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Messages - Ponch

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Mon 10/08/2015 18:38:04
Happy birthday, AGA!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sat 08/08/2015 23:42:05
Goodness, so many birthdays, all clustered together lately! Happy belated b-day, Myinah.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 07/08/2015 16:44:16
Happy b-day, SpacePirateCaine.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Thu 06/08/2015 16:02:29
Happy b-days, MiteWiseacreLives and Gribbler!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 29/07/2015 00:15:33
Happy b-days to Kastchey, Ilyich, Billbis and WHAM! :cheesy:
Re: Podcast 78 and the scurrilous accusation that cows are not party animals...


Though, for the record, I was home and ready for bed by 10:53 pm. :embarrassed:
Quote from: Grundislav on Sat 25/07/2015 15:25:56
Episode 78

You're welcome, Ponch :=
Excellent! Downloading now! I hope Ben talks about his massive firearms collection again! :cheesy:
Quote from: Grundislav on Tue 14/07/2015 05:56:52
Are you saying I'm not good enough for you, Ponch? :~(
You've never played a Barn Runner game. I think you know the answer. ;)

Also, podcast soon plz kthxbai. (nod)
1)  Browse forums instead of working (it's the American way)
2)  See a new update from Grumpislav in the CupCast thread
3)  Become uncontrollably excited
4)  Run out of the workplace screaming "I have to go home! My cat is on fire!!"
5)  Drive home at top speed, honking horn, swerving wildly, ignoring all stoplights and yield signs.
6)  Slide into driveway, leave the engine running and the door open, no time to waste!
7)  Enter house through broken window (house keys are still dangling in the ignition of the car)
8)  Sprint through house, knocking over furniture and leaving bits of glass from broken kitchen window in my wake.
9)  Fire up computer. Click this thread to download the new CupCast...
10) Horrible, unspeakable disappointment. :cry:
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sat 11/07/2015 02:01:43
Happy b-day, Technocrat! :cool:
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 08/07/2015 04:14:34
Happy b-days to Gurok, Sinsin, Tramponline, and RickJ. :cheesy:
Thanks for the "Fridge Follies" plug, guys! :cheesy:
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 26/06/2015 02:21:11
Happy b-day, Edmundito!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 24/06/2015 22:11:13
Happy belated b-day, Ibispi and a happy one to Tzachs too. :smiley:
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Mon 22/06/2015 21:49:14
Happy chick day, birthy! :cheesy:
True. But this is Grundy we're talking about. Word on the street it that Grumpislav doesn't actually play AGS games. He just pretends to because AGS is what all the cool kids are into these days. :cool:
Quote from: MiteWiseacreLives! on Sun 21/06/2015 18:54:04
Let me definitively settle the debate on the background of Crankosaurus Prime:
One day Ponch, myself, Dr. Wookey and Mandle were sitting in a Texas saloon discussing the development of the game.. it became clear that Crankosaurus needed an underlying theme. Crank's similarities to a bitter crocodile-like game developer is entirely intended, he pursues the Blue Crystals begrudgingly just as a developer makes a game for a paycheck pushing and shoving obstacles rather than creating a clever puzzle-solution. The team unanimously decided Charles Cecil's grumpy ways would be the entire message of the game, we wore large cowboy hats and shot our six shooters into the saloon ceiling.
At last the truth comes out! Finally. I was so tired of living a lie. :=
Thanks for the new episode, guys! :kiss:
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Thu 18/06/2015 01:19:00
Hope you birthday is both fruity and oaty, Disco.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Tue 16/06/2015 15:03:14
Happy b-day, Fitz!
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