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Messages - Nikolas

heh... Actually no, it's not too difficult to pull off I think. Just some serious cropping to do at such size images, but none the less doable!

I'm a moron: for some reason I only thought of cropping the images INSIDE Finale, which is moronic. I can do the same thing in gimp or PS or wherever really... Gosh...

Thank you ^_^
Thanks... Downloading pdfxview right now...

But my problem still lies.. I have an image which right now is simply too wide. I need to cut it three ways in order to fit inside premier and the music does NOT allow for such thing to happen. If I shrink it x3 it will also shrink the height, so from 720 (which is the normal height for my videos) it will go down to 250 or so, which is simply too small... :(

The more I think about it, the more I think that I should cut the image three or four times, simply to make the image files managable...

This must be one of the weirdest questions ever, but here goes...

I want to create a video (with premier) that has a scrolling score. The tempo (speed) remains the same, so "all" I have to do is to make a long enough image and arrange for it to move from one side to the other, right? right! (I've done it before and it works fine)...

The problem in this case is that the work in question is HUGE! Like 48 pages of a normal book.

So, while working on Finale (notation software), I managed to make it into one HUGE portrait format page. The size is 2500 cm x 15 cm! ;D

And I've managed to make it into a PDF file fine (after many attempts...). Finale will not export such a large image, and generally speaking such a large image (which is about 90,000 pixels wide x 1181 high! ;D) will create various problems.

So question time:

1. How can I turn this pdf file into an image file (png, tiff, bmp, whatever)? Acrobat pro doesn't like anything above 72 dpi, which turns the image into shite
2. Once this is done (I did make an empty page to try it), how can I import it into premier? Premier doesn't allow such size images into it... :(
3. Other than reducing the size of the image all together, is there another idea perhaps? I can't cut the image in half, or anything, cause it's continuous music and as such I'd like to keep it rolling...


EDIT: Bliah... Premier will accept images of up to 32,768 pixels in any direction. So I need to shrink it thrice for this to work... Oh boy...This is going to be fun...

A couple of questions, mostly gathering opinions I guess:

1. I'm about to send various emails to magazines, etc. I have their emails and phone numbers. Should I call first and then email, or email and then call to check up (after some reasonable time has passed)?

2. This email should be straight forward text? With some html inside (links for example and an image as signature)? A full fledged html mail (with images, links, videos, etc? Like a newsletter type of thing)?

How can I do that? I can't import it to premier to convert it... Any converters in mind, please? And huge thanks mate! Your will to help me out is quite touching (honestly, I mean that)

I'm baffled beyond belief! I have 2 hours of video in avi format (which isn't quite a format, but whatever right now)... The video plays fine on both my computers,in VLC and in chrome (just tried it), but does NOT work in premier, or after effects, or windows movie maker (!!!!). They just grab the audio.

I've uploaded a small file (6 MB more or less) here:

If someone (or more) could download, take a look and tell me what the heck is wrong and how to fix it, I'd appreciate it hugely!

Quote from: dkh on Sat 10/11/2012 10:42:58
Do we have people here at least somewhat experienced in/familiar with composing music for orchestras? If so, let me know please, I have a couple of questions!
Oh come on...

I still frequent this forums, even in silence...

Just PM me with any questions you may have and I'll do my best to reply in a speedy manner! ;)
Well... it appears that he is trying to get us to do his homework, but anyhow... We're kind enough... Go ahead post away!

Now, on my problem.

I'm an idiot. There...

I did a survey a couple of years ago, which can be found here: The survey is alive, so it's still collecting date!

HOWEVER, I'm NOT sure with which account I made it happen, and none of my current accounts has the right file (google docs). I'm wondering if there's a way to see which email I used to create this and then I can recover the password and all that...


I'm looking to start creating newsletter for the publishing house. WEBSITE LINK HERE

Two questions:

1. I'm almost in love with the general graphics of the site and the logo and all. I think the website works great. So it's reasonable to want to use a template that's very close to that, right? Or should I strive away from this aesthetic?

