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Messages - Ponch

Those are so cool. It makes me nostalgic for the days of old.  :cheesy:
Quote from: Stupot on Mon 03/04/2023 08:18:19I still can't get Darkness and Denim to work with my screen-capture software.
How strange. It was made with the best version of AGS available. Surely the inexorable march of time wouldn't leave me behind.  :shocked:
Voted! I hope I cast a tie-breaking vote somewhere.  :=
Quote from: cat on Fri 24/03/2023 21:02:38How are you getting along with playing the nominated games and voting?
Going as fast as I can. This is taking even longer than playing all the MAGS games did.   :wink:
Thanks, Cat. I would have never discovered that game on my own. What a fun, melancholy experience.
Voted!  :cool:
General Discussion / Re: Welcome back!
Tue 21/02/2023 11:52:46
My favorite corner if the internet has returned!  :cheesy:
Quote from: eri0o on Wed 15/02/2023 17:26:06I like the remains of a more whimsical time, I think software in general used to be more fun, and have more personality, and it's nice to have these bits.

I think if there are new images it will be ok to replace, but not just removing without nothing in place.

I remember a drawing floating on Twitter once that had lots of adventure characters, not sure if solely AGS ones, but perhaps one of those could be used? I also like Babar's idea of an activity to create new artwork.
I second everything in this post. I like the more whimsical aspects of AGS. But that's just me. I'm old.  :P
Working my way through the stack. Do we have a deadline yet?
Quote from: cat on Sat 14/01/2023 19:11:15How's everyone getting along with playing the games?
Slowly working my way through the stack.  :shocked:
Thanks for changing my avatar. To clarify, what I meant when I said that it was the same picture was that I tried to use the same santa pic that I was currently using, just to see what the issue was. But when I tried to update my profile from the santa avatar that I was currently using to the exact same santa avatar, it wouldn't let me change it, even though I was trying to link to the same picture I was currently using. Something changed in the forum behind the scenes from when I switched over to santa in early December to when I tried to change the avatar in January. One of the code tubes must be clogged or something? FYI.

In the meantime, my Santa Cow is retired until next Christmas. Hopefully this will be resolved by than. Thanks for your help.  :smiley:
Quote from: Gilbert on Mon 09/01/2023 10:57:42have you tried changing the file name of the image and see whether it works?
I've tried several different cow avatars. None of them work. They all give the same error. I even tried to use the link for same picture I'm currently using. But I still get the same "HTML tags are not allowed" error.  :shocked:
My current avatar:
Code: ags

The avatar i want to use:
Code: ags

I can't see what's causing the issue.  :confused:
I changed my avatar to my santa cow for the holidays with no problem. Now that I'm trying to change it back to my regular cow, I'm suddenly getting the message "HTML tags are not allowed." Literally the only thing I'm changing about the link for the image is the name of the file. Every other part of the url is the same.

Anyone know what might be going on?
Playing now. Voting soon.  :cheesy:

UPDATE: Voted!

Fun games. I enjoyed them both.  :)
Quote from: lapsking on Thu 29/12/2022 04:13:32Yes... you might also want to use Fahrenheit [!]
Yes! Absolutely! Embrace Fahrenheit! And pints! Be sure to measure all the available inventory space in pints!  :=
Quote from: Matti on Wed 28/12/2022 22:31:24I'm just glad to see you survived the -40° Celsius you had in that crazy winter storm!
It was horrendous! Ice!* Snow!* Failures of the electrical grid! Cold lasagna for Christmas dinner! It's a wonder I survived it! The wind was howling at 10,000 decimeters per kilo-hour and the temperature was easily 20 degrees below absolute zero!** The only thing that kept me going was my trusty electric torch and my rugged American indifference to that World Cup thing that they were talking about on the Mexican radio station.

I hope you're thankful to be in the tropical paradise of Berlin, where the warm trade winds blow!***

* Small, but scientifically detectable trace amounts of each! It was ghastly! :shocked: *
** Conversions to the metric system are approximate but probably reliable.
*** Geographic knowledge also approximated.
Quote from: Frodo on Wed 28/12/2022 20:36:26A lightbulb is not called a flashlightbulb, even though the light you see when turned on is immediate.  :tongue:
You lost, Frodo. Now start using the words "soccer" and "gasoline." Abandon the metric system! Embrace Fahrenheit! Yee haw!

Also, flashlights used to have a button that allowed you to blink or flash them, for signaling others in code.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Merry Christmas ^^
Tue 27/12/2022 03:37:57
Hope everyone had a merry Christmas  :cheesy:
Sweet! And there's still a few days left. More entries, please!  (nod)
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