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Messages - Postmodern Adventures

I have to agree with @Stupot. The ceremony of the last year was a bit too late. I suppose there would be more than one reason for that but doing it in January/February it's a reasonable date since the euphoria of devs and the public is at its highest around these months.

I have one suggestion is that the award team take a sabbatical year (they've earned it!) and simply make a thread in the forum with the list of winners. We will miss the ceremony but the final  purpose of it is to announce the winners.

That's what I was writing. Those numbers probably don't mean anything.I mean, there are probably fewer games than in the past decade. But the number of high-quality games has increased in recent years. There are even free games made in AGS that rival in quality those made in other engines. I look at you, Shards Of God!

Oh come on, community! We can't let the AGS awards cease to exist! Personally, for me the ceremony is more attractive and fun than the Oscars themselves!  :-D And this year, the proliferation of titles in AGS has been great and has produced great games that I would like to see win several awards.

I have always admired the work of the team in charge of the ceremony and I know how much work that takes. It would be sad not to walk the red carpet again with the avatar we have chosen and be able to press the applause button for the winners. But I think a video introducing the nominees and choosing the winners could be a possibility (like the Agoty Awards, per example) and would take less work than organizing the traditional ceremony.

@newwaveburritos I appreciate that you liked it!

@AndreasBlack Yes, I wrote "hour" without an H. I don't I don't know what I was thinking! It's fixed now. Thanks!
There are no plans to add voices with or without IA. Maybe one day!
The Demo of An English Haunting is out now! Enjoy it!
5 Days a Stranger too. But never played the rest of the series. I also remember the first Ben Jordan, the freeware version of The Shivah, Apprentice and The Adventures of Fatman.
Completed Game Announcements / Re: D-List Diva
Sun 15/10/2023 21:38:54
The AGS games in this $107 Adventure Game Challenge are in a high level. Just played D-List Diva and what a good time I had! Puzzles, visuals and music are wonderful.I missed playing an adventure game with concise dialogue that focuses in a continuous puzzle solving and D-List Diva has given me that.

Played it yesterday and I loved it. Loved the graphics, the music, the plot, the worldbuilding... everything! And what I liked the most is that you handle yourself very well with a tone that is far from your best-known works. I'd like to see more things like this from you.
Good news!There will be a demo this Halloween!

These screenshots belong to the third act of the game. A folk horror loosely based on "The Black Stone" by Robert E. Howard.
And the following to the fourth act where we can control Arthur Conan Doyle himself.

Quote from: SarahLiz on Mon 10/07/2023 17:40:19You better believe I just wishlisted this.   (nod)   Will there be a demo, by any chance? 

Updated the game with trailer and Steam Page!

Here's some new screenshots:

Quote from: Amir on Thu 01/06/2023 19:18:28Will someone upload it to youtube?

Yes, Amir! Rojo Aventuras uploaded it three days ago:

And what a ceremony! I loved the new improvements of the client (those zooms!) and thanks to all the team of the Awards for the hard work of every year! It was fun as always.

I went to the Awards very relaxed this year. I didn't think I would get an AGS Award but... wow!!
I would like to congratulate all the nominees and winners but I think the real winner of that night was this community. You are all amazing! 

Quote from: Kastchey on Sat 27/05/2023 05:39:18Additionally, we are looking for a streamer and someone to record the ceremony.

Thank you!

I know that Rojo Aventuras will broadcast and comment the AGS Awards tonight. In Spanish.
Congratulations to all the nominees!
What a bunch of amazing titles! The ceremony of this year will be interesting and exciting!
Quote from: Jabbage on Sat 21/01/2023 21:38:58Wow, this is absolutely gorgeous and so relevant to my interests  :-D  (Is that a certain Mr Doyle I see?)

Yes! And a playable character too!

A fascinanting journey through the London of 1907 in search for supernatural activity.
A point 'n click adventure with seances, phantasmagories, experimental devices to capture ghosts and haunted houses!


- 320x180 graphics.
- Game solely based on inventory and dialogue puzzles.
- Single click interface.
- Take a break during the gameplay and visit a theater to watch a silent movie or read horror stories in Rowan's Rare Books.
- From the author of Urban Witch Story, Billy Masters Was Right and Nightmare Frames.

Overall progress: 55%

For your consideration:


by Postmodern Adventures

nf1" border="0

nf3" border="0

nf2" border="0
nf5" border="0

Nightmare Frames is a supernatural thriller where you'll step into the shoes of Alan Goldberg, in the search for the scariest horror film of all time. An enthralling journey through the streets of the Hollywood of the 80s, a small haunted town, and even Hell itself.

Please consider for:

  • Best Game Created with AGS
  • Best Writing
  • Best Character (Alan Goldberg or Rick Bowman)
  • Best Puzzles
  • Best Background Art
  • Best Character Art
  • Best Animation
  • Best Music and Sound
  • Best Programming
  • Best Gameplay
AGS Games in Production / Re: The Witch House
Fri 30/04/2021 11:12:50
I've been waiting for this game sincer your first post (2017 wow!). I'm curious about the mechanics and I'm in love with the visuals. Good luck and best wishes for the final stretch of the development!
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