to install XCode, homebrew, and cmake if you don't already have them, which takes several hours and a couple of gigabytes of storage. (And since my Mac is really old and still on MacOS 13.10/High Sierra, I had to delve deep to find an older version of XCode that is compatible.)

I can share my shell app (when I get home, since it's on my private computer); it works fine on my own machine, but I'm not sure how well it would work on other Macs; there might be additional steps required.

That would be really cool, having a starting I think it would be great and help lot of people :smiley:
Quote from: tilapisha on Thu 23/03/2023 16:14:33Hi, does anyone know why my Background 1 (not the main background) is glitching? I have two backgrounds, the first one, and after the character walks through one time, it's supposed to show Background 1. Instead, it glitches and shows this. It worked for one of the rooms, but not for two others. The code is the same. I tried renaming and reuploading the background but it's still glitching. Also, it doesn't glitch when first loaded in, only after I've Run the game.

Hey there, do you have a script with some logic? It would be good to see what are you trying to achieve.

Can you share both room images please?

Another thing is, which version are you using?
Does your room have the Events correctly set?

@FiufiuDuende primero que nada te van a cagar a pedos, porque el foro tiene reglas rules

QuotePost in English. This is one of Pumaman's (Chris Jones) rules, and should be followed here as well. 99% of the AGSers can speak English, so this is the main language of the forums. This is covered in the registration quiz as well.
QuoteDon't YELL! This goes for titles AND messages. Please refrain from using all CAPS and unnecessary colouring or formatting. Yelling will not make us answer your question any faster or any better.

Translation: First of all, they are not going to be happy with your post, because the forum has rules (see link)

Now, second of all, you can create a 2nd game from a template and check the code, there are several templates with savegames that can help you instead of starting from scratch, you can create a game from a basic template such as BASS that recovers a simple interface with 2 click options, and it's very simple to use.

Thirdly, use the code snippet option when posting your code. It will look much better, see below:

Code: ags
function btnConfirmSave_OnClick(GUIControl *control, MouseButton button)
    int totalSaves = lstSaveGames.ItemCount; //number of saves on list
    String saveName = txtSaveName.Text; //holds value of txtSaveName
    //Check for a save name. If none, tell them.  Else, go on.
    if(saveName == "")
      Display("Please enter a name for your saved game.");
    //If there is no saved games yet, just save it.
    if(lstSaveGames.SelectedIndex == -1)
      gSavegame.Visible = false;
      SaveGameSlot(totalSaves+1, saveName);
      int checkSave = 0; //runs through the list and checks for double entries
      while(checkSave != totalSaves)
        if(saveName == lstSaveGames.Items[checkSave]) // one matches, so overwrite it.
          //if so, overwrite the selected save game
          gSavegame.Visible = false;
          SaveGameSlot(savegameindex[checkSave], saveName);
      //if we've made it here, then there is no match; just save to a new slot.
      if(totalSaves < 20)
        gSavegame.Visible = false;
        SaveGameSlot(totalSaves+1, saveName);
        Display("The maximum number of saved games has been reached; overwrite or delete some old ones.");
Same here, I just focused the code under the If, well spotted!  :grin:
Normally you don't need that if statement.
The player said the text (in line 6) and there no need to question if the speech was done (which I don't think it returns anything...)

If you need that for only the first time then you should use DoOnceOnly

Check out

And now you enclose all the things that must happen only once and the the rest in the else.

Code: ags
function hFridge_Look()
cMara.Say("All I know is that there's nothing in it.");
  if ( Game.DoOnceOnly("mara will say not eating anyway") ) 
  cMara.SpeechView = 4;
  cMara.Say("I'm fine not eating anyway.");
  cMara.Say("That's my alarm clock.");
  cMara.ChangeView = 6;
  cMara.Say("Why is it going off at this time?");
  cMara.ChangeView = 2;
  cMara.Say("Gotta turn it off before it annoys the heck out of me.");

Checked the method for Say and does not return anything. So you cannot even do if ( player.Say("ah!") == "ah! ") {}

Code: ags
void Character_Say(CharacterInfo *chaa, const char *text) {
    _DisplaySpeechCore(chaa->index_id, text);

The way of doing this is by using Game.DoOnceOnly("This token string MUST be unique each time otherwise will return false")

I suppose cMara is not the current player @mooneon otherwise you can replace that for player.
Actions this seems to be pretty simple, I would recommend to get the tutorial documentation read Starting Off

Quote[...] You can use the right mouse button with the drawing tools to erase areas in the same way that you use the left button to add them.

You can freehand removing parts and then with fill area tool you right click, and it's gone if there' no connections...
Quote from: Ian Aloser on Sat 14/01/2023 13:24:31I played it to the end, great job, well done. I used a playthrough of the ATARI version :-)
Never would have found the xxx magazines, they were at a different spot in the bedroom

That's a pity  :(
the areas were very much enhanced so everyone can look around and try to find hidden treasures after all, it's a treasure hunting game  :)
but looking at the bright side, now you can maybe have the full score  :grin: !
It's a very funny game and I recommend it to play it to have fun! And of course an AMAZING job from @arj0n artwork and coding exceptional!! ;-D
What are you trying to search for exactly, there' no match for that in the manual, google doesn't find = correct. What's the final outcome on this new thread question?
AGS Games in Production / Re: TUNNEL VISION
Mon 12/12/2022 19:59:47
Looks awesome  :shocked: , great work and very good CGA graphics!! Looking forward to test the game!
Uhmm just throwing a simple idea why not define
In the header

#def ROOM_COORDS 2, 250, 120

And you can pass player.changeRoom(ROOM_COORDS);

For each room definition  you can have the same args
Quote from: MIGGO on Sat 08/10/2022 10:24:17DEMO RELEASED:

Go ahead and download it, yes...  (nod)

Excellent! Good stuff, all the best @MIGGO  :)
Hey @Waffle Logic I'm currently having that same issue, but I was working around some things.

1. Possible solution is a VM (windows o linux) (for Intel)
2. Parallels for M1 (Which works splendid)

The 3rd option is quite straight forward and works very well.

Hope that helps
That is awesome! 👏 I would love to play the demo!  ;-D
All the best to accomplish the game!
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