2. After searching for quite some time for a newsletter template, I couldn't find one that fits the bill, nor one that is so customisable that I can input my own images completely. Tried a few sites. How difficult is it for someone to create a mockup of a newsletter in PS (I don't know photoshop, and have rather limited knowledge of gimp) and/or create the first newsletter as some kind of a template that I can edit later on with new text and images? Am I asking too much, or taking the difficult route home?

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Mon 10/09/2012 11:16:52
Ah... missed you chris! Happy birthday mate! All the best!

And happy birthday to me (shame to miss a birthday that's one day earlier than me... :P)
I would have no problem with a normal PDF, but I think that it doesn't support DRM (and I need that currently), so I'm forced to look at other formats, plus I think that amazon itself prefers KF8 over MOBI or EPUB (sadly so)...

Thanks anian for the reply
first of all thanks for the previous replies about video software.

Another question, which perhaps one can reply...

Is anyone experienced with kindle and the format(s) it's using? Anyone knows a lot (or enough) about EPUB or AZW or KF8 or MOBI?

If so let me know and we can take this privately (this is for a commercial project, so I can't say anything else in public, sorry)...
Got my reply from facebook, and I'll research and hopefully update. Any comments are still most welcome:

" Kino, Avidemux, Cinelerra or VirtualDub."

I'm trying really hard to stay 100% legal! In all my music software this is possible, since I'm a pro in music.

But for images and video I don't really want to spend the kind of money that Adobe wants me to (bloody expensive stuff, for someone who is not a pro in that industry).

So... thus far, I've found the following solutions:

Instead of _____________ I'm using : ____________

Word: Open Office (did my PhD Thesis there and by all means it worked! ;D)
Photoshop: GIMP
Corel: Inkscape
Paint: Ultimate Paint (found it from here actually! Looong ago and love it! For small stuff it's awesome)
but I'm really having trouble with
Premier (Adobe) and After Effects: ?!??!!??!?!

So what could I use to create videos that is freeware and/or open source? Blender is for 3d, so I'm not interested in that, as far as I know...

Ideas, please?
Silly question for some but perhaps worth asking it...

my personal website is hosted on for 80$ per year. I've decided that I don't really want to pay that much and offers 5 GBs (and some traffic, which either way has never been an issue) for 15 euros per year (which is a hugely discounted price).

So the question: Can I 'move' my website to another hosting company (it's in flash completely). and if so any ideas on how to go about it?
Say... does anyone know anything about keeping books clean and tidy for a long time?

I'm opening a publishing house, and as such I have many books (around 2000 right now). I have them in my studio, in the first floor, right in front of me on wooden shelves... And most are semi-covered by some plastic cover (in bunches of 10-20).

But I'm worried that they will deteriorate if they remain there for too long... I'm also worried for any kind of insects that might attempt to eat the paper.

Does anyone know how to prevent the above from happening, or if I'm being silly? Google didn't give too much by 'book maintenance'... :(
I'm looking for a visual artist. An animator, a director... someone who would be making films anyhow, or animations, or other with effects or without...

Where would I be looking for such a person? (probably one who would be willing to go about it for very cheap, or free... *ahem*). What forums? What sites? What places? Even here perhaps?
Nope... It was another company... :-/
I'm wondering if any of you know about this...

About 20 (25?) years ago there was a company, which produced AMAZING 'lego-like' games but with robots and stuff... With moving parts, etc. And these robots would transform into something else (a spacecraft, or a car, etc...) But based on the same principal of lego (the brick game)... I think the name was something like 'tedex' or 'tendex' or something like that... Any ideas what it was?

I'm looking to make a website for my wife (an architect). Nothing too fancy in terms of what needs to work and how it needs to work. It's just a few pages about her, the services, contact info, etc...

I do NOT want to pay anyone to do it. She's got a great graphics head (being an architect) and I know how a website should be/look/feel (and prolly get some feedback from here).

What I do not know is HOW to do it. I will not programm html5 or other... no way. I know that some people base their websites into blog creating systems, but can this really work? Can someone link me to some free website creation software? (I have plenty of hosting to go around so I would only need to register the domain name)...

Thank you!
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