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Messages - Ponch

Quote from: LimpingFish on Fri 10/11/2023 01:32:54as a pessimist, I'd expect only bad things if we opened the voting to non-members. :-X
I agree.

For my two cents, I'd hate to lose the ceremony. I look forward to attending it every year. I would also hate to lose "Best Character" because characters are what usually draw me to adventure games. I'd also hate to lose Best Short Game. Those are the games I play most (and the kinds of games I tend to make myself). Commercial games usually carry the day for Best Game, but so long as Best Freeware Game has a category, I'm happy. With the exception of the two AGS Bake Sale games I made, I only make games for free. I also like the MAGGIES having a tiny corner of the ceremony.

Having the ceremony earlier in the year is a good idea, but how short of a window do we want for nominations/voting?
Keys of a Gamespace. A beautifully drawn, darkly themed little nugget of a game that will stick in your mind for a quite a while after you've finished it.
Huzzah! A proper competition!  :cheesy:
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Fri 06/10/2023 19:55:02
 Animal House? :confused:
Stu's call, of course, but I'm for it. I've certainly needed an extension to finish a few of my MAGS games in the past.
Quote from: 4KbShort on Wed 27/09/2023 05:22:43I finished one!

Also, this thread has made me nostalgic for OROW. How long as it been since we had one of those? My most recent MAGS game was a semi sequel to an old OROW game I did years ago.
Quote from: Creamy on Sun 24/09/2023 20:17:41I've started something yesterday. Tapping into my pile of doodles to catch up. Result not guaranteed. An amazing game will be delivered shortly.  :wink:

:cheesy:  You are awesome! I was starting to think this was a terrible theme and I was going to have to leave the forums forever.  :=
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Mon 21/08/2023 23:40:18
Happy birthdays eriOo and OneDollar
General Discussion / Re: RIP Slasher
Sun 20/08/2023 01:31:01
Quote from: Mandle on Tue 15/08/2023 00:03:48the Roger Corman (and sometimes the Ed Wood) of AGS in many ways.
I think Slasher would be very happy with that comparison!  :cheesy:
Thanks for the votes, guys. And thanks, tbook for giving us a competition. Nobody wants to win by default. Your entry had a lot of mood and ambience.  :cheesy:
General Discussion / Re: RIP Slasher
Sat 12/08/2023 22:12:55
RIP, dude.  :sad:
Being old today and playing old people music.  :cool:
Nicely done, tbook. Made it across the finish line just in time.  :cheesy:
The Rumpus Room / Re: Best movie monster?
Sun 30/07/2023 15:43:12
Inhumanoids seems like something I may have heard of, but no real memories of. Spiral Zone, on the other hand, just jarred loose a memory in my mind that I didn't even know I had! Combat unicycles! God, I miss the 80s. Cocaine was in the water supply back then! And what about Turbo Teen? Talk about body horror!  :cheesy:
The Rumpus Room / Re: Best movie monster?
Sun 30/07/2023 02:44:49
Life Force made me the man I am today.  :=
The best part of EverQuest was finding new clothes gear for your dolls characters.  :=
How about Ben Jordan 8? A very satisfying closing act on a long-running AGS franchise. Good graphics, nice backgrounds, engaging puzzles, and solid writing. Overall a very enjoyable game, if a bit short compared to some of the other games in the series. Before Grundislav became the fabulously wealthy game-making powerhouse he is today (if the truth about the rewards of indie gaming is otherwise, i don't want to know it!), take a look at his roots.

FYI, I wanted to nominate Seed by Limpingfish (from OROW, many years ago), but it doesn't seem to have a games page. Then I wanted to nominate RoN: Purity of the Surf, but who knows if it would even run on modern systems.
Thanks, dude! High praise, indeed!  :cheesy:
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