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Messages - Ponch

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 27/07/2012 16:28:59
Happy birthdays, Ilyich and Calin.
Quote from: Ascovel on Fri 27/07/2012 14:26:20
I'm just saying "no" to someone replacing Ben in this particular podcast, even temporarily.

That's cool. But does anyone know how long this drought will last? Really, Ben! I didn't expect such shocking behavior from you. Working hard to pay the bills, keep a roof over your head, and put food on the table? Instead of making a free podcast?! What a questionable decision! I just don't get you kids today at all!  (wrong)  ;)
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Fri 27/07/2012 16:10:36
Space Jam? All the drugs on display might explain why the movie was ever made.  :=
Quote from: Ascovel on Thu 26/07/2012 23:26:54
I want Ben304 hosting or no one at all!

Not even Grundy?!?  8-0

And for the record, my dog has already heard all my theories about drawing chicks. He would find me dull and uninspired as a guest host.

I guess the only solution is to wait for Ben304 to return to his senses and start taking Saturdays off again.  8-)
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Thu 26/07/2012 07:52:15
Quote from: Armageddon on Thu 26/07/2012 06:54:14
I'm just going to submit this whole page as my guess.

Clever!  :=
If Ben is working on the weekends for a while, why not have a guest host for the podcast? I nominate Dualnames or SSH. I NEED to hear a hillbilly accent coming out of a Greek or Scottish mouth. Or have VinceXII sit in again. Or maybe Ron Dave Gilbert or Snake or Steve McCrea -- one of the ancient, old school AGSers who can regale us youngins with rambling tales about the good old days, back when all we had was each other, CJ, and EZBoard! Snake could tell us all about Leitor's Edge! Dave could tell us about Purity of the Surf II. ProgZmax could tell us why we should vote for Ron Paul. The possibilities are endless!

Ben's addiction to working outdoors and being healthy shouldn't hinder my addiction to hiding indoors where Ryan Timothy can't find me and listening to podcasts! My dog and I don't get along as well as we did before when we go out walking. I think the Two Tools, One Cup podcast may be all that's keeping us from drifting apart entirely! I need Spaceman (In Space) and my dog needs DeliverRants!! Help, Grundy! :embarrassed:
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Thu 26/07/2012 02:59:05
Hmmm. A lot of cigarette butts. An apple core. A razor. A drawer full of pills and other drugs. And a hand searching for something that isn't there...

Is it Ben Chandler: Paranormal Investigator: In Search Of The Sweets Tin II: Minge Patterson's Revenge: The Movie?
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 25/07/2012 02:57:51
Can't be bothered to count them all but... Ninety-Nine Luft Balloons?
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Tue 24/07/2012 16:10:03
Damn, Snarky. This is a tough one.

Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore?
Quote from: ThreeOhFour on Tue 24/07/2012 13:56:33
I'm currently having to work weekends

Ah, "having to work weekends." I got ya. No need to explain. I've used that excuse myself from time to time. (I hope your latest bout of herpes Bunyip Flu clears up soon).  :cool:
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sun 22/07/2012 06:04:08
Blade Runner?
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sun 22/07/2012 03:52:27
Quote from: Cogliostro on Sun 22/07/2012 03:25:20
it's Heavy Traffic, isn't it?

Damn right, baby! Heavy Traffic it is! One of my all time favorite movies and a damn good soundtrack to boot.  :cheesy:

Your turn, sir.
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sun 22/07/2012 01:16:46
Quote from: Armageddon on Sun 22/07/2012 00:46:28
The movie that inspired all Ponch games?

Very, very close. But it's not Cool World. This movie (and a few others by the same guy) did inform my art style and my love of silly, sexy stories.  :=
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sun 22/07/2012 00:40:35
Quote from: Stupot+ on Sat 21/07/2012 23:57:10
It was indeed Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure

Excellent! (Air Guitar!)

Here's my new movie clue:
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sat 21/07/2012 20:31:33
Bill and Ted?
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sat 21/07/2012 15:50:24
Is it Weird Stupot+?  :cheesy:

Stupot is next!
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sat 21/07/2012 01:50:34
Falcon and the Snowman?
Quote from: Ascovel on Fri 20/07/2012 20:26:57
Ponch is male!?  :shocked:

Damn right I am, baby. Just because I'm a cow doesn't mean I'm some sort of girly cow.  :=
Of course it's normal! Why, if all four of my nipples didn't produce milk constantly, then how would I eat my Rice Krispies* every morning? Dry? I think not, sir!

Also, hooray for a new podcast! I was just about to take the dog out for a walk. Looks like he's in luck tonight as I won't have to again regale him with my own retelling of your previous podcasts. (He much prefers the original Spaceman (In Space) to my poor version -- I think my Spaceman sounds a bit too knowing to his finely tuned ears. Winking at the audience, if you will. My dog does not care for even subtle camp in his dramatic readings).

- Ponch

* Ben tells me that Down Under they're called Rice Bubbles. Damn, Australia is a strange place.
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Thu 19/07/2012 07:58:10
I have no idea what this movie is. But the more screenshots you post, the less I want to see it.

1) Lots of ladies in swimwear   ;-D
2) Goth chick with too much makeup   :-\
3) Oh my God, what the hell is that?!   8-0

I hope someone guesses this movie before AnasAbdin has to post the "babies being fed into the wood chipper" shot that is no doubt next in line.  (wrong)
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